Huo Yizhen also sighs when he hears Qi Enron's words: "a rich family, for the sake of its inherent interests, is it rare for brother Yan Qiang?"

"Hao Chen always likes to say how hypocritical the people of Qi family are before. If you think about it carefully, it's not unreasonable. On the surface, this family is harmonious. In fact, on the surface, everyone's mind is not pure. It's really ironic that one of them who is calculating his own little 99 will die in his own hands if he doesn't pay attention to it and doesn't die in others' hands. "

Qi Enron thought deeply, bowed his head and said nothing more.

At this time, Mr. Jia, who flew to s city on the day when he "ran into" Qi Enron at the gate of the kindergarten, finally showed up at the gate of the dilapidated community of Qi family's drama group on time the next night.

It's dinner time for the whole family. Zheng Xiuying comes out of the kitchen with a few dishes of vegetables that have lost their true colors and asks Qi Wanshan to come for dinner.

When Qi Wanshan heard the cry, he turned off the news on the TV and went to the dinner table.

As soon as I saw the food on the table, my face sank. I was discontented and said, "how are these dishes? Eat every day, eat every day, I almost eat and vomit. "

When Zheng Xiuying heard Qi Wanshan's words, her face was a little ugly. She took off her apron and smashed it on the table: "do you have the face to ask me? It's not that you're useless. A big man can't even find a decent job. With a little money in a month, what good food can he eat? It's good to have something to eat. I'm picky. I can't stop you! "

When Qi Wanshan heard her words, he became angry: "what's the matter with the little money I make every month? You're a stupid woman who lives at home waiting for me to raise. How dare you think I'm making less money? Since you think I'm making less money, won't you go out to work? People who watch TV at home all day and don't do anything are rationed. I'm useless. "

"What do you mean I won't go out to work myself? If I go out to work, who will cook for you and Jiayou? You're a big man who can't even raise his wife and children, and dare to shout at me. Do you want a face? "

"I'm shameless? Oh, you cook for me and Jiayou? Is this what you cook? The dishes are burnt. Can you eat them? " Qi Wanshan pointed to the food that could not be seen clearly at the table, and said, "since you have said that, why don't you go out to work with me? Your work money is responsible for other daily needs, and my money will be used to hire an aunt to clean up the house, wash clothes and cook for us. Isn't that the solution to everything? Dare you go out to work? Dare you? Don't dare to shut up for me, an old woman who depends on me, how can she get so many opinions? "

"You Zheng Xiuying a face rose red to the extreme, pointing to Qi Wanshan almost did not cry on the spot.

Such scenes have happened almost every day in the past year.

Since the court ruled and enforced that Qi family should return Qi Enron's mother's legacy to her, and return Qi Enron's mother's necessary alimony and living expenses to her.

In addition, there is also a series of messy compensation, which all of a sudden hollowed out the wealth accumulated by the Qi family over the years.

What's more, because of Qi Enron's business, those customers who had cooperated with their company turned their faces one by one and refused to recognize others. The divestment of the divestment, the bite of the bite.

The company soon went bankrupt, and the Qi Wanshan family even took on a large amount of debt.