"Well, forty years ago, the imperial court was rich and powerful, and it was not inferior to the Federation in military aspect. In addition, there was a marshal Ryan in the imperial court at that time."

"Marshal lane?" Qi Enron Leng for a moment, inexplicably feel that the name seems to be some familiar.

"Marshal Ryan is the father of the former queen. The Ryan family has been in the army for generations. Several of his brothers hold important positions in the army. He also has a son who is also very talented in military affairs. Unfortunately, as soon as marshal Lane died and the former queen died, the king could not wait to send all the people to the frontier. Now, the reason why the imperial court is in turmoil is that marshal Lane's son, Princess Enya's nominal uncle, has returned. "

Qi Enron could not help frowning: "you mean that the federal government was afraid of Marshal lane to do such a desperate thing."

"Well, the old Baron was very angry when he heard about it. He went to the palace several times hoping that the king could use it to suppress the Federation. Even if he didn't really fight, he had to give the other side a warning so that they wouldn't feel that the emperor was bullying."

"The king... Agreed?"

Huo Yizhen shook his head: "as I said just now, the king of the imperial dynasty was weak and indulged in pleasure. Now, not to mention that he just ascended the throne. He refused the old Duke's request, and even felt upset after the old prince repeatedly went to admonish him. In turn, he punished him for the crime of provocation, and forbidden him to go in and out of the palace he lived in

Qi Enron's face was a little heavy. The old Baron was very sad and angry because he had lost his beloved daughter. As a result, the new monarch stabbed him at this point. How could it not be chilling?

"It was a joke at that time. When the Federation heard about it, it also sneered at the weak new king of the imperial dynasty. But I was afraid of Marshal lane, and then I was silent for a while. When Marshal Lane died and the king drove all the members of the lane family to the remote place, the Federation was ready to move again. Over the years, the Federation has tried the imperial court for many times, and the king of the imperial court just didn't see it and continued to live his free life. I think it will be sooner or later for the Federation to attack the emperor if it goes on like this. "

"... did the king of this dynasty get his head pinched by the door?"

Now that you have no ability, why don't you be a puppet king and enjoy your rich life? Do you want to die by yourself, offend the aristocratic family, and then move the military and political family? Do you think your life is too long, and want to lead the whole country to die with him?

It's a miracle that there is such a monarch whose kingdom has not been destroyed.

Qi An'an pondered for a moment, and then said, "wait a minute. You said that the internal strife of the imperial court was due to Princess Enya's uncle's return to the imperial capital. That stupid king sent Princess Enya to... For marriage?"

Qi ran really felt unable to make complaints about the king. Was the king really the leader of the Royal School of quality education? How on earth does this brain grow?

The descendants of the Ryan family returned to the imperial capital after several years, and they must have come for revenge.

In this case, the only link between the royal family and the Ryan family is Princess Enya.

If he is smart, he can hold Princess Enya and use her to resolve the crisis. But now he has sent his only hope out of the country!

Should she sigh that Princess Keya is worthy of being born to the king? Father and daughter are really the same arrogant, the same stupid!