Sometimes, the temporary concession is just to retreat when necessary, so as to achieve their own goals more easily.

On that day, if Huo Yizhen would tear his face with chief Jiang on the spot, chief Jiang's anger would be directed at him.

Now, although part of the anger is directed at him, more is directed at Nie Hongshen and Nie's family.

As the two families go to make trouble, he just needs to go to the theatre.

Qi Enron certainly knew that Huo Yizhen must have real talent and learning to sit in this position today, but he rarely showed these things in front of himself.

Qi Enron usually likes to say that he is stupid, but how can he think so in his heart? Otherwise, wouldn't she be more stupid if she married a fool?

In front of his brothers, he is a victorious general and the backbone of everyone. He bears more responsibility than anyone else.

But in front of her, Huo Yizhen is an ordinary man, like to play rogue, coquetry, like to pester himself greasy crooked.

Compared with the serious one, Qi Enron actually preferred the unrestrained one in front of him.

He stretched out his hand to knock Huo Yizhen's hand down his nose. Qi Enron hummed coldly: "forget it. I don't care about them. Anyway, I'm relieved to know that they are not doing well. I'll go out for dinner with my two roommates later. You should supervise Yang Yang to do his homework. I'll talk about the rest when I get back. I'll go and get back as early as possible. "

"Dinner with your two roommates?"

"Yes, I don't live in the dormitory any more, but it's OK to go back for dinner once in a while."

As soon as Qi Enron's voice fell, he heard Huo Yizhen ask some wronged questions: "then why don't you take me?"

Qi Enron was stunned. He took a deep look at his man and said seriously, "when I get familiar with them, I'll take you to see them."

"... why wait until you get to know them before you take me to see them? You don't trust them? "

"No, I'm just afraid you'll scare them."

Huo Yizhen: "is he so scary?

Qi Enron met Huo Yizhen's sad eyes and rolled his eyes helplessly: "did you forget how excited and crazy those young people were when you were the instructor of the university. What's more, your diehard brains have always wanted to see me and beat me. I don't want to have a good meal with my friends. Suddenly, a man rushed over from the side and lifted the food off our whole table. "

Huo Yizhen choked. He never thought that although he was a public figure, he was not a star in the entertainment industry. There were many extreme fans like the brain powder in the entertainment industry.

These people dream of becoming his general's wife one day, so the woman who "robbed" their male god, Qi Enron, is deeply disgusted.

In particular, the only time Qi Enron appeared on camera was when she participated in the ribbon cutting at the central square in s city. At that time, her image inevitably became a big reason for these brain powder to attack her.

Most of these paranoid fans think that Qi Enron is not worthy of Huo Yizhen in terms of appearance, family background and knowledge.

To be with Huo Yizhen is a blessing to her parents who have already passed away. If she has some self-knowledge, she should take the initiative to leave Huo Yizhen. Don't delay him. Otherwise, they will beat her once they see her and kill her!