Xi Muyu leaned on the sofa with a smile: "it depends on what you mean. I heard from Jin Heng that they planned to make and sell their own products, but if so, I'm afraid they would need a certain amount of materials and a large number of assembly workers. The manpower, material and financial resources required to complete these things are very large. Are you sure you can handle them? "

Qi Enron only pondered for a moment and then guessed what Xi Muyu wanted to do. He said, "what Mr. Xi means is... Do you want a share in the production?"

"Don't be so ugly. I just think that if we want to cooperate, we should cooperate more thoroughly. As long as you are willing to give enough profit, I can help you do many things that are inconvenient for you. "

Qi Enron smell speech subconsciously looked at Huo Yizhen one eye, ask his opinion.

Huo Yizhen pondered for a moment and pointed out the most crucial point: "well, how is Mr. Xi going to share the profits with us?"

"General Huo, this is really to the point. We are all friends, and I won't beat around the bush with you. I can provide you with materials and people, and the follow-up publicity of things can also be given to me. If you want to get these things, they say that the price you have to pay is 30% of the future profits. "

"Thirty percent?" Huo Yizhen almost couldn't help laughing. He looked at Xi Muyu with a sharp look in his eyes. "Doesn't Mr. Xi feel that his request is too much?"

"Too much? After all, I still need to rely on later stage publicity, and we are not totally devoid of efforts. As I said, I will help with materials and people. "

"But my daughter-in-law is the main contributor. Without her, all of this could not be realized. Mr. Xi should know more about the value of invention patents than I do. What's more, you will help me with the materials and people. Can't I give them to you? It's the end of our duty to give you 10%

The expression on Xi Muyu's face was slightly stiff: "is 10% too little? Major general Huo, I am a businessman after all. You can't let me do business at a loss! "

"That's one and a half."

Xi Mu Yu gritted his teeth: "20 percent."

"Ten percent."

Xi Muyu choked, tried to maintain the smile on his face, and said: "major general Huo, you see, my brother works under you too. For his sake, what I have given two people has been regarded as the utmost kindness. You can't make me pay and work hard, but I can't get anything in the end, can you? There are very few of them

Huo Yizhen lifted his eyelids and said: "look at Jin Heng's face, one and a half."

Xi Muyu

Two people begin to fight with eyes, no one let who, in the invisible you come and I go, good!

Qi Enron: "are these two bargaining? The bargaining between men is totally different from that of women!

After looking at Huo Yizhen for a while, Xi Muyu realized that it was hard to chew it down, so he had to save the country and turned his eyes to Qi Enron.

"What does Miss Qi mean? After all, you are the inventor of this thing. As major general Huo just said, you are the one who should take the lead. "

Qi Enron didn't expect that Xi Muyu would suddenly lead the topic to him. He turned to look at Huo Yizhen and said with a smile, "I listen to our family."

Huo Yizhen's eyes are slightly bright, and he smiles back.

Xi Muyu: "what's wrong with the feeling of being caught off guard and being flashed?