When anyao's figure completely disappeared from the end of the corridor, Qi Enron finally felt a little relieved, reached out and patted 001's round head and said, "OK, don't be depressed. What are the names of the men who lift girls' skirts? "

Qi Enron is the owner of 001. What she says is an order to 001.

Its two black eyes twinkled a few times and murmured in a low voice: "001 didn't lift the beautiful sister's skirt."

"You didn't lift it, but you blew it." Qi Enron knocked 001's head again and forced him to ask, "what are those men who lift girls' skirts called?"

001 this just reluctantly replied: "sex wolf."

"So, now in the eyes of my beautiful sister, you are a sex wolf. It's the end of her duty not to beat you. Do you still want others to take you home? "

001 was beaten so hard by his master that he began to howl at the top of his voice: "001 is not a sex wolf, it is not..."

"Shut up 001 just about to start howling, Huo Yizhen is very prescient to yell a, successfully will it not export ghost roar ghost call to Shengsheng card in the running program.

Huo Yizhen stepped forward, pulled Qi Enron to his side, glanced at it faintly, and decided to end the farce completely. He turned to Xi Jinheng and said, "it's up to you. Send it back in three days. You can handle it for three days."

Xi Jinheng's eyes are slightly bright, and he comes to 001 with a smile and begins to abduct it.

Su HaoChen and others can't restrain their curiosity about the little things. They follow them closely, and they are very interested in 001. They are patting it and coaxing it to help them cool down.

001 is the first time that so many people have "insulted" him and screamed across the sky.

It's a pity that its two owners left as soon as it was surrounded. They could only hear its scream from a distance and didn't mean to go back to rescue it at all.

Huo Yizhen pulls Qi Enron all the way into his office. As soon as he enters, he presses Qi Enron behind the door and kisses him.

Qi Enron didn't prevent him from kissing so suddenly. His eyes widened because of surprise. He subconsciously wanted to resist, but he couldn't resist someone's hegemony and gradually gave up resistance.

After a few minutes of such shameless kissing, Qi Enron finally had some difficulty breathing. He reached out to hammer Huo Yizhen and asked him to let go of himself.

Huo Yizhen reluctantly released Qi Enron's lips, looked down at Qi Enron's gasping, and her eyes became more and more deep.

"What's the matter with you all of a sudden? This is the office As soon as Qi Enron had a rest, he couldn't help looking at Huo Yizhen.

With her face has not yet faded red, but it is not fierce, but some like coquetry.

"This is my office. No one will come in without my permission."


As soon as Huo Yizhen finished speaking, she received a sneer from her daughter-in-law. She suddenly remembered that last time they seemed to be alone in this office, and then Su HaoChen burst in

I couldn't help floating on my face. I was embarrassed, but I was soon pressed down. I said with profound meaning, "you were empty, lonely and cold during my absence."

Qi Enron: "go to your emptiness, loneliness and coldness. It seems that she is special!