That woman sued Huo Yizhen for intentional injury. According to the business attitude, Huo Yizhen really has to bear the charge.

In other words, Huo also has to pay for her medical expenses and so-called mental loss.

As soon as the news came out, it caused an uproar, and the people who supported Huo Yizhen and the army became more and more indignant.

Many soldiers with relatively low determination also began to stir up. Among these people, some liked and worshipped Huo Yizhen, while others were jealous of Huo Yizhen and did not like him.

Even so, when their own rights and interests are violated, they still choose to stand in their favor.

In their opinion, this news is tantamount to conniving people like that woman to trample on and insult them and their families. How can they not feel cold?

Once such a precedent is set, what else do they have in mind to defend their country? How do they choose to be loyal to a country that tramples on their dignity?

The military riot is not for fun!

Fortunately, not long after that, several military leaders personally made a statement on this matter.

It claims that it has submitted a statement to the upper authorities demanding that this matter be seriously dealt with. It will certainly give everyone a satisfactory reply. I hope you can calm down and wait for the follow-up.

Several people's statements have stabilized the morale of the army, but many people are still quite dissatisfied with this.

The president's office and the parliament did not expect that things would be so big. Some people who had planned to stir up the muddy water also stopped thinking.

You should know that although they are powerful in brainwashing, they are really good at being a scholar and a soldier. It's hard to say why, let alone why they don't care!

It is rare for the three major regimes to hold an emergency video conference for such a "trivial matter" and work out a solution.

Officially eliminate the imperial citizenship of the woman's family, exile to the edge to help the Empire mining.

Doesn't that woman like to take advantage of other people's position and in turn ridicule those who give her these advantages?

Then they will take back all the rights that the empire can give her, and let her learn how to be an individual first.

Look down on the soldiers who protect her? Then we need to protect her and let the family live and die on their own.

As for her relatives, I'll take care of them all.

Although they are a little innocent, sometimes connivance is also a mistake.

If they had not given the illusion that no matter what happened to the woman's family, they would be covered with them, how could the woman be so arrogant?

Fundamentally speaking, they are not so innocent. They make the wrong choice and make the wrong judgment. They always have to pay some price.

The only difference is whether the cost is large or small, and whether they can afford it.

This plan was finally released by President Bai himself. At the same time, he also paid special attention to the soldiers with children. He said that this is the lack of national system, which makes some people take the benefits of certain groups for granted. He is ungrateful and greedy.

For this reason, from now on, this series of benefits will only be distributed to the immediate family members of the soldiers, and those distant relatives who can't make a living will not join in the fun.