"Yes." Qi Enron knew that this person wanted to use this problem as a breakthrough to test her details.

His eyes flashed slightly, and he stepped forward to remove the small piece of iron from the chest of the small robot, revealing the still running internal chip.

"In a small area here, I installed an emotion simulation database for it. This database contains many authoritative psychoanalysis that have been verified by authoritative psychologists, and it also comes with real-time update settings to ensure that the data will not be out of date. In addition, the key is the robot's eyes. Don't underestimate the pair of eyes. They use the principle of pinhole imaging. "

Qi Enron said, pointing to the two black glass beads: "they process and analyze the master's posture and movements, and even the operation of all aspects of the body's functions, and then pour them into the database as data, and then make a comparative analysis to draw a conclusion. Then from this conclusion, we can analyze what we should do to help or comfort our masters. "

Mu Hanlin listened to Qi Enron's explanation, and his face became more and more serious.

When Qi Enron finished his words, he asked in a deep voice: "it's not easy to make such a database, but also to ensure that it is perfectly compatible with other functions and runs barrier free. I heard from old man sang that it took you only half a month to complete the assembly. "

Such a huge database, let alone half a month, half a year's work is not easy to get out, which is also the main reason why Mu Hanlin was suspicious at first.

This robot looks small and chic, and its workmanship is a little bit rough, but its flaws can not hide its merits. It is very practical and difficult to make.

In Mu Hanlin's cognition, the person who can make such a finished product is bound to have a very strong knowledge storage, which also determines that it should be made by an elderly elder, rather than a young girl.

But now, Qi Enron's appearance obviously broke his this layer of cognition.

"Yes, half a month. However, I had this idea a long time ago, and from then on, I gradually began to conceive the way to realize it, so it should also be regarded as the accumulation of experience. "

Qi Enron's words are of course false. This idea, this achievement, was actually realized after several years of hard work in her previous life.

But who would believe that this kind of thing can be said? The only thing that can be done is to introduce the topic to her talent as much as possible. It's really her own research that controls these things. It's not like stealing other people's research results.

Mu Hanlin couldn't help laughing when he heard Qi Enron's words: "hahaha, what's the matter? How old are you now, and how old were you a few years ago

"Why not?" Qi Enron met Mu Hanlin's eyes and said, "master, don't look down on children. Children's ideas are the most fanciful. On the contrary, they are adults. The older they grow up, the more they are surrounded by the so-called rules and regulations, and their thinking is stereotyped. On the contrary, it's not so easy for them to produce these fantastic ideas that can't be realized in the eyes of adults. "

"Unfortunately, most of the children have ideas, but they may not have the ability to realize them. Unfortunately, I happen to be the one who can realize these ideas, that's all."