After passing a video with Huo Yizhen, there was no news for several days.

Qi Enron was worried, but he had no choice but to pay close attention to all kinds of reports coming back from the front line.

During this time, Qi Enron finally assembled the experimental products that he had spent quite a long time researching.

That evening, Qi Enron's bedroom suddenly heard a long lost sound of instrument operation.

On the floor beside her bed, two eyes on her round head suddenly lit up, which looked like a ball and was almost to her knee.

At the same time, the mechanical sound came out: "robot 001 will serve you wholeheartedly. Please input your fingerprint and iris to officially start 001 system, and make sure that after the system starts, the owner will be the first person 001 sees."

This is the double barrier Qi Enron set when designing the robot. When the robot starts for the first time, it needs to input the iris and fingerprint of the owner as the first condition to start its internal system.

Then, after the system starts, it will scan your facial features, bind them, and thoroughly confirm your identity.

This setting is similar to the chick plot of small animals, because this robot was originally designed as a child robot.

After Qi Enron input his fingerprint and iris according to the prompt, the two eyes on the robot's round head flickered twice again, scanned Qi Enron's face for a long time, and finally stopped.

Immediately before the mechanical sound was replaced by the adorable baby voice: "Hello, master, I can be salt and sweet, can roll, sell Meng, get the hall, the kitchen robot 001, please give me more advice."

Qi Enron frowned. When she set 001, she did not specially set its basic character. She imported almost all human emotion databases into it, so now she is not particularly sure what character this little robot is.

First observe and then debug. Qi Enron touched 001's round head and thought to himself.

"Come on, I'll take you out for a walk."

001 obediently stretched out his manipulator from his round body, like ordinary children, asking adults to lead them.

Qi Enron was stunned for a moment, but he still grasped the familiar and strange manipulator and took 001 downstairs.

"Young lady, you come down..." Uncle Zhong was the first to find Qi Enron, and he wanted to say hello to her with a smile.

But after seeing Qi Enron's little robot, he was surprised to open his eyes, and the greeting to his mouth stopped abruptly.

Mr. Huo is sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. When he hears uncle Zhong's greeting, he subconsciously turns his head and looks around. After seeing the robot Qi Enron has brought down, he unconsciously helps his presbyopia glasses to make sure he doesn't have hallucinations.

It seems that the small robot just started is not particularly adapted to its current state. When it is on the flat ground, its two short legs have wheels down, and it moves forward relying on these two wheels.

But similar to the case of down stairs, the wheel is obviously not applicable, so before going down the stairs, its automatic conversion program will put the wheel away.

This will be more deep one foot shallow one foot to follow Qi Enron down, looks like a toddler of four or five years old children, the downstairs two spectators to see confused!