The day after Qi Enron and rangani talked on the phone, they were not surprised to receive a call from lawyer Xu, who was fully responsible for Qi Enron's lawsuit.

In the phone, lawyer Xu first explained the verdict to Qi Enron, and the specific content was similar to that disclosed to her by rangani.

On the other side of the court, when the human and material evidence was conclusive, Qi Enron was simply judged to win, demanding that the Qi family return all the money owed to Qi Enron in recent years, and pay an additional part of Qi Enron's mental loss.

However, the Qi family are very dissatisfied with the verdict. Recently, they are buying other lawyers to bring a new lawsuit. They also try to pester Xu Zhe and find Qi Enron.

"Over the past few days, the Qi family has come to our lawyer's office several times and said that they want to seek an out of court settlement."

Xu zhe couldn't help laughing when he said that the out of court settlement is only possible before the court session, or after the court session, the court has not formally reached a conclusion, and both parties voluntarily reach a settlement.

Before and even after the court session, the whole family was a rogue who was not afraid of boiling water.

Even if they had declared in advance that they had enough human and material evidence in hand, the Qi family was still unmoved.

Now that the verdict has come down and everything has settled, they finally know that they are nervous and jumping around.

They are looking for well-known lawyers to save the scene, and they are looking for trouble. I hope they can reach a settlement, so as to escape the crime. I really have a brain pit!

"I heard that the Qi family also went to the Huo family to find you several times. Unfortunately, they were blown out before they could even touch the door of the Huo family. For this reason, they made a lot of noise."

Qi's family members are rare flowers. After the court's judgment, they even have a delusion that Qi Enron is the little wretch that they have been able to knead round and flatten over the years.

I thought that I could find her myself and expose this matter. But I didn't expect that they were going to find Enron's trouble now, and they couldn't even see her.

After realizing that they had no way to get Qi Enron, several members of the Qi family were angry and began to jump over the wall and curse Qi Enron for being ungrateful.

It's just that their behavior is just a joke in the eyes of others.

On the one hand, because of Qi Enron's current identity, no one dares to stand on their side. On the other hand, with all the human and material evidence, the court has decided which is right and which is wrong. We are not fools. How can we serve them as assassins?

Qi Enron sneered at the words: "is that right? If they like to make trouble, they are the ones who make people laugh, not me. Tell them that if they want to appeal, they will appeal. There will be no change in the result, and they should not try to default on the payment. They all have money to hire well-known lawyers, so their family background must be very rich. If not, is their company still there? No matter they go bankrupt, take it as a mortgage, control them to earn their own money, or go begging, they can't let them rely on any money they owe me. This is the only thing I ask of you, lawyer Xu. "

Xu zhe was shocked and said: "Miss Qi, you can rest assured that since we have accepted your case, we will try our best to strive for the best interests for you."

"What? Lawyer Xu thinks I'm too cruel? " Even though Xu zhe tried his best to cover up, Qi Enron still recognized the rigidity in his words, which exposed Xu Zhe's careful thinking.