Su HaoChen was surprised by the roll call. After reaction, he quickly took out the three mechanical spiders and handed them back to Qi Enron respectfully.

One of them accidentally injured sang Lao before, and his head was stained with blood.

Qi Enron saw some dislike frown: "you didn't clean them well yesterday?"

Su HaoChen Leng for a while, grievance way: "I wash clean."

"Then why is there blood on it?"

"That's..." Su HaoChen lowered his head.

Sang laoleng snorted and said, "that's my blood."

"Your blood?" Qi Enron noticed the bandage on the old man sang. He glanced at Su HaoChen's body, which made people afraid to lift their heads.

Qi Enron saw him like this, and he didn't get entangled in this problem any more. He sighed and took over the two metal buttons and the remote control that were not stained with blood.

With a buzz, one of the metal buttons suddenly started, but instead of turning into an aggressive mechanical spider as before, the metal shape turned outward and inward, turning into a square metal box.

Sang's eyes suddenly lit up, and his eyes staring at the square box were almost burning“ This... "

"This is the second form, as you can see, it's just a simple terrain detector. I modified it. The first form is the mechanical spider form you saw before. It has attack ability. The second form is defensive form. The square box outside is a kind of special metal material, which is invulnerable to weapons, fire and water. Generally, it is difficult to be damaged. This square box can effectively protect the storage chip inside, even if it is found, it can also ensure that the information will not be leaked. "

Qi Enron simply explained the function of the second form, looked at sang Lao's brighter and brighter eyes, and said with a smile: "but this is not the point, the point is the abbreviation on the box."

When Qi Enron said this, several people noticed that there were two obscure English letters engraved in the middle of the box: ar!

Original copyright has always been an important problem that plagues all walks of life, especially Ganqi Enron, who pays special attention to patent protection.

No one wants to spend a few years or even decades to study the results of labor, overnight become someone else's!

Qi Enron saw with his own eyes that one of his colleagues worked hard to develop a new energy source, but his best friend stole the results, and even was bitten by him in the end, leaving the scientific research circle full of resentment and regret.

Since then, Qi Enron has always tried to prove himself in some obscure corners or parts when he designs something.

This "ar" is the mark she left intentionally.

"These two letters are the abbreviations of my name. Does Mr. sang still doubt my identity?"

Sang quickly shook his head and said, "no, not at all."

However, there are still some doubts in Sang's mind. It's not that he doesn't believe Qi Enron, but that she looks a little younger.

Is it difficult that the girl just looks tender, but she is not so young?

"How old are you?"

Qi Enron knew why Mr. sang suddenly asked this question. His eyes were slightly raised and he said truthfully, "I'll be 18 in a few months."

Sang Lao: "under age! It's really tender!