Huo Yizhen's full name of Ruqing is Bai Ruqing, the only son of Bai Xuanyu and the playmate, friend and brother Huo Yizhen grew up with.

However, these identities are in the past.

Bai Xuanyu's face froze for a long time before he finally relaxed. He sighed and said, "you should understand that the reason why I want you to go is because I don't want him to take charge of this job."

"I understand, but it's because I understand that I can't go. I now have a fiancee, inconvenient is one reason, but there is another reason, I think you do not understand. If Ruqing really wants to marry Princess Keya, no matter whether the person in charge of reception is him or not, he has thousands of ways to connect with Princess Keya and let her marry him willingly. It's ok if I don't take the job. If I do, he will only be more dissatisfied with you. "

Bai Xuanyu was silent for a long time, and finally sighed decadent: "you're right, I'm still his father, and I can't see as well as you."

"You don't understand, just subconsciously don't want to face it."

Bai Ruqing's mother died not long after giving birth to him. Bai Xuanyu didn't marry again. She seemed to be determined to live alone for a lifetime.

Bai Ruqing is his only relative in the world. The most taboo thing for high-ranking people is that they have weakness to be used, and Bai Ruqing is undoubtedly Bai Xuanyu's weakness.

What's different is that it's Bai Ruqing himself who takes advantage of this weakness to force Bai Xuanyu again.

"The pear trees in the yard were Jinglan's favorite." Bai Xuanyu reached out to catch the pear flowers falling from her head, with a trace of regret and nostalgia. "Unfortunately, she left without seeing the pear trees blooming all over the yard. Ruqing has always felt that I am not responsible as a father and that I am a weak president. He thinks that I spend so much time here, abandoning his childhood and our home, but often I can't make my own decisions about a small thing. "

Huo Yizhen frowned and said in a deep voice, "you have done very well. No one can do better than you."

This is true. When the Empire was founded, the presidential palace, the cabinet and the Parliament were set up to check and balance each other's rights.

Over the years, Bai Xuanyu has done a good job in balancing. If not, the system of the Empire would have been out of balance, the Empire would have been in chaos, and the people would not be able to make a living.

Unfortunately, the hearts of the Parliament and the cabinet have been raised too much by various forces. We can see who can't stand the loneliness first and take the first step.

Huo Yizhen looks at Bai Xuanyu's frustrated appearance and purses his lips. "In fact, what Ruqing does is just to attract your attention. And a large part of the reason why he has been especially targeted at me is also because of the preferential treatment you have given me over the years. "

Huo Yizhen didn't mention Jiang Wenqi because he knew very well who was standing behind Jiang Wenqi, including the Jiang family.

When chief of staff Jiang came to plead with him, he was willing to be lenient and let him go with a little warning, not because of his kindness, but because he knew that Jiang Wenqi was a pawn used by others.

The player behind the scenes is no one else, but the one they are talking about.

Bai Xuanyu doesn't understand what Huo Yizhen means, but

"I really have a lot of responsibility for your parents' affairs in those years."