Chapter 1290

On the other side, in a room on the 20th floor of the central business hotel, a Yin, who had just returned from the commercial street, found a note stuffed inside the door as soon as he opened the door.

It is written in correct English, which is left by Chang Xia. The simple meaning is that they are going to go to m country. Because a Yin can't be seen in the room at noon today, they will set out first and wait in new coco street in New Orleans. The location on the note is where Chang Xia's parents live. The reason Chang Xia wants to go back is to see her parents and children.

Seeing the note left behind, a Yin smiles and shows a little helpless. She didn't expect that Chang Xia would act as soon as he said. The day before yesterday, ah Yin asked Chang Xia to go back to relax when she was free. As a result, she went back immediately.

At night, Luo Ziwen gets rid of Gu Ziyun, who has been pestering him, and quietly comes to the 21st floor of the central business hotel. This time, he comes here to find wena Yiner for dinner. I knocked on the door, but I didn't wait for someone else to open it for a long time.

Standing outside the door, Luo Ziwen soon began to think about how many of them didn't come to open the door. Wasn't they in the room? Later, Luo Ziwen called Chang Xia and the four of them didn't answer the phone. Luo Ziwen is more and more aware that things are a little strange, so he immediately goes to the front desk of the hotel to ask. It's OK not to ask. When he asks, he is startled. The four of them have gone through the check-out procedure together today, which means they all left.

"Can't..." Luo Ziwen stood on the first floor of the hotel hall, showing a look of dumbfounded, when the four of them disappeared. Later, Luo Ziwen responded and immediately called Qi Qian to explain the situation.

After a long time, Qi Qian's lazy voice came through.

"Ziwen, what's the matter."

"Qian Qian, where are you? Why didn't you see you in the hotel?" After a pause, Luo Ziwen said immediately before giving Qi Qian an opportunity to answer, "it's a big deal. Chang Xia and Wen nai'er are gone!"

This is the most important thing Luo Ziwen wanted to express. Qi Qian didn't know anything about such an important thing.

However, after he said this, Qi Qian didn't have such a big reaction as Luo Ziwen thought. He thought that if he heard it, he would be very anxious. Even if he searched the whole country y, he would find out the people. Unexpectedly, Qi Qian was very quiet, as if he had known for a long time that Chang Xia's four would leave.

After a while, Luo Ziwen inquired, "what's the matter... Qian Qian, you're not in a hurry at all. Do you mean you just let them go?"

"No, we still have to find her, but something happened between me and Xiao Xia. Let her leave for the moment."

So far, Luo Ziwen doesn't know that Chang Xia is afraid of Qi Qian. He just vaguely realizes that they may quarrel. Luo Ziwen knows that Qi Qian will go to Chang Xia for sure.

"Qian Qian, I don't care about you. Wenna Yiner left with Chang Xia, so I'm going with her. Do you know where they are going?"

"Country m, if I guess correctly, should be in new coco street in New Orleans, where Xiao Xia used to live. Now they must go there when they go back to country M." Qi Qian's conjecture is very accurate. As a very intelligent person, it is not difficult to speculate the future trend of Chang Xia.

Knowing the whereabouts of Chang Xia's four, Luo Ziwen seems happy. After saying thank you, he immediately book a ticket to leave.

On the other side, in the room of the BBC Hotel, after hanging up the phone, Qi Qian was looking at the financial statements of the domestic stock market in his notebook. Recently, the international financial market is not booming. The most intuitive response is that the financial index has dropped by 7% in just one month. This is already a harbinger of economic crisis.

What's more, there are difficulties in the fund circulation of Qi's group. It seems that Qi Hao bought a piece of land by mistake in the process of decision-making. All the funds are tied up, and new projects stop without capital injection. Since last night, his younger brother Qi Hao has sent several short messages to Qi Qian asking about the decision-making method. Qi Hao is so busy in China that he can't make it by himself.

However, capital and economic downturn are not the main factors. The most important factor is the emergence of rival Beiming group.

Beiming group is a leading enterprise in L City, and its leader is also a young man with great commercial talent. It started by doing real estate and related construction industry. At present, it has connected many fields, such as film industry and hotel industry, and is developing in the direction of diversification. Beiming group covers most of the eastern part of China, contrary to the four aristocratic families in a city.

The four aristocratic families in a city naturally include Ling family, Qi family, Luo family and Mohist family. Their economic share covers most of the southern and central cities in addition to a city.

Southern cities have developed rapidly recently. As coastal cities, they have made natural geographical advantages in foreign exchange and financing, so coastal cities have developed rapidly. In order to get a new direction of decision-making, Beiming group in L city began to penetrate slowly to the south.

Because of the emergence of Beiming group, the four aristocratic families suffer from serious profit losses, the most serious of which is Qi family. After all, Qi family and Beiming group are in the same industry, starting from real estate. There are a series of financial figures and financial bodyguards in Qi Qian's eyes. Among them, the stock price of Qi's group has begun to decline for 13 consecutive days. Although the decline has been controlled, it is not a good trend. On the contrary, the share price of Beiming group began to rise. Benefiting from the good news of the market, the share price continued to rise. It seems that it will rise for some time“ Beiming group... Beiming tianzhe. " Qi Qian silently recited the word. At this time, he could not help feeling that the name of Beiming tianzhe was very impressive. Beiming tianzhe ranks second among the top ten young people with the most business potential in China, which is one more name than Qi Qian. The so-called ranking list of the top ten most potential businesses in China is compiled by the most authoritative institutions in China. This figure is based on ten years of age, that is, from 20 to 30 years of age, and is comprehensively weighed by personal wealth, enterprise influence, social popularity and personal ability. In fact, this statistical list can only be used as a reference for ordinary people who can't touch the social level.