Chapter 1272

Chang Xia is more and more worried that something might happen, but Bilis has found the hip-hop boy she wants to meet. The hip-hop boy was sitting on the high chair at the bar. Next to him was a gentle boy.

The hip-hop boy's name is Ebian. Another gentle boy doesn't know his name. At this time, they found that Chang Xia and Bilis were coming, and immediately waved.

"Here, here."

Bilis took Chang Xia with light butterfly steps to walk past. When they saw it, they seemed to be burning at the touch of gunpowder, and their strong feelings were confused in the air. It's the sour smell of love.

Chang Xia really admired Bilis. How did she get together with the boys so quickly? It was really the speed of instant noodles.

Bilis hugged abinan when she saw him. Although some hugging social rites are common here in country y, they hugged for a long time. However, when Ebian and Bilis embrace each other, the gentle boy also pours at Chang Xia. It seems that he wants to embrace, too.

Chang Xia resisted. Before the boy came, she immediately dodged.

"I'm sorry, my friend is not familiar with the etiquette here," she explained to the two men with an embarrassed smile

The gentle man is very considerate of this. He can see that Chang Xia is an oriental and understands the oriental girl's reserve. Later, the gentle boy introduced himself. His name is Kur. He is an undergraduate in finance and graduated from LD University.

Graduated from LD university? Chang Xia is a little surprised. LD university is a famous university in Y country, and almost all of them are talented students.

Later, Ebian, a hip-hop boy, introduced himself: "my name is Ebian. I graduated from Celtic business school and studied biotechnology engineering. But because I like dancing, I am now a dance coach."

"Oh..." Chang Xia listened to their introduction. There was a feeling that people could not judge their appearance. The two boys looked young, but they were not the street boys that Chang Xia imagined. On the contrary, the two boys were very powerful and had their own ideas in career and study.

However, the two boys are not very familiar with Chang Xia and Bilis. Now abinan asked them to introduce themselves. They met at the reception in Celtic square before, but we are not very familiar with each other.

After giving her name, she said, "I used to be a deputy manager in an enterprise. Now I quit my job and travel everywhere. I'm still single."

Bilis used to work as a deputy general manager, because her family started a business. Her father assigned her to a leading position in the business. Frankly speaking, she is a rich second generation. As for age, Bilis didn't introduce it, because age is a girl's secret, but it's her emotional state. Bilis emphasized that she is single. We all know the meaning.

The two boys are also sensible and know that it is very impolite to ask the girl's age. Therefore, after Bilis's introduction, the two boys did not ask anything, but looked at Chang Xia.

Chang Xia introduced herself: "my name is Chang Xia. I'm a married woman. I'm 26 years old. I don't have a job and I'm supported by my husband."

Chang Xia's words stunned everyone, especially Bilis. After all, no one introduced her like Chang Xia, especially emphasized her age and said that she was married. I'm married. Don't tease me.

Bilis rolled her eyes and pinched Chang Xia's back with her hand. Chang Xia was pinched by her pain. She twisted her body and looked at Bilis. The two good sisters had a confrontation of eyes, and they didn't know what they meant.

Two young boys were slightly surprised and responded quickly. They were obviously educated. After others introduced themselves, they politely said, "nice to meet you."

Then abinan asked them what they wanted to drink.

Bilis ordered a martini cocktail, which is very famous in the bar and she likes to drink. What about Changxia? Chang Xia doesn't like drinking any more. I don't know how dangerous it is to drink outside, so Chang Xia ordered a coke.

Abin beckoned the bartender at the bar to make two cocktails, peanuts and other nut snacks, and they began to drink and chat.

"Miss Chang and miss bliss, are you two here for a tour?" abinan asked

"Yes, people who come here to travel have been staying in hotels recently."

"I don't know how long you will stay here, is Bilis from m?"

"It depends. The visa is a tourist visa and can stay for one month, but if I really like it here, I decide to stay for a long time." Beatrice's eyes were full of affection. Her voice was as tender as water. It seemed that she was different from usual. Chang Xia has a way to see God. Is Bilis before her? It's totally different from the Bilis I know.

Normally, Bilis is not so gentle and polite. She is forthright and unrestrained, but she seems to have changed her face in front of men. It seems that the magic of love is different. Even though Ebian is younger than Bilis, Bilis still likes the boy very much.

Kurt also spoke to Chang Xia now: "is Miss Chang Oriental? I don't know which country she comes from?"“ Country Z. "“ Oh, I know country Z is a country with vast territory and abundant resources. The food there is delicious. I have been there several times before“ It is Chang Xia replied without expression. It can't be said that she's impolite, but she can't get interested in chatting with these little boys. After all, Chang Xia was pulled over by Bilis to make up the number. So sitting here, Chang Xia has nothing to do but drink cola. But this gentle boy was a little eloquent, and then asked: "Miss Chang, your husband? Is he in country Z or has he accompanied you to country y? "“ In country y. "“ What does your husband do? " The other side's long and short questions seem to be the investigation of household registration and the tracking of population data. Chang Xia doesn't like such an answer. Now after drinking coke, Chang Xia smiles and pretends to go to the toilet“ Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom. " Chang Xia left in a hurry, just like taking refuge. Bilis didn't care about Chang Xia. She was talking with her little boy now. She didn't know how happy she was.