Chapter 1254

After a lot of hard work, Wenner inll is now back to her original condition.

Last time, Weiner was in a bad mood because she was lovelorn. It took her a long time to recover. This time, she was also frustrated by her feelings. Sometimes, Chang Xia didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing for Wenna Yiner to be with Luo Ziwen.

Now wennainl's mood gradually calmed down, sitting on a round chair in the room, her face looked as white as jade in the bright light, and her sad mood was vague. Hua Xiaoling and Bilisi comforted and said, "what happened to you and Luo Ziwen? I know you have quarreled, but the quarrel can still be reconciled. Why do you want to be like this?"

Hua Xiaoling and Bilis don't think it's a big deal to quarrel. If Wenna Yiner and Luo Ziwen quarreled, just find a chance to have a good chat. Why do they have to look for life and death in this way. The two of them feel that things are a little unusual, because the little quarrel between lovers can't be like this.

Wennainl seemed to be suffering, spirited and unable to recover.

Chang Xia knows the inside story. In fact, Wenna Yiner and Luo Ziwen can't be summed up by a quarrel. Their affairs are much more complicated. It's like a glass bridge full of cracks. If they step on it carelessly, the bridge may collapse. At this time, they naturally have to be careful.

Chang Xia's eyes were shining. At this time, she asked, "Wenna Yiner, I know what happened to you and Luo Ziwen... And I know your past."

Wenna Yiner thinks that everyone knows nothing about her, except Gu Ziyun and Luo Ziwen. When Chang Xia said that she also knew about wena Yiner's past, wena Yiner was stunned. Her eyes widened and looked up at Chang Xia. Her eyes were full of fear and panic, as if she was staring at someone without clothes.

Wenna Yiner is afraid, she did not expect that her dirty past will be known by Chang Xia, at this time even as a friend, she does not want to appear.

Chang Xia saw that wena Yiner was afraid, like a rabbit curled up in the face of unknown fear, trembling. Chang Xia went and hugged her: "it's OK. I can understand your past. Everyone has a past that they don't want others to know. So I do, so you don't need to worry and be afraid."


After listening to Chang Xia's words, Wenna Yiner's fluctuating mood calmed down. It was as if there was a ray of sunshine when it was cold. Chang Xia was the sunshine.

Hua Xiaoling and Bilisi are confused, and they don't know what Chang Xia said. But they can already realize that Chang Xia and Wenna Yiner have concealed something from them.

"What's the matter with you, Wenner? Is there anything else you haven't told us?" she asked

Hua Xiaoling also said: "yes, you two must have hidden something from us. We are good friends. No matter what difficulties happen, we need to bear them together."

Yes, it's just because of good friends, they share weal and woe, even if something happens, we have to bear it together. At this time, Chang Xia looked at Wenna Yiner and said, "I want to tell them, OK? About your past. "

No one has said much about wenaynell's past, even her parents know little about it.

Because this past is abandoned by her, forgotten by her, like the garbage in the garbage can, never want to recall. But a few women around wenaynell are her best friends. If they want to know who they really are, they have the right to understand her past.

With a deep breath, winner finally spoke about her past, including what kind of person she used to be, marriage, detention, divorce and abortion.

After listening to this, Hua Xiaoling and Bilis both showed a kind of disbelief, as if they were told that tomorrow is the end of the world. They must think it's a joke. But Wenner inll looks serious and persistent, she is telling them about her past.

But after a touch of consternation, they soon recovered. Hua Xiaoling and Bilis both showed the most beautiful smile: "this is your past, I don't think it's anything."

Yes, both of them don't think it's any difference. The past is the past, and the present is another person. In their acquaintance, the former is the same as the present, and there is no change.

Hua Xiaoling took Wenna Yiner's hand: "you really think too much, even if you were a heinous person before, why do you have to stick to your past. You should think about it from a different angle. You were so bad in the past, and now you are so excellent. You have become better and improved. "

For example, the primary school students' learning was at a very poor level, but they suddenly improved to the first place in the class. This kind of situation is praised.

Wenna Yiner, too. She used to be so miserable, but now she is so excellent. Her situation should not be criticized and discriminated by others, but a kind of encouragement and praise.

Bilis also said: "yes, Wenner, you have made progress, so don't think so much, just concentrate on your life now. As for whether your relationship with Luo Ziwen can continue, let him make a decision. If it's appropriate, it's appropriate. If it's not appropriate, it's OK. "

Now the decision-making power is not in Wenna Yiner's hands. We can see that Wenna Yiner is very fond of Luo Ziwen. This kind of love can not be let go in a few words. So it was Loewen, not Wenner, who made the decision. In this case, what's the use of thinking so much? Now keep happy and remember to smile. Bilis stroked Wenner's back with a bright smile. She wanted to infect Wenner with the same warm smile. It has to be said that at this time, the room is already filled with a warm feeling, like a cold night by the heater, like a lot of food when hungry. Wenna Yiner's heart was unconsciously smoothed, the rough waves ushered in calm, all well. Late at night, outside the Celtic Central Business Hotel, it's dark. Occasionally, there are vehicles passing by the road. In a hotel opposite the hotel, there is a man peeping at the luxury suite where Chang Xia lives with his eyeglasses. Unfortunately, the curtains have been covered. Occasionally, the curtains are opened to see a little movement. The moon shone through the hotel window on the face of a gloomy looking man, who was sissiebert“ So here you are, Chang Xia. "