Chapter 1195

Qi Qian took down Chang Xia's book and put it back on the shelf. He said with great interest, "do you want to fulfill that bet?"

According to the content of the bet, Chang Xia wants to have a date with him.

"Well, dating is dating. Who's afraid of who." Chang Xia yelled angrily, then strode outside. It's just a date. Who's afraid of who? It's not like I've never had a date. What's more, this date is just like shopping and drinking coffee. I dare not do anything.

The room was quiet, the sun was shining through the window, and it fell in the heavy books in the bookcase. Qi Qian watched Chang Xia leave, and he couldn't help smiling.

"Xiao Xia, you are so interesting... It's my favorite girl." Now that he had put away his book, Qi Qian sat in a chair and began to talk to himself.

At night, the stars are shining. Today's Celtic city still exudes a different kind of beauty. The bustling scene, the traffic, the horse lantern and the red wine are green. Young men and women walk out of the bar with shoulder to shoulder, and several drunkards help each other to go back along the road.

Sometimes, a city always contains many things, or those beautiful, or those ugly.

In a commercial building, Sood, wearing a dark green vest, is looking under a 100 story building with his spectacles. Next to him, there is a big black box, which is about one meter and five meters long. Usually, Sood will carry this big box in and out.

The building was cold and windy. The clouds in the sky seemed to have been blown away by the wind. The silver light came down and stretched Saud's shadow long.

The iron door behind the building was suddenly opened and Yin Lina came out.

"What can I do for you?" Yin Lina was wearing a simple yellow sportswear and her reddish brown hair was tied together by a black rope. She was originally resting in the hotel, but suddenly she was called to the commercial building by a phone call from Sood.

Now yinlina came to the back and found that Sood was looking around with glasses, and there was a big black box. As a member of the killer team, Yin Lina knew what he wanted to do before Sood spoke about his purpose.

"You want to... Kill."

"Yes." Saud replied with a smile. "Have you forgotten our goal, dear yinlina? Our goal is Changxia."

Saud was staring at Chang Xia tightly, like a cobra staring at his prey. In his opinion, if you want to save Yin Lina from the troubled emotional vortex, you must first eradicate Chang Xia.

Yin Lina replied: "even if you want to kill Chang Xia, she is not here. How do you plan to snipe when you lie here so late?"

Saud plays the role of a sniper in the killer team. He is good at killing people from a long distance. As long as he enters his sight, he will become his prey. He can take a person's life by tapping the trigger.

Now yinlina can see Sood squatting down to open the black box, which contains a split sniper gun. The barrel, the handle, the sight glass, the clip, all of them were separated and put on the big box.

Saud is very familiar with the contents of the box all out, and then quickly put all the parts of the sniper gun together. A sniper gun was assembled. This sniper gun has a very strong range and power, as long as it is within 2000 meters, it can fire without missing a bullet.

"I've come up with a plan, yinlina. Aren't you Chang Xia's friend? Just ask her out in the name of a friend and go to the fruit shop opposite. "

Standing in the building, cold wind blowing, downstairs bustling scenery are reflected in the eyes. Saud raised his finger and pointed down the building. It was a fruit shop. The shop was full of fruit. Some customers were enjoying the delicious food on the terrace outside the shop.

According to Sood's plan, as long as yinlina can send Chang Xia to the fruit shop, he will be sure to carry out long-distance sniping.

"Don't worry. I've thought about everything for you. At that time, you can make an appointment with Chang Xia to wait there. You don't have to show up. As long as I wait for Chang Xia to show up in the fruit shop, I can attack. "

It's a very simple thing. The target appears, taps the trigger, and the task is finished.

Even if there is Qi Qian to protect Chang Xia, this task is not difficult, as long as Yin Lina can cooperate.

Unfortunately, when Sood said this, yinlina didn't accept the so-called plan. Instead, she refused to say, "I can't do it."

"Can't do it?"

"Chang Xia already knows my identity, even if I ask her out, she may not agree to come out."

If Chang Xia doesn't come out, the plan will be a failure. Yinlina doesn't think the plan will work. It's a pity that Sood thought the plan was useful. Now he passed by, and Sood gave her a cold look.

"I said... In fact, you don't want to kill Chang Xia. You don't want to call her because you don't want her to die in my hands. " Sood's words were like needles in yinlina's heart. It is precisely because of the right, so the heart will feel pain and surprise, how she would be willing to kill Chang Xia.

If it wasn't for sissiebert's orders, she wouldn't have done it. What's more, even if she agrees to do it, Yin Lina still doesn't have the heart. She knows that Chang Xia is bound to die for their killer team, but she just doesn't want to kill her. At this time, Sood's words became soft: "listen to me, if you don't kill Chang Xia, you know what the leader will do to you, and you know the rules of our team." There are rules for the operation of everything. Their killer team also has iron rules. Otherwise, how can their team rank in the world. Saud put his hands on yinlina's shoulder, and his tone was soft with three deep points: "Chang Xia must die. I know you can't bear to do it. That's why he came to replace you. You just need to bring Chang Xia over." Saud's words seemed to have magic power, and unconsciously penetrated into yinlina's heart. She began to listen. She knew that if she didn't follow Saud's words, if she didn't kill Chang Xia, the leader would probably leave her. She likes the leader. She has loved him silently for a long time. The killer industry itself is a dark one. It's a shady one. The only belief that can support her is to let her continue to work. That's just because of sishbert's strength.