Chapter 1174

After realizing the mistake, Chang Xia immediately added: "it's OK. You can watch the movie first and wait until you come out."

The mood of waiting is always bad, especially now, sitting in the rest area is boring. Chang Xia can only watch his mobile phone and visit the news from time to time. After waiting for nearly an hour, the movie is finally over. From the gate of the cinema, you can see a couple of young men and women come out, and the two of them are all in it.

Sharp Chang Xia found that the relationship between gerst and Jenna seems to be a little closer. Although they are very different from other lovers, the distance between them is much closer.

From the perspective of behavioral psychology, we can judge each other's relationship by distance. Generally, the distance between lovers is zero, that is, the body experience is in the state of contact. The distance between ordinary friends is more than 0.5 meters.

At this time, the distance between gerst and Qinna is 0.1M, which is a kind of relationship that doesn't mind each other touching themselves. Chang Xia begins to be happy after seeing this relationship. It seems that watching movies is still useful. Chang Xia can feel that the enthusiasm of gerst and Qinna has been ignited, just like a rising rocket, it can almost go up to space.

Sitting in the chair, Chang Xia turns around to prevent gerst from finding herself. After all, gerst has only seen her once before in the museum. If he sees her again, he will be recognized as a strange place. So Chang Xia turns around and finds a less conspicuous place to talk to Qinna.

"Well, Jenna, is everything going well?"

"Well... It's a little smooth. Why don't you come to the ladies' room and I'll have an interview with you."

After Jenna left the cinema, she went to the bathroom first. Chang Xia found that gerst was shopping at the front desk of the cinema. At this time, she also slipped to the women's toilet.

The toilet, the clean floor, and the air smelled of freshener.

Jenna is combing her hair in front of the mirror. It can be seen that she is still a little nervous, but the corners of her mouth are full of smiles, which is a kind of women's little happiness. When Chang Xia comes, Qinna appears in front with light steps.

"Xiao Xia, I'm very happy."

"Happy? What's the matter Chang Xia was surprised, thinking about what might have happened to gerst and Qinna in the process of watching the movie. When I asked later, I realized what had happened.

In the process of watching the movie, Jenna takes the initiative to hold gerst's hand. Gerst doesn't reject it, but lets her hold it. Jenna thinks it's recognition, and gerst is recognizing their relationship.

After hearing this, Chang Xia was surprised. He didn't expect that things would develop like this. Chang Xia thought that the bolder gerst would take the initiative to hold hands, but Qinna took the initiative to hold hands. So Chang Xia was surprised that Qinna was so brave. Chang Xia had known her for so long. She was always shy and introverted, and she didn't like to express herself. But this time, she was much braver than ordinary men.

On one side, Chang Xia complains that gerst is useless, but he doesn't know how to take the initiative to hold hands. On the other hand, she appreciates Qinna's bravery. After all, she understands Chang Xia's words. She has to fight for her own happiness, but it can't depend on others.

Now the relationship between gerst and Jenna is close, at least for a day.

"Xiao Xia, what do you think we should do next?"

Maybe it's because she gets along with gerst very well. Qina is full of confidence. At the same time, she trusts Chang Xia very much and thinks that if she listens to Chang Xia, she will surely succeed.

If we want to talk about the next activities, it is natural to go to dinner according to the plan.

Chang Xia is very intimate. This time, the two place that helped Jenna make an appointment is the Michelin 3-star hotel. The restaurant that can be rated as a star is very great. As for the three star, it can be called an expensive place. Going there for a meal must have left a deep impression on gerst and Jenna, not only on the taste of the food, but also on the environment of the restaurant.

Girls like romantic style, even boys are no exception, beautiful things can often make people intoxicated.

It's expensive at Michelin's three star hotel, but never mind. As Guest and Jenna took care of themselves, Chang Xia helped pay the money. Against the normal summer is not short of money, she can have Qi Qian's credit card on hand, want to come to Qi Qian if know Chang Xia help gerst, Qinna two people will not mind.

Of course, Chang Xia is afraid that there will be any accident in the process of eating, so she goes with her.

In Celtic's guggard restaurant, elegant restaurant environment, gorgeous European style chandeliers, quiet atmosphere filled. As soon as you enter the door, you can see the waiter's kind smile, which is a bonus. In addition, Chang Xia can also find two huge loaves in front of the door. The loaves are about two meters high and long.

Seeing such a big bread, Chang Xia thought it was fake. Later, a man in Cook's clothes saw Chang Xia staring at the bread, so he waved and said that if Chang Xia wanted to, he could come forward and take a bite.

At this time, Chang Xia found that it was true. Chang Xia didn't bite it, because it would be very impolite. However, she found that there was butter on the bread, and a smell of wheat came out of it. Chang Xia thought that the bread should look delicious. Although the guests can come forward and bite if they want, it is estimated that no one will bite. After all, the identity of the people who can go in and out of the three-star hotel is not general. How could anyone do such a rude number.

When Chang Xia entered the restaurant, he took out his mobile phone and took a picture. The two meter high bread is rare. Of course, it's taken as a souvenir. After entering, Chang Xia took a seat under a handsome waiter, who was very considerate and opened the chair for Chang Xia. Even though Chang Xia disguised herself, she didn't look good either in dress or in face. The waiter showed Chang Xia the same enthusiasm as the queen, handed over the menu and asked Chang Xia what she wanted to eat. Chang Xia doesn't have any requirements for food. This time, she mainly stares at gerst and Qinna to see how nervous they are. Therefore, Chang Xia casually pointed to a few dishes, even without looking at them, he said he wanted to order a few“ Yes, miss The waiter bowed slightly and then stepped back. At this time, Chang Xia is just ready. He can see gerst and Qinna in the distance. The tables and chairs in the restaurant are made of pine, so he can smell the very nice smell of wood. And each of them is decorated with flowers. Chang Xia asks the waiter for a newspaper to cover her. She looks at Qinna and her husband at a distance of 10 meters like a thief.