Chapter 1155

Twinkle in the eyes of despair and fear, more or a sad. Chang Xia never thought that Yin Lina was a killer, a god of death who wanted to reap her life. Thanks to Chang Xia, she treats Yin Lina as a good sister and treats her sincerely, but what she gets in return is a miserable ending of life and death.

Lingering in the ear is still the lingering "sorry", until now yinlina is still apologizing, you can see that her eyes do twinkle with guilt, but she is still starting. As a killer, she has been lurking around Chang Xia for several days. Through the accumulation of her feelings, she finally develops into a friend. What she is waiting for is to start this night.

At this time, when the dagger was about to stab Chang Xia's neck, a figure passed by and put the palm of her hand in Yin Lina's wrist, so that Yin Lina's dagger didn't come down.

That person's speed is very fast, when Chang Xia looks up to see clearly, that person has already snatched Chang Xia from Yin Lina's hand.

Chang Xia sees clearly and comes to know Qi Qian. He is wearing a white shirt and looks cool and handsome. The light of the moon shines down and shows his great figure. He appears and comes to save himself again.

Vague Chang Xia thought of many things, in the past, she seems to have met many times such scenes of life and death, scenes of memories in the mind through, like the film playing.

For example, when he was in city a of country Z, Qi Hao stabbed himself with a knife, and when he was attacked by a group of kidnappers in country m, it was Qi Qian who rescued Chang Xia at a critical time. Those memories have come back. Now Chang Xia is held in his arms by Qi Qian. His arms are so strong and warm that he doesn't have to worry about anything.

"You're here, Qi Qian..." Chang Xia murmurs. Unfortunately, she can't say much at all. At this time, her body doesn't know if she has lost her strength. Her mind is almost gone. It's not easy for her to support up to now.

Now sleeping in Qi Qian's arms, Chang Xia seems to be a lonely boat staying in the harbor. The feeling of worry is gone, but a strong sense of security overflows in her heart. Deep, she fell asleep.

Seeing Qi Qian sleeping in Chang Xia's bed is also a relief. Fortunately, this time he came in time to stop the accident.

At this time, Qi Qian puts Chang Xia in a stone chair in the pavilion, turns his head and looks at Yin Lina. His voice is as cold as ice. He asks: "are you a killer from xixibo, who lurks around her by making good relations with Xiao Xia, and finally waits for the opportunity to do it. Am I right?"

Yinlina is a female killer under sishbert, just like a really powerful killer is to plan strategies and win thousands of miles away. She can eradicate the target without any hands. One of sishbert's means is to assassinate the target through emotion. Qi Qian once investigated and found that sishbert would send some seemingly simple and friendly people to get close to the target through making friends, and then choose a suitable time to start.

This night is the most appropriate time for Yin Lina to start. She has already successfully established a good relationship with Chang Xia, who has no idea about her. Even Qi Qian didn't doubt Yin Lina.

Yin Lina appeared at a very good time. She appeared at the camp, and it wasn't her who showed up on her own initiative. It was Hua Xiaoling who hurt her by mistake and brought her back. Even the suspicious and cautious Qi Qian didn't doubt the identity of Yin Lina.

Yin Lina's face was dignified at this time. When she saw that Qi Qian had said her identity, she was very confused and asked, "how do you know my identity?"

"It's very simple. Your high school classmate, collier, told me that she had doubts about your identity, so I later conducted a survey and found that you disappeared for six years after graduating from high school." After a pause, Qi Qian's eyes were clear and bright. "In the past six years, you have been training as a killer and performing a secret mission for sishbert, right?"

Qi Qian's words completely hit Yin Lina's heart. What he said was accurate. Yin Lina had been trained and executed by killers during that time. Now yinlina secretly thinks that Qiqian is not easy to deal with. No wonder sissiebert always reminds yinlina to be careful of Qiqian. This man is so smart that he is not easy to trust people.

I think it's what collier and Qi Qian said that makes him suspicious.

"I was so careless. I should have solved collier first." Yinlina seems sorry. She knows that the most important detail is collier, because the woman knows her past, so she doubts.

Qi Qian had no expression on his face, and there was an endless chill in his facial features. At this time, he said, "corier said that your character and high school had changed a lot. She saw your disguise, so she had doubts. But you are also very powerful. You secretly solved my six bodyguards who are secretly protecting Xiao Xia. "

Qi Qian sent his bodyguards to follow him 24 hours a day. There are nearly six bodyguards around gerst's house to monitor and protect him 24 hours a day. Once someone comes near the house or Chang Xia wants to go out, someone will check.

In the week when Yin Lina lived, she should check the people around the house of gerst. Only when she knows the location of the bodyguards can she solve all the six bodyguards so smoothly. After all, yinlina is free to go in and out of the house. It's extremely easy for her to find out the position of other bodyguards.

Qi Qian thought, it seems that the killer under sisybert is really not simple, but even so, she can't escape“ Now that you have committed a crime, you should be punished by the law. " Always hurt Chang Xia, Qi Qian will not let her have a good end. But during this period of time, Qi Qian learned a very important thing, that is, human feelings. Everything he does should be considered from the perspective of human nature. Because Chang Xia and Yin Lina are friends, even though Yin Lina is a killer and wants to kill Chang Xia, if Chang Xia wakes up from a coma, she will forgive Yin Lina. Qi Qian knows that these days, his woman has already regarded Yin Lina as a friend. If Qi Qian kills Yin Lina, it will definitely arouse Chang Xia's disgust and rejection. Therefore, Qi Qian puts forward this ridiculous request. Criminals should be punished by law.