Chapter 1107

Unfortunately, yinlina is a person, she said: "I like to walk around alone, so usually it's my own."

Chang Xia was worried about whether Yin Lina's friends would look for her, because she was taken to the camping area by Chang Xia. Maybe she would be worried if her friends were there. Now listen, yinlina is alone, so she sends out an invitation.

"It's getting late now. Now if you want to go down the mountain, I'm afraid you will be in danger. Why don't you stay here for a night?"

"Is that ok... I don't think the tent is enough for people?" Yinlina is worried.

Chang Xia asked her not to worry: "this tent is enough for people to live in. I'll give you a sleeping bag later. You can have a good rest here and wait until you go down the mountain tomorrow."

Yin Lina's body has recovered as before, and the effect of the paralysis needle is not particularly strong for humans. Now Yin Lina follows Chang Xia and Hua Xiaoling to leave the tent and go outside.

Just now everyone was dining outside the tent. When Chang Xia came out with Yin Lina, there was just a lot of food left, such as half roast rabbit meat and some small dishes made of rabbit meat. I just don't know if yinlina likes rabbit meat or not.

Yinlina said that she didn't mind. It should be the strange eyes of Augustine and gerst, because bringing a stranger over naturally attracted their attention.

Chang Xia immediately introduced: "her name is Yin Lina. Today, we accidentally injured her with a paralytic needle while hunting. Now she's awake."

There was a slight silence, and finally gerst took the lead in applauding.

Gerst was kind, so he handed over a plate of rabbit meat and patiently asked, "you should be hungry. You might as well eat something."

Agustin handed the coke. Everyone began to treat yinlina as a friend. Now sitting at the table, Yin Lina, with a gentle smile, repeatedly thanks them.

At this moment, a voice of surprise came from the crowd. It was collier talking. She came to yinlina and looked up and down. Yinlina is also looking at collier.

Two people look at each other, eyes flashing a familiar feeling. Finally, they couldn't help shouting each other's names.



They all showed a state of surprise, especially yinlina was very happy. She stood up and took Collier's hand: "it's really you. I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a while. You've changed. I almost can't recognize you."

Kerry and yinlina talk to each other. From their conversation, we can see that they actually know each other. Chang Xia and Hua Xiaoling opened their lips slightly and felt that the world was really small. One of the women who was injured by accident knew collier. Later, from their words, they gradually know that they are classmates. It is said that Kerry and Yin Lina are classmates in middle school. They haven't seen each other for nearly eight years.

Old classmates meet, doubly happy, two people immediately chatted, and asked each other's situation. After that, collier took a few bottles of beer to drink with Yin Lina, and the two girls looked forthright in the light of the stars.

Chang Xia sees them chatting, and is embarrassed to disturb them again, which makes them chatting.

After dinner, Chang Xia wanted to clean up, but Qinna had already taken the lead to help clean up the dishes, and Hua Xiaoling also helped. They let Chang Xia have a good rest, so Chang Xia decided to go to the lake alone.

At night, the breeze blows and it's cool. It's good to take a walk here. Wearing sandals along the cobblestone path on the bank, it has a unique flavor.

At this time, because of the silver white moon light shining on the lake surface, crystal clear scales and water lines are turbulent.

On the bank, Chang Xia suddenly sees a man fishing. Chang Xia thought he was wrong. How could anyone fish so late. Then he took a closer look and found that it was gerst. Dressed in a white shirt and a pair of black shorts, he sat on the round rock on the bank. He's also wearing headphones, which are connected to his cell phone.

Chang Xia has seen gerst fishing before. He always likes to listen to music while fishing. It is said that this is a way for him to relax.

Chang Xia stealthily walks over to scare him. As a result, as soon as Chang Xia approaches him, he turns around.

"Oh, it's summer."

Gerst nerve sharp, Chang Xia just came behind him was found, this time Chang Xia feel no interest, this also want to scare him.

"Gerst, what are you doing, fishing?"

"Yes, fishing."

"How many?" Chang Xia takes a look at a small wooden basket next to gerst, where there are wooden tools for fish. As a result, she looks up and finds that there is no fish. Chang Xia is silly. Why didn't gerst catch a single fish.

Gerst said at this time: "I'm fishing just for fun. I'm not really looking for how many fish I've caught. Besides, the fish here won't appear at night."

Chang Xia understood what gerst meant. He never went fishing for fishing. If he didn't go fishing for lunch, he would relax and decompress. I just don't understand why the fish don't show up at night“ What's wrong with the fish here? Can't fish sleep at night? "“ Almost. " Gerst looked back with a fresh smile, he said, "fish and human also have to rest, during the day, the night will rest." Seeing gerst mysterious, I don't know whether he said it was true or not. Anyway, Chang Xia thinks that fish don't need to rest and sleep. Maybe they will doze off, but it's impossible for them to sleep like humans. But looking at gerst, Chang Xia just thought of a question, that is, whether he likes himself. This problem has troubled Chang Xia for some time, especially when he talked with Qi Qian yesterday. Qi Qian said that gerst liked himself. Now seeing gerst, Chang Xia ponders whether to ask this question. But the thought of asking such an embarrassing question makes it impossible to ask. The mood becomes nervous, the expression also becomes unnatural, sitting on the shore of the lake, the breeze blowing up the hair of Chang Xia, wearing a long skirt blowing up. Hands on the stone, Chang Xia closed his eyes, but he thought it was better not to ask. Because now her relationship with gerst is not good, just like ordinary friends. No matter whether gerst likes her or not, if this question is asked, their relationship may break down.