Chapter 1060

Hua Xiaoling said: "yes, Congratulations, Xiao Xia, your answer is correct."

"How could it be him." At the mention of him, Chang Xia felt in a bad mood. Just now, she thought the porridge was delicious. She wanted to drink more bowls as soon as she drank it. Now it turns out that Qi Qian did it. Chang Xia has no appetite.

Because of Qi Qian's fight against gerst, Chang Xia now quarrels with him. After all, the rude man did this, but he didn't even apologize. Chang Xia is angry about it. So with the things he made, Chang Xia was not in the mood to drink. But it's too late for Chang Xia to say no, because she has half of the bowl of vegetable porridge she brought.

Even so, Chang Xia took the bowl and handed it back to Hua Xiaoling: "if this porridge is made by him, I won't drink it. I'm still angry with him."

"Angry with him?" Hua Xiaoling asked suspiciously.

Except for the two parties and Chang Xia, no one knows about Qi Qian's fighting against gerst. That's why Hua Xiaoling is so confused.

Chang Xia also did not explain, that is to say: "anyway, I don't drink what he makes."

"Really... So you don't want to see him either?"

"Of course!" Chang Xia vowed that who would want to see that kind of person? Don't think you can be handsome. Chang Xia doesn't like handsome guys very much.

Now he waved his hand. Chang Xia pretended to have a rest: "I'm tired. I want to sleep. Xiaoling, don't always mention that guy. Anyway, I don't like him very much."

With that, Chang Xia put the quilt on his head, and that's all.

After a few minutes, someone suddenly touched Chang Xia across the quilt. She thought it was Hua Xiaoling, so she asked across the quilt, "what's the matter... Xiaoling, didn't I tell you I want to have a rest?"

"It's me." Outside the quilt, a clear and beautiful voice came. It was a man's voice. The tone was like the bass of the ice pool. Chang Xia recognized that it was Qi Qian's voice.

The quilt was suddenly pulled. At the same time, Qi Qian said, "Xiao Xia, I want to talk to you. I heard that you are injured. I came to see you."

Chang Xia's quilt is about to be pulled out. Chang Xia doesn't want to see him, let alone chat.

Inside the quilt, Chang Xia held the quilt tightly with both hands, and said angrily, "I don't want to see you, you go quickly."

"Xiao Xia, are you still angry?"

"Yes, I'm just angry, you unreasonable savage who can only hit people."

"Xiao Xia, can we put this aside for a while? I'm worried about your injury." Qi Qian's voice is full of concern.

Chang Xia at this time the whole person is buried in the quilt, using the quilt to isolate himself from him. At this time, there is a rebellious psychology in Chang Xia's heart. The more he says that he cares about himself, the more unwilling Chang Xia is to let him care.

Now it's time to raise the tone and say, "Qi Qian, if you care about me, please leave ten million and then leave. I don't need you to worry. "

Chang Xia said angrily that money is not everything anyway. It's better to leave some money instead of caring. Before Chang Xia, it cost almost the same to send a birthday party and buy a gift for Qinna. Then she went to the hospital.

Isn't Qi Qian a rich man? Instead of caring about him, it's better to leave some money.

"You need money? If that's your wish, I'm willing to help you. " Qi Qian's voice came across the quilt. For a long time, he was not heard again.

It seems that Qi Qian seems to have left. Chang Xia carefully turns over the quilt and finds that the room is empty and there is no one. At noon, the sun shines on the floor through the aluminum windows, because there is a big banyan tree planted outside the hospital room. When the wind blows, you can see that the thick leaves of the banyan tree are blowing on the floor.

Qi Qian left

After discovering that he left, Chang Xia was first happy, thinking that the annoying person finally left. And followed by a sense of loss, this sense of loss even she did not know why. It's like the precious things in my heart are suddenly taken away, empty and have no support.

Looking at the table, I found that there was a white card inlaid with silver bars, which was a savings card. A piece of paper was pressed under the card, which should be the password of the bank card.

Chang Xia thought, did Qi Qian take her words seriously? She just said that if Qi Qian had a heart, he would leave a million and then leave. And he did?

Chang Xia is holding a bank card in his hand, which is unbelievable. Isn't that man very smart? Can't he hear what he said? As a result, he really left.

Now staring at the bank card, Chang Xia suddenly feels very uncomfortable. It's clear that Qi Qian did something wrong. He hit someone. For this reason, Chang Xia is very angry. But now she can't get angry at all. Instead, she wants Qi Qian to stay.

I don't know when, Hua Xiaoling suddenly appeared at the door of the ward, depending on the door frame, she said in a clear voice: "Xiao Xia, don't you want to give up president Qi?"

"Reluctant, who said it." Chang Xia replied stubbornly, "I don't want to leave him. It's better for him to leave."

Hua Xiaoling is to see that Chang Xia is not right, Chang Xia's expression betrayed her“ Xiao Xia, why are you so stubborn? Mr. Qi came to see you early in the morning and cooked a pot of vegetable porridge for you. He's your husband. " When Hua Xiaoling talks about her husband, she emphasizes it heavily, as if she is afraid that Chang Xia will forget that Qi Qian is her husband. In this regard, Chang Xia hummed coldly: "yes, I know he is my husband, but even if he is my husband, he is a stranger to me now, and I can't remember what happened with him before." After that, Chang Xia muttered to himself: "I really don't know if I was blind before, how could I marry such a person." Hua Xiaoling is speechless. She thinks that Chang Xia is in the middle of happiness. Now she comes and pokes Chang Xia's forehead with her finger and says, "Mr. Qi is a good man. If shangguanfeng is half as good as him, I will be at ease." Chang Xia didn't speak any more. Anyway, she told Hua Xiaoling that she was always defending Qi Qian. However, Qi Qian is indeed Chang Xia's husband. Chang Xia thinks it's impossible to make trouble with him all the time. Besides, he just cares about himself. In the early morning, I cooked vegetable porridge. It seemed that vegetable porridge was something I used to like in summer. At least in Chang Xia's memory, there is a memory of Qi Qian cooking vegetable porridge before. I think Qi Qian remembers that Chang Xia liked to eat this food before, so he makes it now.