Chapter 1058

Jenna's love for Augustine is only a kind of friend's love, but not love.

Chang Xia suddenly asked, "well, the person you love is gerst, right?"

This sentence, like a stone hammer in Qinna's heart shock, all of a sudden her face like a rose red, golden hair to cover half of her face, the moon white, light through the window against her body, showing elegant outline.

Jenna opened her lips to say something, but she stammered: "I, I..."

She was flustered. She was flustered at the mention of gerst's name, just like a girl in spring. If so, now looking at her expression, Chang Xia knows that her guess is correct, and the person she likes is gerst.

With a sigh, Chang Xia feels that she is really kind-hearted. She thinks that the person Qinna likes is Augustine. That's why she organizes her confession.

Now, Chang Xia tells all the things she has done before, and Qina is stunned: "it turns out that you are responsible for the confession of Augustine and me."

"Yes, in fact, as soon as I came to the village of Kerry, I realized that Augustine liked you, but you didn't realize it. So I wonder if I'm going to help you two get together when I leave. " Speaking of the half, Chang Xia showed a sad look, and waved his hand. He was very sorry and said, "I was wrong. Later I found out that the person you like is not Augustine, but gerst."

Love is not something that can be forced. Jenna likes gerst. It's impossible to force her to be with Augustine.

So at the birthday party, Chang Xia wanted to stop Augustine from confessing, but he still didn't. Now in front of Qinna, Chang Xia once again said sorry.

But Qina asked Chang Xia not to say, "Xia, you've done your best. You helped me hold a perfect birthday party, and also helped Augustine pursue the people he likes. You're kind enough to help us!"

"But I screwed it up."

Although she didn't want to say that, Chang Xia really messed up the matter. In the end, she didn't make a good match. Not only that, she even made the relationship between Augustine and Qinna like this. I don't know how long it will take for Augustine and Jenna to restore their original relationship.

Seeing Chang Xia's guilty look, Jenna was also upset. She comforted her and said, "it's not as bad as you think. At least I know that Augustine likes me now. Although I don't like him, I can feel his heart."

Chang Xia's eyes blinked. She didn't understand Qinna's words. What was Qinna's attitude towards Augustine.

"Jenna, do you mean that you will consider Augustine? He has passed his heart to you, and you feel it, so will you consider him

"This... Should not." Jenna hesitated, but from her appearance, she did not think about Augustine.

Well, since I don't think about it, Chang Xia doesn't know what Qinna's plan is.

"I think it's very romantic to fall in love with someone. If you can find your favorite, your life will be worth it. It's just where your true love is, Jenna. If your true love is not Augustine, then do you want to like gerst

If Jenna chooses to fall in love, there are two ways in front of her. One is the person she likes, and the other is the person who is not sure whether the other party likes her.

Jenna shook her head, looking worried. She didn't want to be entangled in these things.

"Summer, let's not talk about that."

It seems that Jenna just wants to escape, like an ostrich hiding from something, burying her head in the sand. Chang Xia took Qinna's palm in her hand and asked, "is it useful to keep avoiding like this... You have to make a choice all the time. People's years are so short and their life is so long. If they don't pursue what they want now, when will they have to wait until they have no strength to say "dream" and "love"

Chang Xia has some experience in this. Once she had a classmate like this, but her cherished boyfriend was mercilessly abandoned by her, and she chose a rich second generation. In the end, she was dumped. By the time she looked back, her cherished boyfriend had already married another woman.

Chang Xia wants to tell Qinna that if she likes it, she should express it boldly. Just like Augustine's confession to her, if Qinna likes gerst, she should express it.

"Jenna, you can't avoid it any more. If you like gerst, just make it clear. Or if you are moved by Augustine, you can be with Augustine."

There are only two choices in front of her. Of course, Jenna has other choices, but anyway, Chang Xia hopes that she can face her heart frankly.

Qinna lowered her eyes, shining. She seemed to listen to Chang Xia's words. Now she said, "I know. I'll think about what you said about Xia."

Then smile, she said: "now is not the time to say these things, you do not want to have a good rest, but you are injured, need a good rest."

"I see." When it comes to love, it's really annoying. Chang Xia looks back and thinks about it. She feels that she is involved in a triangular relationship. It turns out that in gerst, everyone has a feeling of Indescribability. Augustine liked Jenna, Jenna liked gerst, and there was such a connection among the three of them. If gerst likes Augustine, it will be more interesting. It will be a true love triangle. But Chang Xia thought with her fingers that this could not happen. How could gerst like Augustine and a man. At night, it was already deep. Qinna and Chang Xia talked for a while, and then she went back. Hua Xiaoling stays in the hospital with her. Chang Xia is a little inconvenient because of the injury. Fortunately, Hua Xiaoling is there. With her help, Chang Xia is not inconvenient. In addition, Augustine also sent a message to Chang Xia. He should have heard about Chang Xia's injury from other places and sent a message to express his concern. Chang Xia answered the message and asked why he didn't come to the hospital to see him. He replied that he couldn't come because of something important. He would come to see Chang Xia after a while. In fact, Chang Xia knows that Agustin's saying that he can't come for something important is deceiving. He doesn't really have something, but he doesn't want to see Qinna in the hospital.