Chapter 1053

The point is that the people around us began to coax and said, "together, together."

The sound of thunder, the so-called watching is not too big, everyone began to create pressure, so that Qinna seems to want to be with Augustine. Chang Xia of course hopes that they can be together, but now looking at Qinna's facial expression, Chang Xia's premonition seems to come true. It turns out that the person Qinna likes is not Augustine, but gerst.

At this time, Chang Xia stood up, waved his hand to make everyone quiet, and then said: "in fact, the reason why Augustine made a confession was inspired by me. This is my mistake..."

Chang Xia suddenly said this sentence, we all feel strange, but now is the grand moment of confession, how can chang Xia run out at this time.

One side of gerst also came to Chang Xia: "you have something to wait until the end of the confession, we are waiting for Qinna's response."

Chang Xia also knows that she is out of time. Now everyone is waiting for Qinna's response. Just chaqinna says I'd like to, and they can be together. Agustin is now also very puzzled to look at Chang Xia, the heart is more confused, how Chang Xia at this time will be afraid to do damage.

Chang Xia doesn't come out to sabotage. She wants to know Qinna's mind. Now she said to Jenna, "you don't need to be afraid of pressure. You just need to express your most sincere feelings. If you like Augustine, you will be together. If you don't like it, you will refuse."

Chang Xia is to see Qinna's inner shaking and fear. Compared with surprise and expectation, her feeling is fear and uneasiness, so Chang Xia comes to comfort her.

Agustin was a little more angry at this time. Why Chang Xia said this without any reason? It sounds like she was saying that if Jenna chose to be with Agustin, she would be extremely cautious, as if Agustin was not a good man.

Now after saying one sentence, Chang Xia makes room for Qinna to respond. Like the place where the lights gather, everyone's eyes are on Jenna. Everyone holds their breath and waits to know what kind of reply she will give.

"I'm sorry!"

Jenna didn't say much. Her face was full of guilt and embarrassment. Now after she said three words, she turned and picked up the handbag on the sofa. The more light she was, she left the room.

Jenna left. In fact, it was right for her to leave. Now she can't stay in this embarrassing atmosphere. With a strong sense of guilt in her heart, Augustine tried so hard to prepare everything, but she refused. She wanted to calm down, so she chose to leave temporarily.

The voice is quiet, except for the romantic lyric songs, everything is so quiet. At this time, the bright incandescent light became dim, filled with people's sigh in the air.

Augustine's confession failed.

To say the most sad of course is Augustine, like the heart fell to the ground, like broken glass. His confession actually failed. He had already confirmed Qinna's intention. He thought that the person Qinna liked was his, but he was rejected.

Chang Xia's heart is also full of guilt. She is responsible for all these things. Now she can't manage too much. The most important thing is to pacify Augustine and Qinna. This should not end in tragedy.

Chang xiachao said to gerst, "don't be stunned. Go after Qinna."


"Jenna's heart is very confused. She needs a person to accompany her. You go out and have a look at her first."

Gerst knows that when something like this happens, Jenna needs to be accompanied by someone. As a childhood friend, he can't refuse. Is to listen to Chang Xia's words, he quickly chased up.

After that, the birthday party came to a hasty end with the protagonist's departure. Chang Xia and Qinna's parents and the people who came to the party said sorry, which ended the birthday party.

At night, everyone was tired. Originally, Chang Xia wanted to return to the village of Keri, but it was too late today, so he stayed in the hotel.

Augustine also stayed in the hotel. As for gerst and Jenna, they didn't come back. It's estimated that they were staying somewhere. Jenna needs some time to digest and accept what just happened. It is estimated that she will not appear in front of Augustine for a while in the future.

After taking a bath, Chang Xia comes to Agustin's guest room. What happened today is contributed by Chang Xia. Now Agustin must be very sad. Chang Xia wants to go and see how he is. Maybe she can say something comforting.

Knock on the door, wait for three minutes, the door was opened, Augustine wearing a white shirt, a face of emotion in front of him. He raised a smile and said hello to Chang Xia like a nobody.

"Summer, don't you go to rest so late?"

"I'm... I'm here to talk to you. By the way, I'm sorry." When Chang Xia said this, she was puzzled. It was clear that Augustine's confession failed. Why did he still look like a man with nothing to do. Chang Xia knows that he must be disguised, deliberately pretending to be nothing, and doesn't want others to worry.

Chang Xia and Augustine don't know each other for a long time, but they also know that the heart of this man with strong appearance is very fragile in terms of emotion. Besides, for any normal person, I'm afraid that he will feel uncomfortable after being rejected by his beloved woman.

Chang Xia said: "I'm sorry, I didn't ask Qinna whether you are the person she likes, so that's why..." "I know, I can't be with Qinna. In fact, if she really likes me, I can feel it." Augustine fell back into the room with a deep sigh. But what he said is not true. Love is what we like each other. Even if we are dull, we can feel it. If we like each other, we can feel that special wonderful emotion. Agustin sat on the sofa, his whole body was as soft as mud, but he still had a smile on his face: "I don't blame you, Xia. You are kind-hearted to help me. Although you have confessed your failure, I have figured out a lot of things after this."“ I figured out a lot of things. "“ I can pursue her openly. Although she doesn't like me, she has no right to stop me from liking her. I believe my efforts will move her... "Agustin's words sound full of sunshine, full of positive energy. But is it really like that? Chang Xia somehow hears a kind of sadness from his tone. It's like that he is full of scars and tries to put on clothes to cover up his injury. He doesn't dare to show his true face. He curls up in the corner like a poor dog and licks the wound alone.