Chapter 1035

Languines raised his eyebrows, and his deep eyes were full of dim colors. After all, the woman he likes doesn't like him, but likes her cousin. This kind of complicated relationship is hard for him to accept, and he is not happy.

Chang Xia is also in order to solve this complex relationship, just to find laneryinsi.

"I'm in love with gerst, but collier is a hindrance to us. I know you like collier very much, so I help you."

To help Laner Ince is to help himself. Chang Xia wants to convey this idea. Originally, I thought that Laner Ince would agree without hesitation. Unexpectedly, he did not agree, but firmly refused.

"Forgive me for not being able to help you." His tone is very resolute, there is no room for discussion. Why? Chang Xia doesn't understand.

"Can you tell me the reason, Lance?"

Laner Ince wanted to open his mouth and say the reason, but just as he uttered the first word, his words stopped, as if his throat was blocked by something, and he did not speak. He lowered his head and appeared silent. At last, he just shook his head.

He didn't say anything, but there was a sense of distress.

Although I don't know what happened to him, Chang Xia can clearly feel the secret between Laner Ince and collier. So he said: "you like collier, right? If you don't want to pursue what you like, you have to give up. I guess you can't tell me the truth because you promised Collie something, but I suggest you say it because I can help you

In fact, we can guess from the reaction of laneryinsi. If he didn't agree with collier, he would not refuse Chang Xia's proposal.

Unfortunately, even so, he was reluctant to say.

"I'm sorry, Miss Chang. If you only come to me for these things, please forgive me for leaving." Laner Ince stood up, wearing casual shoes, but took a heavy step, lonely back, like a painstaking man abandoned by a woman.

Chang Xia is helpless. How can there be so many stupid people in the world? If you don't fight for what you like, it's just you who are in trouble.

"Hua Xiaoling, let's go." Chang Xia said to the mobile phone that had already been turned on.

At this time, Hua Xiaoling is lying in ambush at the entrance of the coffee shop. She looks at Laner Ince coming out of the coffee shop, and immediately comes forward to stop Laner ince.

"It's Mr. lannings, isn't it? Please look at these things."

What Hua Xiaoling shows Laner Ince is a video file. The content of the video file is the conversation between Chang Xia and collier before.

The main idea of the dialogue is that Chang Xia asks collier if she likes gerst and how much she likes gerst. In this video, collier answers firmly, and even shows that she will try her best to snatch gerst, even if gerst is with Chang Xia.

After seeing this video, Laner Ince's whole expression changed. The palm holding the mobile phone trembled, and then the mobile phone slipped from his palm and was about to fall to the ground.

Hua Xiao has a quick eye and quick hand. When she sees that her mobile phone is about to drop, she quickly takes it over. At the same time, she says to Laner Ince, "why don't you go back to the coffee shop and sit down. I'm Xiao Xia's friend. I think Xiao Xia has something else to tell you."

Laneryinsi is not willing to. He likes collier. Seeing the video just now, it really irritates him. Although he knew that collier liked gerst, he always avoided it, and he was not willing to. Now, stimulated by the video, he has inspired the courage to pursue collier again.

Through the revolving door of the cafe, languines came back.

And this often Xia Zheng calmly drinks a cup of mocha coffee on the chair. The chocolate syrup in the coffee disperses in the tongue bud, tastes sweet and reverberates between the lips and teeth.

Raising her eyes, Chang Xia asked, "how about Mr. Laner Ince, have you considered it?"

"Well, if you can help me with collier, I'll cooperate with you." When he said that, he stopped and his eyes became uneasy. "Miss Chang Xia, can you really help me? In fact, I've pursued collier so many times before, and she's really persistent about her cousin. "

"Yes, yes." Chang Xia nodded, about Collier's persistence, Chang Xia certainly saw, that kind of persistence can let the stone to burst open.

But also because she is so persistent, I hope she gives up.

Generally speaking, Chang Xia doesn't break up others. The key is that gerst and collier are not sweet lovers. Gerst for his cousin is also very resistant, if reluctantly together, will only let a pair of unhappy couples born.

Chang Xia beckons and asks Laner Ince to lean over: "I have an idea. Listen to it."

Chang Xia began to talk about her great plan in laneryinsi's ear. After that, Chang Xia was a little proud: "if this plan goes well, maybe you and collier can be together."

For Chang Xia's so-called plan, Laner Ince showed his uneasy look after listening to it. He always felt that Chang Xia was not very reliable. But the so-called dead horse should be a living horse doctor. Anyway, Laner Ince can't be with collier any more. After Chang Xia's trouble, even if he fails, it doesn't matter.

That night, the sky of kekeli village was bright, the night wind was gentle, cool and comfortable. There is an arbor outside gerst's home. Gerst likes to rest in the arbor. It's the same tonight. He sits on the stone hall in a short shirt, looks up at the stars, and holds a small cup in his hand. He feels comfortable. Next to gerst is Chang Xia. After dinner today, Chang Xia asked gerst to come and sit outside. This is a rare opportunity. Gerst wanted to explain his heart to Chang Xia for a long time, but he didn't find a suitable opportunity. Today, Chang Xia asked him to come to the stone pavilion. Maybe he could take advantage of the two people's separate time to talk about his heart. Cicadas are singing, the wind rustles through the leaves, and the stone pillars in the pavilion flow the white color of the moon. Gerst looked at Chang Xia and asked, "in fact, you are looking for me tonight. I have something to look for you."“ You want to see me, too? What's the matter with you? " Chang Xia is stunned. She wants to talk to gerst about Laner Ince. Does it mean that gerst already knows that she has found Laner Ince? Curious, Chang Xia said with a smile, "why don't you talk about your business first."“ So... All right. " Gerst took a deep breath and was as nervous as a deer. He had not been so nervous for many years.