Chapter 1004

The MMS is a picture of Chang Xia's life.

As a result, Qi Qian, who didn't believe in it, chose to believe it, because the life photo was obviously taken in LD city. Chang Xia's background is the bell tower of LD City, which means that this person has really seen Chang Xia in LD city.

As long as there is a little possibility of existence, Qi Qian will look for it. Besides, the other party obviously knows Chang Xia's whereabouts, so Qi Qian immediately makes an appointment with the other party.

The other side asked to wait in a coffee shop in LD City, and asked Qi Qian to come alone. Although he was worried about whether he might set any traps or suffered blackmail and robbery from a group of people like last time, Qi Qian decided to take a risk.

According to the request, Qi Qian came alone and found that the other party was a young foreign woman, wearing a fashionable black hat.

She sat gracefully on the chair by the window, looked up at Qi Qian, then said hello and asked, "it's Mr. Qi."

"I am. You said you saw my wife?" Qi Qian asked.

"Yes, I saw it, and your wife and I met and talked to each other. It's a kind of acquaintance." The woman stood up and held her hand with Qi Qian.

She introduced herself: "my name is collier. I'm from LD city. One of your wife Chang Xia's friends is my cousin, so if you want to find your wife, I can definitely help you!"

In fact, this is Collier's plan. During this time, she found out Chang Xia's basic information with the help of her friends working in the embassy. Naturally, she also knew Qi Qian's contact information.

Now contact Qi Qian, corier is ready to pull Qi Qian to find Chang Xia.

Now, isn't chang Xia and gerst lovers? Collier wants to expose their fake lovers. The fastest way to expose them is to bring Chang Xia's current husband.

If Qi Qian appears, even Chang Xia can't deny it.

Keli'er smiles and shows a cold smile. Then she talks with Qi Qian.

Chang Xia doesn't know what's going to happen. Now she's catching fish in the pond with gerst.

Augustine's home has a pond, very large, and can produce that kind of rich and delicious fish, so gerst pulled Chang Xia to play at noon today.

And gerst also said that Chang Xia can try what it's like to catch fish. Catching fish is different from fishing. Fishing is very boring. You need to sit there honestly and catch fish everywhere. It won't be boring.

There is no fish catching experience in Chang Xia's life experience. When she hears about fish catching, she plans to have a try. Anyway, staying in kekeli village is a bit boring. There are not many recreational facilities and places to play in the village, but there are many rural activities here, and fishing is obviously one of them.

In addition to Chang Xia and gerst, Augustine and Jenna also arrived. They all agreed to come together.

Now, on the shore of the fish pond, people have changed their clothes. They are all wearing one-piece plastic fishing suits. This kind of fishing suit doesn't need to worry about the skin of the clothes getting dirty when it goes into the water. It just looks a little bulky, and it will be very hard for girls.

In addition, each hand has a fish net. The opening of the net is the size of a basketball, which is suitable for fishing. It is said that there are a lot of fish in this pond. If you take good care, you can net a lot of fish.

The water in the pond is clear and green, and the fish swim in it. Occasionally, some naughty fish look up at the sky. In addition, a lot of trees were planted on the Bank of the pond, and the leaves fell one after another, which filled with a fresh smell of grass.

Chang Xia went into the water wearing a fishing suit, which made it difficult to move in the water. The fishing suit itself was heavy. In addition, Chang Xia's strength was small, and there was mud at the bottom of the fish pond, so the moving process was difficult.

I don't know why the two men, gerst and Augustine, actually moved very fast. Chang Xia didn't move one meter when he got down from the pond. They had already moved four meters. They were like fish born in the water. They walked very fast.

Qinna also walked faster, she had already walked two meters.

Now a minute later, several of them have gone to the middle of the pond. Only chang Xia is still near the bank.

Chang Xia wondered why he could walk so slowly. If he had strength, his strength would not be smaller than Qinna's, but how could he move as fast as a tortoise.

Later, when gerst saw Chang Xia moving so slowly, he came and took her hand.

"I'll take you."

Gerst helped Chang Xia forward. With his help, it was like a boat in the lake was pulled by a pull, and Chang Xia slowly leaned towards the center.

The lake is rippling and sparkling. Occasionally, some fish will splash on the water, and the water drops will drop on Chang Xia's face.

After a period of moving, Chang Xia successfully came to the middle of the fish pond. The depth of the fish pond was about 1.4 meters. When Chang Xia came to the middle, he found that the water had reached the upper abdomen. It's no wonder that Chang Xia moves so slowly, because most of his body is covered in the water and is affected by the resistance of the water.

The tall man like gerst is different. His height of 1.85 meters is very advantageous. Agustin began to introduce it: "most of the fish ponds are crucian carp and perch. They don't swim very fast. Most of them gather in the middle of the lake. It's the best place to catch them here." After that, Augustine held the net high, and was about to show them how to catch it at one time. As a result, a net fell, empty, Agustin did not catch anything. This is embarrassing, like a row of crows flying over the song, Agustin laughed: "sorry, sorry, miss, just now I can see a fish swimming, how no net, come again." Raising his hand, Augustine reached out to catch it again, but the result was the same. The fish that had been downstream of his feet dodged Augustine's net with quick speed, but he didn't catch it. Fortunately, he also said that this fish pond belonged to his family, but he didn't catch any fish himself. Gerst patted Augustine on the shoulder and asked him to step down: "you, you don't want to be shameful here. You'd better look at me." Gerst also looked confident, stretched out his strong arm, shot high, and the fishing net tied by the long wooden stick plunged into the water. He was very quick. When the net fell into the water, he quickly lifted it up. Water splashed all over the place. Gerst's catching fish was very loud and loud. Everyone thought that he could catch the fish, because he just said so confidently that it would be no problem. As a result, he fished out all the fish.