Chapter 954

When eating with gerst, the other party is silent, just like a dead man, no fun at all.

Now when I come to the restaurant and feel the warm and harmonious taste, Chang Xia always feels that he is really back to his hometown.

It wasn't long before the dishes were ready. The waitress dressed in a classic cheongsam served the dishes. On the table are braised pork, preserved pork with preserved vegetables, salted vegetable heart and Mapo Tofu. These are home cooked dishes, not luxurious food. Chang Xia hopes that they can try the home cooked dishes of Z country.

But gerst and Augustine seemed to have never seen the world before. They looked straight at the cheongsam the waitress was wearing and thought it was very special.

Gerst asked, "Chang Xia, do you know what this dress is? How can it look so tight?"

It seems that gerst and Augustine don't know what kind of clothes they are. They have seen this kind of clothes on TV before, but they don't know the uniform name of the clothes.

Chang Xia said: "it's called Qipao. It's a kind of clothing popular during the period of the Republic of China in the state of Z. the reason why it's designed for self-cultivation is to reflect the beauty of women."

"It's beautiful. I think this kind of dress looks good. I just want to wear it," she said

Qina's figure is very good. If she wears a cheongsam, it will look good. The cheongsam itself is designed for slim women, even for foreigners.

Chang Xia promised, "if you have a chance in the future, Qinna, I'll give you a set of Qipao."

"Really, that would be great!"

"Ha ha, of course it's true. I'll wear Qipao and take photos with you then."

The two women reached an agreement in this way. However, I don't know when they will take photos when they put on their cheongsam. It is estimated that at least we have to wait for Chang Xia to completely recover the memory.

Now that the dishes are ready, Chang Xia turns to introduce the dishes to them. After the introduction, they will eat together.

Agustin and Jenna were in a dilemma because they were faced with celadon bowls and chopsticks. They didn't know how to use them. After all, they had been using knives and forks before.

Gerst is very confident, picked up chopsticks and put a piece of braised pork into his mouth, and also moved to describe the taste of the pork is particularly delicious. Now he is showing off that he can use chopsticks.

Because when he lived with gerst before, Chang Xia taught him how to use chopsticks. When he came to a Chinese restaurant, he could use chopsticks easily.

Agustin saw straight feeling angry, he asked: "how can you use chopsticks."

Gerst replied, "I can't use chopsticks. I'm smart by nature. Just look at the people at the opposite table and show them how to use chopsticks. I can use them a little bit." After that, gerst asked Augustine with the smell of provocation, "why, can't you use it?"

Augustine can feel gerst's obvious provocation. As a man, the most intolerable provocation is others' provocation, so he said bravely: "who said I can't use it, of course I will. I'll show you how to use it."

Agustin used chopsticks to hold a piece of braised pork, but he was obviously not used to using chopsticks. He could only model other people's posture with chopsticks. When using chopsticks, his fingers had no strength, and it was easy to fall off holding food. Now, he was holding a piece of pork. As a result, it just fell onto the table and a piece of meat was wasted.

Gerst couldn't help laughing: "Augustine, you are so stupid that you can't use it."

Chang Xia's face is black, and gerst laughs. When he used chopsticks, he was much worse than Augustine. It was not Chang Xia who taught him patiently that he would use them. Now gerst even laughs at others, and tells a lie that he is learning to use chopsticks on the spot.

Chang Xia said, "don't laugh, gerst. You learned to use chopsticks last week, but you barely learned it after three hours. Now you can show off a little bit."

After Chang Xia's ruthless exposure, gerst's face turned red, and Augustine also gave out a ha ha laugh and joked: "gerst, you said that you just learned from others. It turns out that you started to learn last week and learned for three hours. It's really embarrassing."

Gerst is very embarrassed, but he won't be ridiculed by Augustine. Now he retorts: "Augustine, if you have the ability to use chopsticks now, you can't use them well. Even if I learned last week, I'm better than you. At least I can use them now." After saying that, gerst bet gas to his clip a vegetable heart into the mouth, but also severely bit the vegetable heart, as if that root vegetable heart is like Augustine.

In addition to Chang Xia's chopsticks, Jenna can also use them. She can use them normally when she picks them up. Now she can see that she tries to hold food for herself, and the food is delivered to her mouth smoothly, but the process stops a little, and she is not very familiar with chopsticks.

Chang Xia and gerst looked at it in surprise and asked, "how can you use chopsticks?"

"Ah... I watched the way Xia you used chopsticks. I tried as an example, but I didn't expect to succeed." She said this, so that everyone was stunned. If we want to say who has the fastest learning ability here, we should say that Jenna is the right one. She is the real on-the-spot learning, and she is better than gerst and Augustine. Agustin was a little unconvinced. Now seeing that gerst and Jenna could both use chopsticks, he would not. In a hurry, he began to practice, but he dropped the food every time he was holding it. In the end, Jenna had no choice but to help Augustine put the piece of food he was holding in his bowl. How could he know that he was so grateful that he ate the food carefully. Looking at him, it seemed that what he ate was not a piece of meat, but holy water from heaven. Chang Xia had doubts. In fact, long ago, she thought that Augustine liked Jenna. Although he didn't show it clearly, Chang Xia's sixth sense told her so. The reason why gerst and Jenna haven't noticed Agustin's faint emotion up to now is that they are friends and get along with each other day and night, so they feel that they have eaten a little. Chang Xia just integrated into their circle, so she felt very sharp and could find out the feelings that Augustine tried to hide.