Chapter 902

Gerst made a judgment, he thought that the dagger was not easy to take, and rashly picking up the dagger would leave a flaw for the wolf to sneak attack from behind. We can't relax our vigilance to this ferocious beast at all.

Chang Xia knew that it was not a joke, and immediately looked inside the cabinet. At this time, all the things in the cabinet were turned out. In the process of searching, Chang Xia thinks that the car cabinet is definitely used by gerst as a garbage can. A lot of garbage is found in it. As for the weapon, he can't find anything except the dagger.

Instead, gerst, who was fighting against the wolf, was worried. He was playing with him when he was fighting with the wolf without weapons.

But the wolf won't give gerst so many opportunities. Now he moves his steps towards gerst and pounces on him. His limbs are as fast as the wind. He jumps high in the air and then pounces from mid air. The smell of stench first came face to face, and then a huge figure pressed on gerst. Because of the strong gravity, gerst was knocked down again.

The wolf raised his head, and his sharp tusks were very sharp in the sun. At this time, he held his head high, and he bit at gerst's neck again. These wolves are very fierce, and they all know the weakness of creatures. For example, the weakness of human beings lies in the head and neck. As long as they attack the parts above the body, they are easily fatal.

But human beings are human beings after all. When it comes to intelligence, they are not inferior to wolves at all. When the wolf came, gerst quickly put his hand on his head and pressed it to the left. Originally, the wolf pounced on gerst, and his body had lost its balance. Gerst pressed his head to the left with his hand, but unexpectedly, he fell to the ground immediately.

Gerst quickly sat on the wolf's body, pressed his head with both hands, and sat his buttocks on his abdomen, so that he could not move for a while. But it can't move, doesn't mean it won't move, now it is struggling hard, just like the fish leaving the water constantly beating, even if gerst's strength is big, he can't hold it for a long time.

Chang Xia saw clearly the situation outside through the car glass. Now she saw that the wolf had been temporarily held down by gerst. She knew this was a good opportunity. Without thinking about it, she ran out of the car and quickly came to the lake, picked up the dagger, and then stabbed the wolf in the eye with the dagger.

"Pounce", blood spatter, the wolf's eyes were stabbed after a fierce roar, because of the strong pain, it struggled violently, gerst really can't hold it, can only let it sit up again.

At the same time, gerst quickly grabbed Chang Xia's hand and rushed to the car. The wolf had been injured. For a moment, he couldn't slow down. It was a wise choice to run into the car while he hadn't recovered.

The successful gerst and Chang Xia both returned to the car. Now after closing the door tightly, they found that the wolf was standing outside the car. The wolf was very breathless. The most terrible thing was what he looked like now. His whole face was stained with blood. The smell of blood spread everywhere. He was blind and looked very angry.

Originally, gerst thought that the wolf was enraged. In order to revenge, he would continue to attack. Even if Chang Xia and gerst hid in the car, he would still hit the iron car. Did not expect the wolf to see gerst into the car did not choose to attack, but is very reluctant to go.

It's gone

After seeing the wolf's figure disappear, gerst finally breathed a sigh of relief. In his heavy posture, he sat down on the car chair at this moment. Just after struggling, he felt nervous as if he was on the line of life and death. Now that the crisis is over, he only feels that living is really a happy thing.

Looking back at Chang Xia, gerst finds that she doesn't look very well. Chang Xia's expression is plain white. She looks like her soul has been taken away, and her eyes are empty. Especially her hand, has been shaking, at this time she is holding a blood stained dagger.

Gerst knows what's going on. She just stabbed the wolf in the eye with a dagger. It's a thrilling scene for her. It's certainly not easy for a weak girl like her to achieve this level. Maybe Chang Xia hasn't killed a chicken before. Now it's too difficult for her to stab the blind wolf in the eye with a knife.

"Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. It's all right." Gerst came forward to comfort her and gently took off the dagger she held in the palm of her hand. As a result, just after taking off her dagger, she threw herself into gerst's arms and cried.

Chang Xia didn't know why she was crying. She just wanted to cry. The memory of what just happened in her mind made her feel a little sorry for the wolf. Clearly know that the wolf is to attack their own side, but Chang Xia feels that he stabbed the wolf blind is wrong.

Especially when she saw the blood splashing and listened to the cry of the wolf, the guilt was heavy, like a stone on her body, which made her feel bad.

Now nestling in gerst's arms, Chang Xia's guilt seems to have eased a little bit, but tears still keep falling down, down her cheek and on the seat in the car.

Gerst said softly and gently, "it's OK. You do it to protect yourself. I know it's hard for you to hurt the wolf just now. But that's the rule of nature. We do it to protect ourselves. "

At the same time, gerst has a character in his mind, that is, his good friend Jenna. A long time ago, there was a family killing pigs in the village. The bloody scene also attracted Qinna to cry, even for no reason. At that time, gerst didn't understand why girls would cry when they saw these scenes. In his opinion, it was very normal for human beings to kill other animals in order to survive, and why wolves attacked human beings when they survived. That's how the rules of nature are reflected. But later, as he grew older, gerst understood that some things could not be summarized with reason, especially for the feelings of girls. Now seeing Chang Xia's delicate body trembling, he knew that the guilt in Chang Xia's heart was eroding her mood, so he comforted and said, "if you hadn't blinded the wolf just now, what kind of consequences do you think, I might have died under the wolf's mouth. Now you can't tell if you're going to be cut open by the wolf and become its food, so you've saved me. " Out of self-protection, Chang Xia will hurt the wolf, which has nothing to do with her.