Chapter 900

"Wolf, in such a place?" Chang Xia asked in amazement, is there a wolf in Lake Keri? It's really shocking. But Chang Xia didn't see the wolf. Although he heard the sound of the beast, he didn't see the wolf. He didn't even see the shadow.

"Did you make a mistake? You didn't see the wolf." Chang Xia asked suspiciously.

"I don't know. Recently I heard from my friend that there are wolves in Lake Crick. I haven't seen them with my own eyes." When he said that, gerst showed a wry smile, "if you find a wolf, of course you have to run. Those wolves are not joking. They attack when they see people. It's said that several friends in the village were almost killed by the wolf."

When he said that, his face was a kind of fear. It was obvious that he was scared a lot. Chang Xia didn't expect a tall man like him to have this timid side. I don't know if the wolf is real, but I haven't seen it yet.

Chang Xia said: "I think we are just too attentive. Although we have just heard a strange sound, we can't conclude that it's the wolf. Isn't the sound of the wolf's cry all whimpering out?" After that, Chang Xia raised his head to imitate the voice of the wolf and gave a low roar. Then he continued, "I see, what we just heard is not the voice of the wolf, but the voice of other animals, such as antelope?"

When I came here, I saw a lot of animals, rabbits and antelopes in the mountain forest. I can't tell that the strange animal song was made by antelopes. So Chang Xia thinks that gerst thinks too much, and 90% of them are scared by the rumors that his friends say there are wolves near the lake.

Gerst holds the steering wheel in both hands. Now listening to Chang Xia's words, his nervousness gradually eases. In addition, he also feels that he is a big man. As a result, he shows his timid appearance in front of Chang Xia.

After straightening his chest, he said with a smile, "yes, maybe it's not a wolf. What's more, if there's a wolf, even if there's a wolf in a man like me, I can still knock him down with one punch."

As a result, gerst said with pride that he could knock down the wolf with one punch. After hearing this, Chang Xia snorted and thought that this guy was humorous to some extent, especially in the aspect of lying and deceiving.

"So what are you going to do next, Mr. gerst? Do you want anything we put outside?" Chang Xia pointed to the fish pole outside the car and the big fish in the bucket.

Gerst replied, "of course. It took me a whole morning to get it. How could I give it up like that?"

Before, because he was afraid that a wolf would suddenly rush out, he didn't even think about it, so gerst pulled Chang Xia Dynasty into the car. Now I sit in the car and look around. I find that there is no wolf, so I want to bring back the things outside.

And gerst also thought that if he found a wolf after going out, he would go into the car immediately. As long as you hide in the car, are you afraid of wolves? The wolf can't get into the car. When he thought about it, gerst went out of the car and was ready to move in all the things he had left outside.

Chang Xia asked for help when she saw the fish. The fish ropes were scattered and intertwined on the fishing rod. It took a lot of time to tie them all together. Men like gerst, who had thick hands and feet, didn't know when to be busy.

"Just stay in the car," gerst said. "We men in the Kerley prairie don't need women to do heavy work. You just stay in the car."

Gerst said very gentle words with a warm smile, which was really attractive. If Chang Xia is one of those 18-9-year-old girls, I'm not sure Cupid's love arrow will shoot through her heart now.

Now sitting in the car, Chang Xia leans on the soft chair and thinks that he will wait slowly and go back after gerst has cleaned up. After a busy morning, Chang Xia is actually a little tired. In addition, he didn't eat anything when he came out. Now he is exhausted.

When she closed her eyes quietly, she suddenly found that there was a slight movement in the grass, the branches and leaves in the flowers swayed, and small footprints appeared on the green grass. Chang Xia didn't pay attention to it at first, but when he looked up, he found out what the moving shadow was.

It's a wolf! The real wolf is a little bit bigger than a dog. He has black eyes, like steel pointed fur. Saliva flows from his tusks. He looks hungry and leans slowly towards gerst. Like the animal world in the TV, the leopard slowly pours at the antelope.

The wolf, too, leans low toward gerst, intending to bite through the aorta of his neck when gerst doesn't find it.

Chang Xia's heart rises and beats violently. At the same time, she shouts out of the window: "be careful, gerst, there are wolves, there are wolves!"

Chang Xia tried her best to shout, but her voice would be broken. As a result, her voice reverberated in the quiet lake. The branches and leaves seemed to swing because of her voice, and the whole quiet scene was like broken glass.

Gerst, of course, was nervous when he heard the sound. He raised his eyes and looked around. As Chang Xia said, a wolf came over at some time. Gerst is cleaning up the fishing rod. At this time, he doesn't care so much. He immediately puts down the fishing rod and prepares to run. The key is that the wolf has run in front of him. It's between the car and him. If gerst wants to go back to the car, he must pass the wolf first.

The wolf had fierce eyes and sharp claws. He lowered himself to make an attack. Gerst knew that if he rushed over rashly, he would be bitten by the wolf. Now looking at the sharp tusks, gerst thought that if he was bitten by this kind of creature, even if he didn't die immediately, he would be half alive. Palms sweating, nervous mood stimulated his heart beating up, sweat is frequent dripping from the forehead, at this time gerst did not know how to do. Chang Xia knew that gerst couldn't come, so she thought of a way, that is to attract the attention of the wolf, let the wolf shift the attack object. Fortunately, there are still some small bread in the car. It was originally bought to feed the dog, and then it was given to Chang Xia. Because Chang Xia did not finish eating, there was still a little bread left. Now the bun is five meters away from the wolf. Chang Xia plans to lure the wolf away with bread, so that he can make time for gerst. But after throwing out the bread, Chang Xia is surprised to find that the wolf is not moved at all. The wolf's eyes are always staring at gerst, as if he is aiming at a prey. He doesn't let go of it. Bread has no attraction to him at all.