Chapter 898

Later, when asked, what gerst said made Chang Xia feel bad.

He said with a clear smile: "a troublesome character like you is certainly not liked, so you should not be married, maybe even have no boyfriend."

Chang Xia clenched his fists angrily, even tried to push gerst directly into the fish to feed it. This guy always said something that made people angry.

Seeing Chang Xia's face bulging, gerst seemed really angry. He even waved his hand and explained, "I'm joking. Don't mind. I don't think it's strange even if you get married. Maybe you even have children, because you are very beautiful."

"Beautiful..." Chang Xia murmured and opened her eyes slightly. It was the first time that she heard praise from gerst. Although I have known him for a short time, since I got along with him, gerst has been hurting himself and never heard him praise him. Now hearing him say that, Chang Xia can't help feeling happy in her heart.

However, Chang Xia still realized that her appearance was different from that of gerst, and there was a gap between the faces of the East and the West. In fact, Chang Xia doesn't know what she looks like, so she's not sure whether gerst's "beautiful" is sincere or flattering. No matter what, she still feels happy.

Just at this time, there are ripples in the calm lake.

Gerst was originally sitting in a small chair quietly fishing, and found that there was movement in the lake. According to his experience, he immediately thought that there was a fish on the hook.

"Good fellow! We have something to eat today. " Gerst looked very happy. He opened his arms and held the fishing rod with both hands. He thought it was a big fish floating out of the water, but he found that he had caught nothing. The hook was empty, and even the bait that had been hung on it was gone.

Seeing this, Chang Xia couldn't help laughing. Needless to say, the bait was eaten by the fish in the lake. Gerst didn't catch the fish.

When gerst saw Chang Xia laughing so happily, he complained: "you still laugh. I didn't catch any fish. We don't have anything to eat tonight."

After that, he sat back in his chair, picked up the wooden basket with insects, quickly loaded the new bait, and put it into the lake again.

Chang Xia asked, "is your bait eaten by the fish, so you didn't catch anything?"

"It's obvious that these fish are so smart. I used to catch one when I came fishing, but now I can't catch it for such a long time." Holding the next bagster show a look of depression, handsome face is full of anxiety expression. I can see that he is really nervous. Maybe he is afraid that he can't eat anything at noon today?

Chang Xia said: "in fact, there is nothing delicious about fish. Let's eat steak together."

"Steak?" Gerst looked at Chang Xia and said with a smile, "Miss Chang, do you have any money for steak?"

Chang Xia honestly replied, "No."

"What kind of steak do you want to eat? You are dependent on others now. Can't you be honest?" Gerst thought that he would like to eat steak in summer, and he didn't think about it well. Steak is very valuable, like he doesn't eat much.

Chang Xia thinks that he is too stingy. He is not very poor, but he is a stingy guy from his way of life.

"Gerst, when are you going to catch it?" Chang Xia has been sitting on the chair for half an hour now, and there is no movement of a fish, which makes her flustered. Now she wants to go back, no matter what she does, but she doesn't want to stay here.

"You should be quiet. Fishing is about patience. You can't finish it so quickly. If you are really bored, you might as well play with your mobile phone," gerst said

After that, he handed over a smartphone and taught Chang Xia how to use it, watch movies and play games.

Chang Xia lost his memory. He didn't remember how to use the smartphone very well, but when he mentioned it a little, he could use it immediately. I didn't expect that there were many Hollywood movies and popular animes in Asia in gerst's mobile phone. What he saw was very miscellaneous, almost any movie.

After ordering her smartphone, Chang Xia sat down and watched the movie quietly. As she watched, gerst suddenly heaved a sigh and said, "I'm sorry."

He suddenly said sorry, let Chang Xia feel very not used to, at the same time also don't understand why he said sorry.

He said: "because I didn't take you to the hospital immediately, according to your situation, it's better to go to the hospital immediately for examination, but I didn't take you to the hospital until tomorrow."

"Oh, that's the thing. It's nothing." Chang Xia is aware of his difficulties. It seems that the hospitals in Celtic are very busy. Even now, it's difficult to get an injection. In addition, Chang Xia's injury is not serious, that is, he has lost some skin injuries and suffered concussion in his head. It's no big problem to stop bleeding by simple bandaging.

Chang Xia now patted her chest and said confidently, "I'm in good health, so you don't have to worry about it."

Seeing Chang Xia's careless appearance, gerst grinned: "you are really special. Chang Xia, I have seen many Oriental women before, but I just haven't seen your character."

"Ah? What's wrong with my character? " Chang Xia thinks that her character is not so bad, is she? She thinks her character is OK, but she is frank and natural. In addition, Chang Xia didn't know what character Oriental women were. After she lost her memory, she was vague about everything, and could only remember some common sense of life. In addition, she forgot all about specific personnel and things. Gerst said: "Oriental women are gentle and virtuous, small jasper type, and you are not the same." He said so with a smile, but it didn't sound like a compliment. Chang Xia doubted whether he was satirizing himself or not. Was he saying that he was rude and not gentle, and that his nerves were like a crazy woman? Chang xialeng snorted: "yes, I am not a gentle woman." Gerst found that Chang Xia was not happy all of a sudden. He was stunned and didn't know what he was wrong. Then he realized that he was wrong. He immediately explained, "you misunderstood me. My consciousness is that you are very frank and have the characteristics of Westerners. You don't look like an oriental."“ "Oh?"“ I think, Chang Xia, you may be an oriental who grew up in the West. These things are very common, such as some Chinese Americans. " What he said is not unreasonable. Gerst means that Chang Xia may not live in the East, but a real westerner.