Chapter 892

The magician's performance is not for one person, but for thousands of people. Among these thousands of people, there are also people with good eyesight and strong strength. A great magician will not be seen by others. Gerst thinks that he can't do that with his current technology. If he is allowed to stand on the stage, he must be full of loopholes and make a fool of himself.

At this time, the very confident and proud gerst disappeared, like a curled up sponge, looking a little pitiful.

Chang Xia thinks that there must be a lot of things happened to gerst, which many people don't know. Because of the setbacks and difficulties, he gave up his dream of being a magician. Until now, he is still a farmer and has no choice to become a magician. It's also a feeling that everyone chooses a different road. It's up to him to make the choice, and no one else can interfere.

Although Chang Xia saw that gerst had a burning heart and wanted to pursue his magician's path, he lost his courage because he was hesitating, just like a winged bird who was afraid of heights and didn't want to fly.

"If it's your choice, then you can choose it. Anyway, I'm an outsider." Chang Xia sits on the stone chair in the pavilion. The stone chair is slightly cool, and the tone of Chang Xia is also a little cool. After all, she is really an outsider and can't manage so many other people's affairs. She hasn't known gerst for a day.

I don't know. I'm going home in a few days. Each lives his own life, no longer relevant.

At the same time, in a hotel in Celtic City, there were two or three people sitting together in the presidential suite. Qi Qian was very impressed. He was wearing a suit, but the suit was full of sweat. For a man as polite as him, his appearance was rarely messy.

"Well, haven't you found Xiao Xia yet?" Qi Qian asked anxiously. In front of him sat Moyang and Lingge.

Since Chang Xia's disappearance, the heirs have begun to spread their strength in the whole Celtic city. In addition to Qi Qian, Moyang and Lingge have helped together. Unfortunately, the search did not find the trace of Chang Xia.

In the final analysis, this is not the Z country, not their place. Even if each of them has strong power, they are constrained to come here.

Listening to Mo Yang and Ling Ge saying that they didn't find a clue, Qi Qian sat on the sofa powerlessly, his face as if dead, and even his breathing voice was so heavy. He really can't imagine why Chang Xia disappeared. Didn't he follow us to a safe place.

Qi Qian even promised on the phone that he would go out alive. When the time comes, the whole family will be happy and safe, but why did she disappear?

Qi Qian's eyes were sharp. He looked at Ning Ke'er and said, "tell me how Xiao Xia disappeared. She's sitting in the same car with you."

Ning Ke'er looks guilty and moves uneasily. The sudden disappearance of Chang Xia has something to do with her. If she didn't take everyone to Celtic castle, how could she meet with a terrorist incident, let alone the case of Chang Xia's disappearance. Therefore, since Chang Xia disappeared, Ning Ke'er was very upset, and now he explained it again.

"We were all in the car, and then a car hit us, and everyone in the car lost consciousness, including me. When we wake up, Chang Xia will be gone. "

A video is to verify Ning'er's statement, also nodded and said: "yes, at that time, when the rescue workers came, they only saved us. They didn't see Chang Xia. She seems to have disappeared for no reason."

It's gone. How can people disappear? Qi Qian was full of disbelief. He felt that something special must have happened.

The air is full of sadness and coldness. Everyone dare not breathe. What we can feel is a strong pressure. Everyone is concerned about the safety of Chang Xia, but everyone feels so powerless. Why does Chang Xia have an accident alone?

Just in time, the child suddenly began to cry. It was Chang Xia's child, Chang xiqian, who seemed to know that he had lost his mother. Recently, the child has been crying all the time.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Rather see the child has been crying, is to go and a sound coax the child together, but how to coax, the child is crying. Even the child began to shout: "Mom, mom..."

His cry seemed to have ten thousand needles in Qi Qian's heart. Originally Qi Qian was worried about Chang Xia's safety, but now the child still said that, which made Qi Qian feel more worried.

Xiao Xia, don't let anything happen to you. Qi Qian sat on the blue round sofa, holding his hands tightly. He seemed to be praying. If there are gods in the western world, I hope to bless Chang Xia and everything will be OK.

Everyone's nerves are tense. In fact, from the beginning of terrorist activities to now, everyone is in a state of nervous tension. Although the terrorist activities are over now, and the suppression by the government, it seems that Celtic city is peaceful. But is the city really peaceful?

According to Lingge's information, there are still civil strife in the city, and it seems that some criminals have not been caught. Therefore, if the trade rashly goes out at this time, it may lead to attacks. Life is a very precious thing. Anyone should cherish it for fear of losing it. Facing the threat of life, Ling Ge proposed to leave here very early.

As long as you leave Celtic and return home, security can be ensured. But if you leave country y, it means that the search for Chang Xia will be over. Qi Qian first raised his objection. He said that if he wanted to go back, he would let them go back. He would not go back. If Chang Xia is not found, he will not go back anyway. Seeing him so stubborn, Ling Ge certainly has no way. In addition to Qi Qian, Ning Ke'er and a'yin all proposed to stay, and there were two foreign girls, Bilis and Wenna Yiner. Although we all know that it is not safe to stay in Celtic, we are more concerned about Chang Xia. Chang Xia is their good friend and sister, just like their family, how can they leave Chang Xia in Y country and go back by themselves. In the room, everyone looked down and talked from time to time. Although they couldn't help, everyone wanted to see if they could find any ideas to help Chang Xia. For example, Bilis and Weiner said that they could contact the local government departments for help, or go to the media to publish a search notice.