Chapter 890

Since it's magic, there must be a mechanism. When Chang Xiasuo asked for the cup, he was rejected by gerst.

"How can I give you the cup? Magic props are the life of a magician. They can't be shown to others at will."

Chang Xia rolled his eyes and said, "you are not a real magician. What are you anxious about?"

"Who says I'm not a real magician? I'm a magician. Don't insult me." Hum, gerst looks really angry. Chang Xia knew that he was not angry at all, just pretending.

But seeing his reaction so excited, Chang Xia knew that gerst must have moved in the cup. The more so, the more curious Chang Xia was, and he wanted to know what was hidden in the cup.

Chang Xia saw that he didn't want to give it, so he snatched the cup.

"Gerst, look there. It looks like someone is coming."

"People?" After listening to Chang Xia's words, gerst looked along Chang Xia's fingertips. When he didn't pay attention to Chang Xia, Chang Xia immediately came up to grab the cup. I thought I could snatch the cup successfully, but I didn't expect to fail!

As if he had been prepared, gerst suddenly closed the cup in his hand. Chang Xia did not get the cup, but fell to the ground because he lost his balance. Fortunately, gerst's quick reaction helped Chang Xia up in time. He turned around and fell to the ground. Chang Xia fell into his arms.

The stars are shining and everything is quiet. What you can hear is the sound of cicadas. When Chang Xia and gerst look at each other, a sense of embarrassment permeates each other, as well as the sound of the gently beating heart.

Gerst and Chang Xia look at each other like this, but gerst's face turns red. Now he holds Chang Xia's waist and lifts her up.

"You have nothing to do!" Gerst asked, as if in order to resolve his own embarrassment, he said, "it's all your fault. You want to cheat me with some inferior means, and you want to rob me of my cup when there are guests."

Chang Xia freely admitted that he just wanted to take away gerst's cup, so he said: "anyway, I know what technique you used to make the magic successful. Since we all know that you used a special method, I'm afraid I can't check it."

"Of course not."

"I don't think you have confidence in yourself. A successful magician doesn't care about it. Are you afraid that I will expose your magic?" Chang Xia retorted that there was a faint smell of gunpowder between them, which made their distance closer.

If Chang Xia was a little wary and afraid of gerst before, they seemed to be closer to each other in this conversation. At least Chang Xia was not so worried about gerst, and really believed that the stranger was a good man.

Chang Xia, of course, didn't notice her change to gerst. Now she wants to expose gerst's "deception", so she takes a step to make a clear position. Since you can't grab it by stealth, just grab it openly and aboveboard. Are you afraid that you won't win the other side.

Gerst is also hateful enough, see Chang Xia squeeze over, he raised his hand high, his height of one meter nine obvious advantage. The average height of most foreigners is on the high side, especially for young people like gerst, who can't jump even if they raise their hands. So the glass was safely held in his hand, Chang Xia can see the glass, but there is no way to take the glass.

"Gerst, you are useless. Are you so afraid that I will reveal your secret, you fake magician?" Since he can't grab his glass, Chang Xia will stimulate him with words. Chang Xia feels that gerst is a rash and acute person. He must be fooled by a good provocation.

As Chang Xia guessed, gerst was deceived, shrugged his nose and said, "I'm not a fake magician. You're right. A aboveboard magician won't be afraid of others checking his magic props. I'll show you if you want to see my cup."

All of a sudden, gerst became aboveboard, as if he was not afraid of being exposed by others. Chang Xia was puzzled. Well, how could he be so confident.

After taking the cup, Chang Xia carefully looked up and found that the cup was ordinary and there was no difference. Chang Xia still thinks that he will not give up. It's impossible that he didn't do anything about the cup. If he didn't do anything, why did gerst just show so nervous about the cup? It must be strange.

But then Chang Xia continued to check the cup, still did not check strange things. The cup is the cup. It's a normal thing. In the end, I can only give up and pass the cup.

At the same time, Chang Xia complained: "this cup has nothing at all. Why are you so nervous? You should be frank and give me the cup before."

Chang Xia doesn't understand why he has to compete with himself, because there is no problem with the cup after checking.

As a result, gerst said, "it's just fun. The more you think there's something wrong with the cup, the more I care about it. Then you'll think there's something wrong with the cup. Are you disappointed to find that the cup is OK now

Not to mention, I feel very disappointed. It's like falling down from a high place. I thought I would get something from the search cup, but I didn't get anything. Chang Xia thinks that gerst's psychological tactics are quite open, as if he can predict everything. In fact, to be a magician is more important than means and techniques to be able to observe the psychology of the audience so as to fight psychological warfare. It seems that Chang Xia underestimated gerst. He is not a simple farmer. He has great talent in magic. However, Chang Xia is still curious about the water cup that is suddenly filled with water, so he asks gerst to reveal the answer quickly. He spat out his tongue, showing a naughty look like a little boy: "it's a joke to let the magician reveal his own magic. I won't uncover it."“ Hello, you've gone too far. I've been here with you for so long, but you didn't let me know the answer. " This feeling is particularly uncomfortable, as if the candy is about to fall to the ground. Chang Xia is a curious person. She likes to get to the bottom of everything. If she doesn't know the magic answer, Chang Xia can't sleep“ Tell me the answer, or I'll be rude to you. " Chang Xia threatened“ Oh, what will you do to me? You're welcome