Chapter 884

It was a sweet memory, and it's still so exciting in retrospect.

And tomorrow, Chang Xia will also take her wedding photos with Qi Qian's arm in her arms. She is looking forward to the photos taken in Celtic castle, the famous dating holy land. It will be beautiful and amazing.

The next morning, the sun rose slowly, and everything seemed so beautiful. Chang Xia got up early in the morning, and Qi Qian didn't get up when she got up, which was a rare thing. Qi Qian got up early in ordinary times, and Chang Xia couldn't see him when she got up together.

After all, today is the day to take wedding photos. Of course, Chang Xia should be well prepared.

And in this early morning, Chang Xia just walked out of the door and found Ning Ke'er was also there. She was wearing a blue wrinkled dress, and her expression was very excited.

"Xiao Xia, why did you get up so early?" Said Ning Ke'er pleasantly.

Seeing her, Chang Xia seemed surprised and liked her. She stepped forward and held hands with her: "I asked you, right? Why do you get up so early and don't sleep more?"

"I can't sleep. Do you like the wedding dress I sent you yesterday?"

When she said that, Chang Xia thought of the wedding dress she had sent last night, not to mention that she liked it very much. So she said that Ning Ke'er was her own sister, and she had the same taste in choosing the wedding dress.

Chang Xia solemnly said to Ning Ke'er, "thank you. The wedding dress is very good. I'll put on this wedding dress to take wedding photos today."

"That's good. When you finish shooting with Qi Qian, you'll have to shoot with me."

In retrospect, Chang Xia and Ning Ke'er once had an idea that it was their junior high school students on their way home. They were carrying schoolbags and holding hands. They talked about the boy so and so in the next class, who had better academic performance and was kind to themselves.

Finally, they also agreed that if they get married in the future, they must wear a wedding dress and take a picture together. Unexpectedly, their wish came true today.

Today, they will wear wedding photos to fulfill their childhood wishes.

Four hours later, everyone got up at noon, and the team of photographers arrived. Chang Xia, Ning Ke'er and a'yin changed their wedding dresses and went to the courtyard of Celtic castle to shoot.

The time is quiet, the sun is bright, the dew drops from the leaves, and the bricks and stones in the yard are very warm and romantic.

Chang Xia is wearing a fluffy and gorgeous wedding dress, which is where many people have already stood on the terrace of the courtyard. They are Bilis and wenaynell. The sisters are all dressed in white wedding dress, and the whole scene is flawless.

Chang Xia was embarrassed when the photographer and the camera kept pointing at her several women, but Bilis showed her how to shoot and how to shoot. It is said that Bilis used to be a model for several years, and she looks very natural in front of the camera.

A Yin is also not bad, both inside and outside the camera, she appears elegant and calm, everyone talks and laughs, the scene is happy.

It started with Chang Xia and Qi Qian's single wedding dress shooting. Qi Qian is very handsome today. He is wearing a straight light gray suit. His hair is combed neatly and his body is elegant. If he is different from usual, Qi Qian is obviously a little nervous today.

When Chang Xia looked at him in the past, he could find that he was calm and calm at any time. Today, it's rare to see a little nervous in his expression. The hand in his pants pocket didn't even know how to put it, so he didn't take it out all the time. Later, it was the photographer who reminded Qi Qian that he needed to keep a close interaction with Chang Xia when taking wedding photos. Only when he didn't know how to put his hand on Chang Xia's shoulder would he put it.

It was only half an hour. After shooting, Chang Xia looked at the photos and found that they were very beautiful. Qi Qian, in particular, was born to take photos. He was like a figure drawn by a painter. He was cool, handsome and dignified. His eyes were like a deep pool, but he had an unspeakable attraction. This man is really a monster.

After shooting with Qi Qian, Chang Xia specially asked the photographer to develop the photos and bind them into an album. She wanted to keep the album. When her son grew up, she could show him how beautiful his parents were when they were young.

Then, naturally, we have to continue shooting with Ning Ke'er and other good sisters. We can't wait. We all stand together in a hurry wearing wedding dress and high-heeled shoes, smiling faces, scissors hands and all kinds of strange and sexy movements.

With the flashing of the magnesium lamp, every few seconds we change the action, and the beautiful photos with different shapes are printed. Of course, Chang Xia also specially looks at how Hua Xiaoling and shangguanfeng are shooting. Their feelings have always been in a tangled state. Although they are lovers, they can't cross the line. Chang Xia wants to take advantage of this wedding photo to improve their feelings.

As a result, when I watched them in the past, I found that their feelings had really improved. Shangguanfeng was very good at it. Holding Hua Xiaoling's hand, they had a sweet love. They were like newlyweds. With this strength, I can't say that they would really get married after their trip to Europe.

At this time, Celtic Castle suddenly sounded a beep alarm, the sound of a burst of very harsh, usually fire can often hear this sound. Now the sound is all over the castle. Chang Xia can't help hearing it and thinking about what happened?

Is there a fire? Looking around Chang Xia Dynasty, he found that everything was ok, the trees swayed with the light wind, the bricks and stones of the castle looked ancient and deep in the sun, and nothing changed. It was not a fire. If it's a fire, at least you should be able to see bursts of black fog coming out. Ling Ge ran over at this time. His face was in a hurry, and his forehead was sweating. It seemed that something big had happened“ There's something wrong. Let's go now. " Smell speech everyone feel shocked, don't understand what happened, why Ling song so flustered let everyone leave. Even Qi Qian didn't understand what could happen if it was good. Ling GE has no time to explain, just beckons and shouts: "go, there's a car outside, everyone get on the bus, we'll talk about it then." Ling GE has always been calm and calm, but now he can show this appearance, it seems that it is really a big deal. Everyone didn't think much. Listening to Ling GE's words, they rushed to the gate of Celtic castle. In this way, Chang Xia and Ning Ke'er didn't even change their wedding dress, so they walked out. After getting on the car, I heard the sound of shooting in the street opposite Celtic castle.