Chapter 805

Beside Chang Xia, there are Bilis and Wenna Yiner. They buy food for Chang Xia and help the children with their clothes. Where they can help, the two sisters are helping.

Just looking at them, Chang Xia thought of one thing.

"Wena Yiner, do you need to be prepared? I'm going to meet Luo Ziwen tomorrow." Chang Xia didn't forget it. Last night, Chang Xia bet with Luo Ziwen that if the other party really forgets wena Yiner and is willing to give up the past feelings, he should make it clear with wena Yiner.

That is tomorrow, Luo Ziwen will come to meet Wenna Yiner. Chang Xia is thinking about whether Wenna Yiner should prepare. After all, in a sense, this is their first formal meeting.

Wenna Yiner shook her head and gave a reluctant smile: "in fact, if he really came to see me, he must have come to refuse me. If so, what else can I prepare for?"

Wenna Yiner said this in a low voice and in a negative mood, as if she knew Luo Ziwen would refuse her. No wonder she thought so. Luo Ziwen spoke so hard before, and indeed, as Wenna Yiner said, if he came to see her, he would have come to refuse.

Even if Wenna Yiner is ready to meet, can she make Luo Ziwen change his mind?

I think I'll be ready for you to meet Luo Ziwen tomorrow. I'll make you look pretty. According to me, if you dress up so well, maybe Luo Ziwen will feel blind and be with you again

Bilis's idea is really idealized. If Wenna Yiner is dressed up beautifully, Luo Ziwen will change his mind. The last time he met at home in a residential building, he would have changed his mind. Not until now, Luo Ziwen still insists that she will not accept winner.

Wenna Yin Er is to look down on things, she felt that everything is natural, barely no happiness. At most, she will try her best to fight for it. If she really can't, she won't force it.

After all, love itself is a kind of fate.

"Don't worry about my business. Thank you." As for meeting Ziwen tomorrow, I don't need to make any preparations. I'll get a call from him and we'll make an appointment to meet somewhere

Wena Yiner is really simple, but Chang Xia agrees with her simple idea. She doesn't need to be ostentatious to decorate her feelings, and she doesn't need other people's opinions to influence her thoughts. She can come as she thinks.

"I support you." As a good sister, Chang Xia respects wena Yiner's opinions.

Bilis originally wanted to say something, but even Chang Xia said so, so she had nothing to say, but she still asked cautiously: "wennaier, you don't need to prepare, do you need us to accompany you?"

Like TV plays, the heroine is afraid that a good sister will be bullied. When a good sister goes on a date, the heroine must accompany her. Bilis has the same idea. Although Weiner says she doesn't need to be prepared tomorrow, if she is allowed to meet Luo Ziwen alone, it's not certain that she won't be bullied.

"No, I want to be on my own tomorrow," Weiner replied

"Ah? Are you going alone? Can you do it? " Bilis was skeptical. The last time Wenna Yiner met Luo Ziwen, Wenna Yiner didn't know how flustered she was. She didn't even have the courage to face Luo Ziwen. She couldn't even say a word when she met Luo Ziwen. If she went to meet Luo Ziwen tomorrow, she would be very stiff.

Chang Xia said“ Bilis, let her come. She wants to meet alone. After all, it's her business. Outsiders can't help her

"Xia, why do you say that? Didn't we say we were going to help wennainell?"

"It's because of helping her." Love is so complicated that even Chang Xia can't understand it, let alone let her help others. Besides, wenaynell is not a little girl of three or four years old. She is an adult. She should have some independence and determination.

In the end, Bilis had no choice but to listen to what Chang Xia said and let Wenna Yiner go alone.

As the night went on, the two sisters came to see Chang. The sun had just set in summer, and it was already ten o'clock.

Bilis and her parents originally wanted to stay in the hospital, but Chang Xia still let them go home first. There were not enough beds in the hospital. They stayed to occupy space. In addition, the hospital's accommodation conditions were not as good as those at home, so they had better go home.

Instead, Qi Qian insisted on staying with him. He bought a light celery porridge and sat by the bed feeding Chang Xia. Not to mention, now he looks very gentle and handsome. The light falls on his side face. His facial features are clearly defined and attractive. Chang Xia is going to be fascinated.

I didn't expect that Qi Qian's ability to take care of people was very good. He had known him for so long that he took care of himself most of the time. It's just that it's not himself that is ill now, it's a baby, why does he feed himself porridge.

Leng for a while, Chang Xia is very embarrassed to take his spoon over: "I'll drink it myself, I don't need you to feed."

Qi Qian is also obedient. Chang Xia says that he doesn't need to feed him. He doesn't feed him either. Instead, he has a pair of clear eyes on the child. From his eyes, we can see the heavy worry. Although the doctor said that the child was OK and it would be OK to have a rest for a period of time, Qi Qian's eyes seemed heavy. Chang Xia doesn't understand why he looks like this. The children are not all right now. Looking down, the child is sleeping quietly in the hospital bed in light and thick clothes. His red face is very lovely and his hands and feet are slightly folded. Chang Xia patted Qi Qian on the back and asked, "what's the matter? You look like something's wrong."“ I'm... I'm fine. "“ You said you were OK Chang Xia can see that Qi Qian has something to say. Now, Chang Xia said in a serious way: "you can't hide anything between husband and wife. It's the basic principle to tell each other frankly. Didn't you tell me that when you got married? If I find out that you have something to hide from me, you know the consequences. " Chang Xia makes a threatening appearance, but although she is threatening Qi Qian, her expression is not terrible at all. Qi Qian didn't feel afraid. He took a look at her and then gave her a kiss on the cheek.