Chapter 792

Back to the residential building in a city, Chang Xia and Bilis are comforting Wenna Yiner. Half an hour has finally stabilized Wenna Yiner's mood. Originally she was still crying, now holding a cup of coffee, look indifferent, but the expression is still a little bit sad.

Chang Xia asked: "it's better... In fact, why are you so sad? Let Luo Ziwen go when he's gone, and you should be able to see him later."

"No way." Weiner shook her head silently. "He will never see me again. His reaction has just told me."

His reaction? Chang Xia and Bilis recollect that Luo Ziwen was so firm and resolute when he left, and the look in his eyes revealed a kind of fear.

As if, a lot of things happened between them, not just the simple Luo Ziwen was dumped.

Next, Weiner did say the real reason, why Luo Ziwen loved himself so much before, but now she runs away when she sees herself, and even leaves without saying hello.

"Because I cheated." In a simple word, it reveals the deep remorse and regret of winner.

But this sentence, can chang Xia and biles two people to shock silly, Wenna Yiner since it is because of the reason of cheating, so hurt Luo Ziwen? It's incredible.

First of all, there are two things about cheating. Chang Xia was cheated. Her first love boyfriend Lu Yihang was with her best friend and betrayed herself like this. At that time, Chang Xia also felt that she had nothing to love, but things would be better slowly. I don't think it's a big deal.

Bilis thinks the same way. She's been in love since she was 14 years old, and she's been cheating on her many times. According to this degree, every ex boyfriend should hate Bilis?

So generally speaking, they all think that Luo Ziwen is too fragile. Even if Wenna Yiner is cheating, there is no need to get hurt like this.

Chang Xia comforted and said, "it's just cheating. As a result, Luo Ziwen is so hurt. I think his psychological endurance is poor."

Bilis nodded: "yes, yes, I also think it's Luo Ziwen's poor psychological endurance, but..." with a smile, Bilis made a very untimely joke, "I didn't expect that you would cheat on wennaier."

This sentence makes Chang Xia black faced. Bilis can't say what she's going to do to mention it. Don't you see that Wenna Yiner is not happy because of it now? She just doesn't want to mention it.

But Bilis said a big truth, wennaier actually will cheat, this is really did not expect. Because Weiner seems to be the kind of girl who is a little bit obedient, elegant and generous. She doesn't look like someone who will cheat.

But Chang Xia still waved her hand and continued to comfort her: "in fact, love is a two-way choice. Even if you cheat on Wenna Yiner, it's not wrong."

"Yes, yes." Bilis agreed. The two sisters worked hard, and they could say anything to comfort Wenner.

Wenaynell's mood didn't improve at all. She was sitting on the sofa, her emerald eyes were haunted by the taste of sadness, as if autumn leaves were falling one after another, filled with a strong taste of sadness. After that, she said another shocking news.

"In fact, it's not as simple as cheating..."

There is also a story about the so-called split. At that time, on the campus of M country, Wenna Yiner and Luo Ziwen got along with each other better and better, and finally they rented a house outside. All in all, they had been in love for nearly three years, but in the third year there was an accident.

Love can not always be so sweet, when the hormone burned out, boredom will take the place of freshness, at this time the feelings will change, it is a pity that wennaier has changed. At that time, because they were interested in music, they often got together to chat. After talking for a long time, they would be intimate, and their feelings were naturally strong. Finally, they did a wrong thing.

That night, Wenna Yiner took the school grass to their rental house. She was sentimental and affectionate, but she was seen by Luo Ziwen who came back from school.

Chang Xia and Bilis, who are listening to the story, are both surprised: "so, you have a relationship with others, and Luo Ziwen sees you."

"Yes." Wenna Yiner admitted that it was because of this that Luo Ziwen left an indelible mark on his mind.

You can imagine that after three years of love, you think you can entrust your girlfriend for life, but it's strange that you get together with other men in front of him without leaving a shadow in your heart.

"No wonder Luo Ziwen is so hurt... He may have lost his trust in love," she said admiringly

In a way, winner did something wrong, and it was frightening. But we can't judge that Weiner is a bad woman because of this. When she didn't do anything wrong, what's more, Weiner was not a mature woman at that time. She was a little girl at that time. She had a indifferent attitude towards everything and would not stick to any love.

On this point, Chang Xia is considerate: "wena Yiner, that's all in the past. There's no need to tangle. Now I want to ask you, what's your opinion on Luo Ziwen? Do you want to get back together with him, or is that all? " Wenna Yiner proposed to come back to the state of Z to see Luo Ziwen. Now she has met him, but it depends on the situation. Wenna Yiner is not willing to let it go. Chang Xia can see that she wants to get back together with Luo Ziwen in her heart, but she hasn't said it up to now. Chang Xia asked, Wenna yin'er did not speak, bowed her head and chose silence. Chang Xia feels that now she doesn't know what to do. She is in a state of confusion. She wants to get back together with Luo Ziwen, but she feels that there is no hope of getting back together. The other party will never accept her. Bilis patted winner on the shoulder and said, "if you have anything to think about, just tell us what you think in your heart. As long as you say it, Xia and I will help you."“ Yes, we are good sisters. " Chang Xia agreed. In M country, Bilis and Wenna Yiner have helped themselves a lot. If any of them is in trouble, Chang Xia will certainly help. Now that wena Yiner is in love with her, Chang Xia hopes to do her part. Now she is waiting for her answer. Time is silent, the breeze is blowing, the clouds in the air are gradually dispersing. Ling a luxury villa, rather son wearing sexy bikini swimsuit, from the swimming pool slowly swim up.