Chapter 770

After learning the truth of the matter, Qi Qian half doubt: "this thing is true or false, he really gave up pursuing you?"

"Believe it or not." Chang Xia didn't bother to explain. Anyway, he said everything and didn't believe it was his business.

In fact, it's not surprising that Qi Qian didn't believe that Locke's pursuit of Chang Xia was so fierce that he suddenly gave up. There was no secret plan. Qi Qian should be careful.

Later, looking at Locke, he seemed very serious, and repeatedly explained that the person he liked was Catherine. Qi Qian was willing to believe it, and left a space for Locke and Chang Xia to chat alone.

The living room is quiet. Qi Qian and his children come out for a walk. Chang Xia and Locke are sitting on the sofa. This time, they come here to express their feelings about Catherine this evening.

All the things that should be prepared for confession are ready, only Dongfeng.

Locke asked, "has Catherine agreed to go to the sky tower in New York?"

"Well, yes, I asked her to accompany me to a party, and she followed me without any doubt." After Chang Xia finished, she couldn't help but smile. She felt that Locke was too nervous. Now she could see that he was nervous. His body was tight and his hands were on his knees, restless. It seems that he did a lot of work to express himself to Catherine.

Chang Xia comforted and said, "don't be so nervous. It's your performance time later. How can you stay up to night when you are so nervous now?"

"I'm sorry..." Locke took a deep breath and relaxed. He just felt flustered at the thought of making a confession to Catherine at night. He and Catherine haven't seen each other for nearly five years, so it's inevitable that they are estranged from each other. At the thought of saying I love you out loud and planning so many vigorous actions, his heart starts to beat. Locke had never been so romantic when he was in love at school before. At that time, the biggest action was to say I love you. As for that kind of romantic confession, I haven't tried it again.

In Locke's view, a love as long as they like each other, that kind of grand confession ceremony can be omitted. Just as fairy tales are deceptive, the so-called romance is also a kind of emotional deception. Anyway, it's good that each other's heart is in the right place. It doesn't need to be so complicated.

But now, Locke wants to express his feelings through this complex mood. He is moved by the persistence of Catherine for so many years, so he has to respond. He has to tell the other party that he also likes her, and has always loved her for so many years.

"Don't worry, Locke. You can make it. I just talked to Catherine yesterday. She's worried now and doesn't know what your response is. If she knows that you have such a play tonight, she will be absolutely moved." Chang Xia is also telling the truth, so she doesn't understand why Locke is so nervous. It's going to work out for both of them anyway.

After a few words of comfort to Locke, Chang Xia began to make preparations.

The confession was in the sky tower in New York. It's not early now. Chang Xia is going to New York.

Contact good sisters, and then about Catherine, the party took a few Weiss private plane to New York, spend less than half an hour, the party has arrived here.

Thanks to Jarvis's willingness to fly his private jet, the formation was so brief. That's why Qi Qian would follow?

Today, when he was going to take a ride to New York, Qi Qian overheard Chang Xia and others' itinerary. He was so excited that he called Ji Weisi to come with him. So this scene was staged. Everyone came to the New York sky tower in a private plane.

The sky tower is located in the center of the city. At night, the stars are shining, and the beautiful scenery is in our eyes.

New York is the financial and cultural capital of the world, and the air tower is a special tourist attraction here. The middle part of the tower is made of transparent glass. From a distance, the top of the tower seems to be suspended in the air, so it is named air tower.

Hua Xiaoling was very surprised when they came to the top of the tower. Apart from the panoramic view of New York City, there are gorgeous lights outside the tower. These lights shine everywhere, which is very beautiful. People feel like they are in a fairyland.

"It's beautiful." Beatrice exclaimed. "I heard about the sky tower a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to come."

Hua Xiaoling is also happy. She rarely wears a black suspender dress tonight. She is sexy and beautiful because of the perennial sports. She seems a little unaccustomed to stepping on a pair of black high heels, but she still says, "it's so nice here. I want to live here."

To say the most calm, should be Catherine, her expression is calm, the whole process is silent, like thinking about something, I guess she is thinking about Locke.

Chang Xia took her hand and asked, "what's the matter? You should be happy when you come to the sky tower tonight."

"Sorry, Xia..."

"It's OK. You don't have to say sorry to me. If I'm sorry, I'll bring you to the party." Chang Xia smiles a little, at the same time, she thinks in her heart that Catherine is so unhappy now, what happens next will definitely make her happy.

Catherine is like a little lamb at a loss. She thinks she's walking in a desert, but she doesn't know that the next step is to meet it with a whole piece of grassland.

However, she looks very good today. She is wearing a black tassel dress with a decorative belt in the middle. She has long golden hair and sea blue eyes. Her figure is just in accordance with the golden section and looks graceful.

There are many beauties in Chang Xia's group, but the most beautiful one is absolutely Catherine, just like the moon in the night sky, which compares all the stars. Like a few Weiss who follow together, his eyes have been looking at Catherine, he can cause Chang Xia's dissatisfaction“ Pay attention to your manners, Mr. Jarvis Chang Xia was embarrassed when he said that. He showed a smooth smile and said, "I'm fine. As a gentleman, I always behave well." Jiweisi is really able to talk to himself. Just now Chang Xia clearly saw him looking at Catherine through his red glasses. Chang Xia is Catherine's flower protector. No one is allowed to hurt her before she is sent to Locke. Now the top of the tower in the sky, which is outside, is very comfortable with the breeze. The floor is paved with a red carpet, and the elegant European retro table is placed in front of it, with a lot of food and wine on it. Standing here, as long as you look up, you can see the stars all over the sky. Everyone is holding the wine glass to look around, the expression is joyful, looks very happy. It's just that Catherine asked at the right time, "isn't it a party? Why are there only a few of us? What about the others? "