Chapter 732

At the end of the day, Locke was the first to recover. After leaving the hospital, he immediately came to the police station to see how the case was handled.

Because of his kinship with the director, Locke was able to see Houston very smoothly.

"Uncle, have you got all the prisoners?"

"The prisoner is caught, just..." in the office chair, Houston seems a little hesitant, depending on the situation, the progress of the case is not very smooth.

Locke doesn't understand. Haven't all the prisoners been caught? So he asked, "is something wrong?"

"It's not a big deal. It's the main prisoner. The girl named Lingmo escaped." After that, Houston told me exactly what happened.

After Qi Qian led the prisoners out, Houston immediately organized police to arrest them, and successfully caught a group of gang members including saderky. But Ling Mo ran away from the back door, so she didn't catch them.

Locke can't help but worry. Lingmo is a disaster to Changxia. If you let her run away, you can't say she will come back to trouble in the future.

"Uncle, even if she runs away, can she still issue a wanted notice? Arrest her in country m and contact the personnel of country Z to assist in the investigation. Maybe she ran back to country Z Locke looks very excited. No wonder he is very interested in this case, because Chang Xia is involved. Besides, he has been kidnapped.

Houston nodded silently, but he still said with regret: "I wanted to do what you asked, but it's not as simple as you think. It's called Lingmo's method."

"What's wrong?"

"Yes... All the things about her stay in M country have been erased. I checked the surveillance cameras in the shopping mall and never photographed her. In addition, a gang of criminals led by saderji insisted that they had never seen Ling Mo, let alone cooperated with her."

As a result, the equivalent of Lingmo's charges are completely abandoned, which means that she has never done anything criminal.

How could that be! Locke patted the table excitedly and said firmly: "Ling Mo is the mastermind. She accused saderji of kidnapping me and Chang Xia. I can prove that."

Houston waved his hand to calm him down: "I understand what you said, but is there any evidence for you to say that? It's all one side of your story. "

"No, Xia and Qi qian can be proof. We all see Ling Mo in the basement."

Houston sighed helplessly. In fact, he didn't know Ling Mo was a prisoner. He believed his nephew, but the evidence had to be put on the stage. Now Houston has released the evidence that makes him helpless.

"Take a look, Locke. This is Lingmo's immigration record."

Locke took the entry-exit record paper and found that there was no entry record of Lingmo, which proved that she had never been to m country at all.

It's impossible! How can a good living man not come to m country? Can Locke remember that Ling Mo slapped him loudly, and the other party actually came.

The only possibility is that she used some means to eliminate her traces in M country.

The first possibility is that she used her relationship to bribe immigration officers to help remove the traces.

The second possibility is that Ling Mo was smuggled in, so the immigration control office could not have her records.

No matter which possibility, it is proved that Ling Mo is not in country m, which also means that the fact of her crime in country m is not tenable, that is to say, it is impossible to prosecute her from country m, even if the person contacting country Z initiates the arrest.

"Then how to do, uncle, always can't let Ling Mo run away?" Locke looks down.

"I'm also trying to find a way to let the criminals run away, which can't be done. Everything that has been committed in our country m has to be caught back..." halfway through, Houston fell into a long pause and said with regret: "but I can't collect the criminal evidence of Lingmo. Even if I bring the extradition trial to country Z, country Z will not accept it, and even protect Lingmo."

Ling Mo is a native of Z country. As an ordinary resident, she will certainly be protected by the law of the country. At least, she can't come to m country for trial as a criminal until she finds evidence of her crime.

Locke feels embarrassed. He thought he could catch Lingmo. At least Changxia's danger can be relieved. Now one day did not catch Ling Mo, Chang Xia's danger is still there, make him worried again.

Everything to the good, at least the current danger is solved, not to mention even if Lingmo has the courage to come back easily.

"I see, uncle. Thank you. I'll go back if it's all right." Locke plans to go back and tell everyone about Lingmo's escape.

Ling Mo fled is not a small matter, at least let Chang Xia, Qi Qian they know, or make a reminder. When Locke left, Houston suddenly stopped him.

"Nephew, why don't you let me talk to you about something personal." When Houston spoke, he especially closed the door of the office and pulled down the curtain, which looked mysterious.

Speaking of personal matters, Locke and Houston don't seem to have much to talk about. After all, he doesn't meet his uncle very often. In the past, they met because students were bullied. Locke came to the police station several times as a teacher.

Seeing his uncle's solemn appearance, Locke sat down in his chair and asked, "what's the matter?"“ In fact, it's not what I want to tell you. It's your father who tells you. But you're not at home all the year round. Your father doesn't have a chance to tell you. I said that since it's hard to meet you, I'll tell you. " Houston made a long preparation, and his solemn expression seemed a little embarrassed, but in the end, he said, "when are you going to get married?" In M country, free love and free marriage are advocated. The situation of late marriage is generally not worried by parents. But Locke is really old. It's necessary for him to get married and inherit the great tradition. After all, he is the eldest son of the OAKER family, and all of them are naturally concerned about his marriage. When it comes to marriage, Locke is embarrassed. He lowers his head and thinks about it. Finally, he says perfunctorily, "if it's time, I'll get married."“ At that time, will you be able to drag on at your age? "“ I've got the right match, no drag. " Houston, however, frowned his thick black eyebrows. He seemed a little unhappy: "what you call a suitable match refers to the native of Z, Chang Xia, right? I don't think this woman is suitable. " As a police chief, Houston still has intelligence ability. In addition, Chang Xia was the victim of the kidnapping case, so he naturally made a clear investigation.