Chapter 729

Saderji's pace slowly slowed down, but then he suddenly turned around, quickly pulled a silver short gun from his waist, and raised it directly on Qi Qian's temple with the force of thunder.

"David, right? I remember David was killed by the police in the scuffle in the bar yesterday. I'm curious about how you David got out After that, saderky ordered, "put your head up and show me who you are and why you are pretending to be my brother David."

finished! These two words are like stones falling from the sky and hitting Qi Qian. He didn't expect to be recognized so soon. It's also his fault. He didn't think about it thoroughly, and didn't think about whether saderky might know "David".

Qi Qian is anxious to see that he has been torn down. If he is recognized by saderji, he must be in danger.

At the moment when saderji was about to tear down his identity, the door of the pork warehouse suddenly rang, and a figure from outside quickly flew in, and the gunfire continued to "bang bang bang" on the members of the underworld in the warehouse.

Originally, there were seven people in the warehouse. Ling Ge shot three of them in the head.

The action is quick and cruel. The bullet goes through the eyebrow and comes out from the back of the head. Ling GE has no experience in killing people, but he is not soft hearted to really kill people.

In addition, the living people quickly attack Lingge, dense bullets shot in the past, Lingge quickly avoid, but unfortunately he did not completely avoid, arm and thigh were shot. The bullet went deep into the muscle and reached the bone. It was painful and torn. Ling Ge couldn't help shouting.

Of course, Qi Qian didn't stay idle. At the moment when Ling Ge rushed in, he moved saderji's muzzle with one hand, and then beat saderji down with a sweeping leg. Qi Qian was very mobile. Then he took out a short gun from his back and shot it with a flying dart. All the other three members who survived were knocked down with one shot,

Saderji naturally won't watch himself being slaughtered. Although Qi Qian and others left him alive, he quickly stood up after being knocked down and was about to shoot Qi Qian with a silver gun.

One side of Ling GE's eyes are not good, dragging his scarred body to raise the pistol, a shot on the palm of saderji's hand.

The bullet went through the palm of his hand and "ah" was yelled, and the gun in saderky's hand was knocked out.

Seeing this, Qi Qian rushed over and subdued saderji in an instant.

For fear of saderji's resistance, Qi Qian also found a strong rope from the warehouse to tie him tightly.

Qi Qian and Ling Ge survived. They knocked down six members of the warehouse one by one and tied up saderji.

However, there was a lot of gunfire in the warehouse. For fear that other people in the basement would find out, Qi Qian locked the front door of the warehouse.

The warehouse was made of heavy metal. Originally, it was made to prevent the cold from escaping from the frozen warehouse. Now it is regarded as an isolation door by Qi Qian. If someone else in the basement finds the change of the pork warehouse, it's not easy to force in.

Taking advantage of this time, Qi Qian quickly treats Ling Ge.

Ling GE's arm and thigh have gunshot wounds, blood flow, very painful.

Ling Ge is also the successor, even if it hurts again, he will endure it. As for Qi Qian, he found a dagger from the warehouse and used the blade to pick out the bullet that was shot into Ling GE's muscle. The blood dripped and the sound of the bullet fell to the ground. The "sonorous" sound reverberated in the warehouse, permeated with a cold feeling.

Successful Qi Qian finally picked out three bullets, and then tied Ling GE's wound with his clothes to stop bleeding.

Now he's sitting on the ground tired. Qi Qian is really tired, but fortunately, the plan has changed, but the result is very smooth. If Ling Ge hadn't just changed her plan and rushed in temporarily, I'm afraid Qi Qian's identity would have been exposed, and it would have fallen into saderji's hands.

But saderji, who was bound by all kinds of things, looked very angry, widened his eyes and called: "come on, come on..."

It's a pity that it's useless for him to shout. The pork warehouse is very tight. His cry reverberates in the warehouse, but he just can't get through. But it's not the best way to let him shout like this. Qi Qian came over and kicked him to make him quiet.

After being taught, saderky became honest. He knew that if he wanted to fight against the enemy, he would only get upset. He asked, "who are you and what do you want to catch me for?"

"You will recognize me, Mr. saderky." Qi Qian took off his wig and beard to show his original handsome appearance.

As soon as saderji saw it, he immediately recognized that it was Qi Qian, his money maker? Before, he wanted to tie Qi Qian up to extort some money, but the other party sent him to the door automatically. To his surprise, Qi Qian's skill was so good that he knocked down all his subordinates and subdued him in an instant.

Saderji then looked over and asked, "is the other person Ling Ge?"

"Yes." Ling Ge sits on the ground. He takes off his long golden hair and false beard with his perfect right hand.

This time, saderji understood that it was deceitful to have an accident in the gambling field. The two men sneaked into the basement to catch themselves“ What's your purpose? " Saderky asked, and the question he asked was naive enough. Qi Qian spent so much effort to break in, what purpose can he have? He said directly: "my purpose is to save my wife. Where is she now?"“ Do you think I'll say it? " Saderji snorts coldly. He's also a respectable old man of mixed society. He hasn't seen any big storm before. If he is threatened by others, he'll give a full account of it. That's a shame. Qi Qian is not afraid of saderji. After all, Qi Qian himself is not a good man. He raises his shotgun and pulls the trigger. With a bang, the bullet hits saderji's thigh. Blood splashes and his clothes are broken. He makes a tragic cry“ Ah... "Seeing him in such pain, it's easy to do. Qi Qian asked," now you say it or not. If you don't say it, the next shot will be on your head. " Qi Qian has raised the muzzle of his gun to saderji's temple. His eyes are as cold as ice, and his whole body is haunted with fierce breath. Saderji could feel that if he really didn't compromise, he would be killed by Qi Qian. There was no way, so he nodded: "OK, I'll say whatever you ask me. Your wife is in the North dressing room."