Chapter 717

In the standard tone of talking about business, saderky continued: "I just heard from my subordinates recently. Dr. Locke seems to be the son of the consortium, but it's a real person who doesn't show his face. I just had a few business to talk about with your OAKER family."

It seems that saderji wants to do business with Locke, but this is not Locke's original intention. This time, he wants to ask Chang Xia about it.

What's more, even if he cooperates with saderky to discuss business, Locke thinks there is no business between them.

"What we oakers do is legal business. You should know that, Mr. saderky."

"Yes, I just do legal business. The last time you helped me with my treatment, I figured out that illegal business is too tiring. It's better to do legal business." When saderky finished smoking a cigar, he pressed it out and tactfully handed Locke a cigarette.

Locke didn't smoke. After he refused, he said, "I'm not in charge of business. This time I'm here to ask you..."

Locke wants to ask about Chang Xia, but saderji doesn't give him a chance to speak.

"Dr. Locke, you don't have to hide me. I have investigated your position in the family. The OAKER family is our local financial group. Your position in the family is not a matter of saying a word. I just hope you can help me sell a batch of home-made products to Southeast Asia. I only want to ask you for help when I know that your OAKER family has a way." Saderky raised his sharp eyes and said, "I think Dr. Locke will help me. We are old acquaintances, anyway."

Although saderji is discussing, he gives people a feeling of oppression, which makes people feel that he is not discussing things, but oppressing. Sure enough, the gangsters are not the same. They just have enough momentum.

In fact, Locke was half afraid. When he came in, he could see clearly that the underground casino was full of armed men. It was legal to hold guns in country M. Plus now the casinos are under illegal jurisdiction, if anything happens to Locke, even if no one knows.

It seems that saderky's idea is the same. If Locke refuses him, he will threaten him with force. This is really a good way to get the sheep into the tiger's mouth.

Unfortunately, since he can come here, Locke has already been psychologically prepared. In addition, for the sake of Chang Xia, he can not even die.

"If you want to make a deal with the oakers, I can help you. Mr. saderky is also a man of status and a businessman. How about talking about my requirements?"

Listening to Locke's promise, saderky was more or less surprised. He thought that he had to use some force to deal with people like Locke, but it seems that he has saved it now. He doesn't even need to use force.

Even better, with his hands crossed on the table, saderky asked, "I don't know, Dr. Locke, what do you want? If you want to hate a person, I can kill that person for you, or I will take medicine to send that woman to your bed. "

Saderji laughs. He is the best at this kind of trick. If he can't get it, he will use force to get it. Anyway, it's nothing.

Locke shook his head and said, "I want to know the whereabouts of Chang Xia."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, saderji's face changed, and his murderous face revealed half a surprise. And his expression completely fell in Locke's eyes, and he guessed that saderji was really related to the kidnapping of Chang Xia.

But Locke pretended to know nothing and asked, "I don't know Mr. saderky. Do you know the whereabouts of this woman?"

"I don't know." Saderji's answer is firm, but the more firm he is, the more guilty he is.

Ordinary people are hesitant when they lie, and turn their heads around a few times. People like saderji have developed the ability to tell lies. They are very firm in speaking, but the more firm they are, the more problematic they are.

Of course, Locke would not question saderji. If he could not find out why, he would shake his head with regret: "since Mr. saderji does not know, it's a pity. That woman is very important to me. Can't you send someone to look for it?"

"Find? Dr. Locke is joking. A z-man can be seen everywhere in Washington. How can we find him? "

Saderji unknowingly has revealed a lot of information, he just revealed that Locke is looking for a Z people. The key is that Locke didn't say that Changxia is from Z country. He just said a name and saderji knew that he was looking for a person from Z country, which means that he must have known Changxia very early.

Secondly, with saderky's strength in Washington, it's easy for him to find someone. Moreover, the people of Z have a high degree of recognition in Washington, so it's not difficult to find someone. He said it's not easy to find it. It's a lie. The truth is that he doesn't want to find it at all, or Chang Xia is in his hands!

The more Locke thought about it, the more terrifying he felt, and his face became serious. He didn't know whether saderji was involved in the kidnapping of Chang Xia. If saderky is really involved, Locke will be in danger if he asks directly now.

Reluctantly showing a smile, Locke felt that he had better run away now, and then informed the police to come to help, so he said: "Mr. saderji, since you don't know the whereabouts of Chang Xia, I won't trouble you. As for your cooperation with the OAKER family, I can promise that you will send someone to the OAKER family headquarters in a few days." Locke's escape is very standard and standard. He first pretends to agree to the other party's conditions, and then escapes after the other party has relaxed his vigilance. As soon as Locke runs away, he goes to the police station to lift up the casino, and then seizes saderji. He must be able to find out Chang Xia's whereabouts from the other party. Locke had a good idea, but when he was ready to leave, saderky suddenly took out his gun and shot it with a bang. The bullet didn't hit Locke, but it was very close to him, about five centimeters away. Just a little bit close to hitting rock. It's too dangerous. Locke turned his head stiffly, panicking and trying to pretend to be calm: "Mr. saderky, what are you doing? Do you want to kill me?"“ Dr. Locke, I think you know something? And why are you in such a hurry to leave? Why don't you sit down and have a good chat? " Locke was flustered. He wondered if saderky was aware of something?