Chapter 639

After living in New Orleans for quite a long time, both of them are familiar with the town, and the move is a huge project, which can not be moved in a few days.

On the one hand, Chang Xia advised them not to worry too much.

"In fact, correctly speaking, we are not moving. I just hope you can go with me to avoid the limelight." After a pause, Chang Xia explained in detail what happened to Hua Xiaoling today, and said, "we just need to leave New Orleans for a while and come back after a while. Xiaoling thinks that when I'm not in this city, she will change to other places."

The two elders understood Chang Xia's meaning, but even if they wanted to avoid the wind, they had to find a suitable place. Their two old men are not as healthy as the young people, and they are busy all over the place. Besides, Chang Xia is now pregnant and has a big stomach, so it's not appropriate to walk around.

Taking advantage of this time, Chang Jingchun said, "I don't think it's better to forget... Xia'er, now half a year has passed. It's rare for Qi Qian to have the heart to find you. Maybe he just can't forget you."

Chang Xia immediately knew what his father was going to say. Needless to say, he just wanted to persuade Chang Xia and Qi Qian to get back together. But this matter she has long refused, in any case, she can not and that man again.

"Dad... Don't think too much. I can't be with him anyway."

"Why are you so stubborn, you child?" Chang Jingchun can't help sighing. Originally, he wanted to persuade Chang Xia again. As a result, he refused even without persuading her. I don't know who she learned from.

At this time, Su Hui also thinks that Chang Jingchun is right. Although Chang Xia has refused, she still wants to persuade her.

"The M country is so big, Qi qian can find this side, you can see that he has a heart, daughter, how can you always refuse to forgive him?"

"Mom... Didn't I tell you not to mention that man?"

"But you have to admit the fact that the child in your stomach belongs to Qi Qian."

How could chang Xia not know? She also knew that the child in her stomach belonged to Qi Qian. When she was pregnant, she could feel the baby's tiny pulse in her stomach. That kind of pulse was like a reminder, telling her that she had an inseparable relationship with Qi Qian.

But now the situation has come to the point where she can't turn back. Now she has already given up her heart to Qi Qian, and has made a clean break, and has no relationship with her ever since.

"Mom and Dad, don't say any more... If you don't want to move out with me, I'll go by myself." Chang Xia now talks about the spirit.

Su Hui and Chang Jingchun are angry when they look at their daughter. At present, the two elders just shut up and don't try to persuade her. Anyway, their daughter's stubborn character is clear to them. In the end, the two elders can only compromise with their daughter and agree to move out with her.

It's a good thing for the two elders to agree, but where are they going to move next? Chang Xia didn't think about it well, so he told them tomorrow. Tonight she'll think about where to move.

But this answer doesn't need Chang Xia to think about. After dinner, Locke suddenly finds her.

At the door outside Chang's house, Locke is waiting here in his resting blue T-shirt. Chang Xia is surprised at his arrival and asks, "how can you suddenly come here..."

"I already know about your move, and your ex husband sent for you."

Why did Locke know about it? Needless to say, it must have been the guy Bilis who said it. Besides that guy, no one would have said so much.

On this point, Chang Xia did not deny that she did intend to move, and her ex husband Qi Qian did come to see her. But when he said this, Xia was afraid that Locke would be angry, which made him feel as if Chang Xia and Qi Qian had lost their ties.

"Don't think about it, Locke. I have nothing to do with my ex husband."

"You misunderstood... I don't think you have anything to do with your ex husband. I trust you." He said with a relaxed tone and a warm smile. He was really gentle and delicate. At least he gave Chang Xia the feeling that he believed in himself very much.

It feels good to be trusted.

Then Chang Xia didn't understand what Locke was doing in the evening. When asked, Locke replied, "I know you are moving. It happens that I have a place suitable for you."

"Well? Where is it from? "

"Washington city, I have a house there that's just right for you to live there for a few days."

After hearing this, Chang Xiake was happy. She was worried about where to move. As a result, Locke had a good introduction, and it was still Washington city. Chang Xia has never been to that prosperous city. It is said that there are many beautiful scenery and delicious food there.

"Well, thank you, Locke." Chang Xia agreed and agreed that he would come to pick him up tomorrow morning. At that time, Chang Xia and his parents would move to Washington city to live there temporarily.

One day later, at dawn, Hua Xiaoling was standing with a white woman. Now she told the white woman to call Chang Xia. For fear of being discovered by Chang Xia, Hua Xiaoling is very careful, so she finds a white woman to call and try to get clues.

Surprisingly, the white woman couldn't get through the phone several times. The phone always showed that the service was busy, and in the end, she even turned it off. Hua Xiaoling is also surprised to learn the news. She feels that there is something wrong with the phone number. Otherwise, the user is busy or the phone is turned off from the day before yesterday to now. But it doesn't seem to be a problem because she got it from Bilis. A stirring spirit flashed in my mind, and Hua Xiaoling realized that she might have been cheated. If Bilis and Chang Xia know each other, Bilis will definitely identify herself with Chang Xia, which means Bilis may have known that Hua Xiaoling is looking for Chang Xia, so she may have given a fake phone call. When he realized that he had been cheated, Hua Xiaoling immediately went to Bilis's house“ Miss bliss, are you there, and I beg you to come out and see me Outside the door, Hua Xiaoling called. Before long, Bilis came out. She was very kind with a smile: "isn't this miss Hua, Xia's friend? What can I do for you? "“ Miss bliss, I want to ask you if there is anything wrong with your phone call and why I can't get through in recent days. "“ I can't get through, can't I? " Bilis made a surprise, as if she didn't know the whole thing.