Chapter 580

In Chang Xia's heart, there is a hope that the photo just now must be fake. Everything is deceptive. As long as Qi Qian explains it clearly on the phone.

But the reality is cruel. What comes from the phone is not Qi Qian's voice, but Qiao Siqing's voice.

"Hello, Chang Xia, are you looking for Qi Qian? He's sleeping. He's sleeping next to me After a pause, she gave out a very light laugh, "but Qi Qian is really handsome, his body is very strong, everything is so attractive, just like you, you can enjoy his tenderness to him every day."

"Enough!" Chang Xia roars angrily. Her eyes are full of anger. Why is it Qiao Siqing who calls Qi Qian to answer the phone? What happened.

Chang Xia now calmly cried: "Qiao Siqing, what the hell are you doing? Is this all your prank? Did you make a fake photo and get Qi Qian's phone

"Ha ha..." Qiao Siqing made a sarcastic voice, "how do you think this is fake? Is the photo fake and the phone fake? If I can, I really want Qi Qian to answer the phone and let him tell you how much he hates you and how much he doesn't love you. "

"Then let him answer the phone!"

Chang Xia thinks that it's Qiao Siqing's trick. If Qi Qian is beside her and tells her clearly, Chang Xia will believe it. Otherwise, she doesn't believe that man will cheat.

At this time, Qiao Siqing refused: "Qi Qian is sleeping. His sleeping posture is so handsome. I can't bear to disturb him. If you really want to see the love between him and me, why don't you come to Xinwei hotel? I spent a sweet night with him in the hotel. Can't you see clearly when you come here? "

Voice down, she issued a disgusting laughter, and then "doodle" to hang up the phone.

There are bursts of blind sounds coming from the phone. Chang Xia's heart is like a glass falling on the ground. It can't be true... Does Qi Qian really have to open a room with Qiao Siqing? Did he really betray himself?

Chang Xia's whole body is full of strength, and her palm can't stop shaking. On one side, she firmly believes in Qi Qian's loyalty to herself. On the other side, she has to have doubts.

If you want to find out the truth, you have to go to Xinwei hotel as Qiao Siqing said?

Chang Xia rushes out of Qi's old house alone and rushes to the Xinwei hotel in the center of the city.

At the same time, Qiao Siqing in Xinwei hotel is holding her mobile phone and sending out a cold smile. Her plan is as smooth as she thought, even more than she imagined. She didn't expect that Chang Xia would fall into the trap of her own weaving so easily.

In fact, everything is a plan, in order to separate Chang Xia and Qi Qian.

During this period of time, Qiao Siqing sent someone to observe and monitor Qi Qian's behavior. After learning that he quarreled with Chang Xia and got drunk late at night, Qiao Siqing took advantage of the opportunity to pick him up at the bar. Now Qiao Siqing just needs to wait for Chang Xia to come to the hotel, and then make a good play.

But the next step is also difficult, that is Qi Qian's reaction. He is a very smart man, with his IQ, he can see through Qiao Siqing's plan at any time, so what she needs to do is to pretend that all this happens naturally.

Now sitting naked in front of the carved wooden bed board, Qiao Siqing looks down at Qi Qian who is still sleeping. His breathing is so even. The sun is shining on the beautiful outline and turns out to be colorful. At this moment, he seems to wake up, his lips are moving and his eyelids are turning up.

too bad.

Qiao Siqing heart light shout a, if let him wake up now estimate will be see through a lot of things, now ready and safe Qiao Siqing immediately lie back on the bed, pretend to be asleep.

In five minutes

Qi Qian wakes up, and the light in his eyes is dim. After he gets up, he presses his temple, and the strong pain stimulates his nerves. However, compared with these, he is surprised to find that he is in a strange environment.

where's this?

He began to look at the decoration of the room and knew that it was a hotel, but at the same time, he could also detect two extremely important things.

First, he was naked.

Second, there seems to be someone nearby.

At the first glance, the man was facing himself with his back. He was also naked. His long hair was scattered on the pillow. It was obviously a woman.

Qi Qian recalled everything. Last night he made an appointment with Luo Ziwen. They were drinking together in the bar. They were so drunk that they didn't even remember their consciousness. At this time, a man vaguely picked them up. The woman seemed to be the woman in front of their eyes.

Qi Qian wanted to wake up the woman, but he noticed that he should put on a piece of clothes before waking up the woman. The terrible thing was that all the clothes were scattered on the ground.

What happened to me and this woman? And who is this woman? Qi Qian's heart panics. Because the woman's back is facing him, he still can't see her face clearly. He doesn't know who the woman is until he wears clothes and walks past. It's Qiao Siqing!

It turned out that she sent me back last night, so what happened to her and me? Qi Qian, who has always been calm, was completely flustered. He was very afraid that he would do something wrong to Chang Xia, and immediately woke Qiao Siqing up“ Wake up, Miss Jo, and tell me what happened Qiao Siqing wakes up long ago, but she has been pretending to be sleeping. Now she sees Qi Qian calling her. She pretends to be ignorant and drowsy with her acting skills, and yawns: "brother Qian, you wake up too. Isn't it very early? Let's sleep more." Qi Qian was not in the mood to joke with her. He shook her shoulder with both hands and asked, "first, tell me what happened last night. I remember when I was in the bar, why I appeared in the hotel, why you and I were naked..." Qi Qian was unable to go on, and his tone became weaker and weaker, Accompanied by that handsome face appears pale, he can calm down in the face of anything, but now he can't calm down. Qiao Siqing sat up from the bed. She was so naked that she faced Qi Qian as if no one else. Of course, Qi Qian didn't want to see her body. He immediately turned around and said, "put on your clothes."“ Brother Qian, what are you afraid of? I'm all your people... "What's my man? I don't understand what you're saying“ Brother Qian, do you pretend to be confused? But also, you always have a family. It's right that you don't want to accept me. "