Chapter 448

Qi Qian praised it so much that Chang Xia believed that he really made it so delicious. As a result, when he tried it, it tasted ordinary. It was not half as delicious as the chef who taught her to cook. There's no way. Western food is not Chang Xia's strong point. It's only because Qi Qian is educated by Western elites. Western food is his main meal, so he prefers Western food.

But Chang Xia's Xinmian is still sweet and full of happiness. After all, even if his food is not delicious, Qi Qian says it's all because of love.

In the middle of the meal, Chang Xia receives a phone call from Ning er.

Ning Ke'er hasn't called for a long time. After half a month, Chang Xia thinks that there may be something urgent. She's embarrassed to hang up, so she runs to the living room to pick it up.

"What's the matter, Cole?"

"It's Xiao Xia. I have some important things to say. I need to say them face to face. Are you free in the evening?"

As soon as Ning Ke'er called, she asked to meet and talk, as if it was something important. Chang Xia turns her eyes and thinks for a moment. Next, Chang's enterprise has nothing to do. Qi Qian has Zhao hengdai to take care of her. She has nothing to do at night, so she agrees to meet in the evening.

As night falls, the stars are shining, just like the night pearl inlaid in the eastern part of China, city a is bustling and dazzling.

In a bar on the outskirts of the city, there is no one here. The cold music resounds through the old sound. The old wooden chairs and dim lights make the whole atmosphere look gloomy and terrifying. This is a bar that has been in business for 30 years. Because it is too old, it looks old.

Chang Xia originally asked Ning Ke'er to go to the milk tea shop in the center of the city to sit and chat, but she didn't expect Ning Ke'er to ask her to come to such a place. The key is that this place is remote and deserted. If there is any accident, it's also called "heaven shouldn't call earth not working". Fortunately, this time Chang Xia called Hua Xiaoling to follow, so if anything happened, Hua Xiaoling would help.

Chang Xia can't imagine what's the matter with Ning Ke'er.

Entering the bar, she finds Ning Ke'er sitting on a red European style four legged chair playing with her mobile phone. Seeing Chang Xia coming, she beckons to sit down.

"Xiao Xia, I'm sorry to come to you so late and ask you to stay in such a remote place." I didn't have too many polite words, but rather I looked serious and said it seriously. This makes Chang Xia realize that things are unusual.

If it's an ordinary thing, Ning'er won't talk to herself in such a tone. She's a playful girl. Chang Xia hasn't seen her talk about anything seriously since she knew her.

Swallowing, Chang Xia asked, "what's the matter?"

"I can't tell you yet."

"Can't you tell me?" Slightly surprised, Chang Xia couldn't figure out what she was thinking for a moment, "Ke'er, if you can't tell me, how can I know what happened, and I can't help you?"

"I'm sorry... So I want you to promise me that you will help me before I tell you."

Ning Ke'er's words are very strange. If she doesn't say anything, she needs Chang Xia to promise her help in advance. In case Chang Xia can't do something, how can she promise her?

However, facing her eyes, Chang Xia knows that Ning Ke'er is serious. Her persistent eyes are just like Ning Ke'er's determination to be admitted to the Finance Department of a famous university in the college entrance examination. For this reason, she spends 14 hours a day studying and never sleeps.

This kind of persistent eyes after six years, Chang Xia saw it again and learned that Ning Ke'er was serious.

As a good sister, it's nothing to do for her. She patted her chest and said, "OK, I promise you, what is it in the end?"

"I hope you can persuade Qi Qian to support Ling Ge in any case if the family committee makes a resolution in the future."

"What..." Leng for a moment, Chang Xia completely lost her mind. She didn't know what Ning Ke'er was talking about. "Ke'er, what do you mean, the future family clan committee will pass a resolution? What resolution. "

"A crucial resolution will affect Ling Ge, so I hope you can support him." Ning Ke'er is very serious. It seems that the resolution passed by the clan Committee of the future family should be very important to the Ling family. As a woman of Ling Ge, Ning Ke'er asks Chang Xia to help and support Ling Ge.

In this regard, Chang Xia nodded on behalf of the promise, and then the two sisters drank a few glasses of wine and chatted for a while, and then dispersed.

On the way back, Hua Xiaoling drives to pick up Chang Xia, but Chang Xia looks dignified in the back seat. Looking back, she thinks something is wrong.

The clan committee is the highest authority of the four families. Generally speaking, it interferes with some special affairs of the family, such as the position of the successor, the choice of the family leader, the formulation of clan regulations, and the protection of the interests of the four families.

The chairman of the four aristocratic families was elected by the four family heads. The purpose of the organization was to promote the cooperation of the four aristocratic families.

But how does Ning Ke'er know that the future family committee will vote on a resolution? Unless Ling Ge is carrying out some major plan, and this plan needs the support of Ning Ke'er.

Now Chang Xia has nothing to worry about. What she worries about most is what harmful things Ling Ge will do and uses Ning Ke'er as a tool. It seems that Chang Xia needs to intervene in this matter. After returning to Yuemei residential area at night, Chang Xia tells Qi Qian what happened this evening“ What do you think, Qi Qian? What do you think the future family committee will pass? "“ I don't know Qi Qian shakes his head. Even if he is the smartest man in the family, he can't understand Ling GE's plot for a while, but he says another thing. It turns out that there has been a serious business crisis in the Mohist and Roche groups recently, which is said to involve a certain contract transaction. Chang Xia asks what crisis happened to Mo and Luo groups, but Qi Qian doesn't know about it. In fact, he also wants to know about it. He even calls Luo Ziwen and Mo Yang to ask about it, but they seem to have agreed that Qi Qian didn't answer when he called“ So Luo Ziwen and Mo Yang refused to contact you. " Chang Xia comes to such a conclusion that it seems that Luo Ziwen and Qi Qian know something, but they can't talk about it“ Qi Qian, I think we should make an investigation, because I think Ling Ge is going to have something wrong again. "