Chapter 438

Chang Xia also knows that her first impression may be the lowest, but she can't help it. When she thinks about the Christmas party, she immediately runs over, but it's cold and snowy outside, so she looks embarrassed after running back.

Shaking her head, Chang Xia feels that she still doesn't want to think so much. Now the party is not over. At least she, the young lady of Qi family, has to show her face. Otherwise, there will be some jokes to make others think that she doesn't dare to come out to meet people.

In the main hall of Qi family on the first floor, the music resounds and the singing is slow. Ten minutes later, it finally ushers in the highlight of tonight, the duet project.

In the center, there is a smooth round stage, 10 cm above the ground, paved with crystal and jade. This is the dance stage specially built by the Qi family for this Christmas party. Young people like to sing and dance here.

Now Qi Qian is very embarrassed. The relatives around him either comfort him or express doubts. They don't understand why Qi Qian wants to marry Chang Xia. Especially when it comes to duet, they ask if Qi Qian wants to dance with Chang Xia.

In this respect, Qi Qian answered firmly“ Now that my wife is back, I will certainly dance with her. Brothers, sisters and sisters, let's go dancing, too. "

Qi Qian just wanted to send them away, but even though the music had started and there were more professional dancers leading the dance on the central ballroom, the sisters and brothers in the sub clan were not willing to go.

They stayed by Qi Qian's side and began to talk.

Qi Yueyue said, "I don't think my sister-in-law will come. Why don't my cousin Qian dance with me?"

"No, cousin Qian should be dancing with me. Yueyue, what are you fighting for?" Another cousin has a hand around Qi Qian's arm, it seems that she wants to treat Qi Qian as a prey.

Qi Ming said sarcastically: "cousin Qi Qian is really popular. If so many of your cousins invite you, you can go up and dance with them. I don't think my younger brother and daughter-in-law will come. I'm afraid they're embarrassed now."

Qi Hao also added to the confusion: "Qi Ming's cousin is quite right. I don't think Chang Xia's sister-in-law dare to come down now, or you'll find a cousin to dance with you, so as not to make our main clan look better."

All of a sudden, several cousins all laughed. Everyone seemed to be watching Qi Qian's joke.

It's very embarrassing. Qi Qian has always been the main character at the party, like the moon in the dark night, shining brightly. But now he seems to fall from the sky and be ridiculed by others. However, even at this moment, his face doesn't change much. His face is overcast and cold, and he doesn't comment on everyone's opinions.

No matter what they say, Qi Qian hopes to dance with Chang Xia. His eyes are burning. He looks at the dressing room on the second floor and is waiting for Chang Xia.

Five minutes later, I still didn't see Chang Xia. At this time, everyone urged Qi Qian to go dancing first. How can we say that he was also the main character of this dance? If he didn't go to the dance floor, no one would go.

The highlight of the Christmas party is the duet, but until now the dance floor is empty. Qi Nanshan, who was under the wine cabinet in the main hall, also came to see it. He had just been chatting with several older generation people. According to his idea, young people would play in their time. But now, in the process of drinking, Qi Nanshan finds that there is no one dancing with him on the stage. He feels strange, especially when he finds Qi Qian standing there, like a stone statue. He immediately asks a housekeeper to give an order.

A young housekeeper appeared respectfully in front of Qi Qian: "young master, why don't you go dancing?"

Qi Qian didn't answer the housekeeper's words. He beckoned him to step down first, but the housekeeper's words spread to the ears of other collateral clansmen.

Gong Hailang wanted to flatter Qi Qian all the time. Now he said with a smile: "cousin, I think it's better to go dancing first. You are the only one in the younger generation of Qi family who is qualified to dance this opening dance. If you don't go up, no one dares to go."

Qi Yueyue scrambled to come over first and held Qi Qian's finger with the palm of her hand: "yes, cousin Qian, or you can dance the opening dance with me."

Qi Yueyue's words made other cousins fight: "no, if you really want to dance, of course, you should dance with me."

For a moment, the quiet scene became chaotic again.

In fact, the duet dance of Qi clan is usually performed by the most important male. It will be a great honor to partner this male partner. No wonder all the cousins are competing to dance with Qi Qian.

It's a pity that so many cousins fight for each other, which makes Qi Qian very headache. His left arm is pulled by Qi Yueyue, the other arm is pulled by Qi Enron, and several other cousins are pulling Qi Qian's clothes. It's like a piece of meat is about to be torn by several wolves.

As a cousin, Qi qian can't lose his temper with other cousins, but he can't help it. He is cold and dignified as an emperor. He is about to stop these people, but before he speaks, his cousins suddenly stop.

Not long after, ye Xueying immediately yelled: "how beautiful..."

beautiful? Qi Qian didn't understand what she meant, but he could see that everyone's eyes in the meeting room were looking at the wooden stairs on the second floor, as if they were all focused there at this time. Qi Qian followed everyone's eyes and found out what they were looking at - Chang Xia! Wearing a gorgeous white tassel skirt and a pair of sea blue crystal shoes, Chang Xia is like a figure floating out of a fairyland. She walks down the stairs. Her appearance, all eyes of the audience are focused on everything, even in the stage playing music band stopped action. There was silence and a pause. Everyone held their breath and looked at the woman on the stairs. Chang Xia didn't know about it. She was worried about how the pair of high heeled shoes on her feet could make it so inconvenient to walk. After walking down the stairs, she found that the whole audience was staring at her, which scared her. Did I do something wrong? Why is everyone looking at me? Chang Xia is afraid to think whether he is making a fool of himself again? I don't know what to do. Fortunately, Qi Qian came up and put his hand on his chest. He made a standard gesture of invitation“ Dear Miss Chang Xia, may I invite you to a dance? " Chang Xia Leng, just down by Qi Qian invited to dance, but also in full view.