Chapter 339

At this moment, Ling Ge feels that her breath stops and her brain is blank. Maybe it's because Chang Xia tells the truth that Ling Ge doesn't understand love at all.

In fact, how can Lingge understand love? As a child, he faced the cruel training of inheritors. Later, because of an accident, he personally killed his brother and was rejected by his family. Therefore, he never felt love, and naturally would not love.

After growing up, because of her identity and outstanding appearance, although Ling Ge gets love, which belongs to adults, these love is not true love, but hypocritical love.

As immersed in a jar of ink, over time, Ling GE's whole body is stained with those black ink, even if how hard can not get rid of it. Yes, he became numb and emotionless and indifferent to love.

Silent for a long time, Ling GE's chin raised, he looked a little strange, eyebrows deep lock, said with a smile: "maybe you're right, I don't know love, but what!" Ling Ge stood up and continued, "even if I don't know love, I live well. I have many things that people can't get in their life. I have a lot of money and I have many women. There is nothing in this world that I can't get! Including you, Chang Xia, you are also mine

Once again, Ling Ge became a little crazy, his face was twisted, his body was tight, and the strong muscles on his hands were bulging, which looked terrible.

Chang Xia had seen him like this before. When he offended himself, he looked the same. His face was ferocious and his eyes were full of anger. This time, he was the same.

Chang Xia knew that he couldn't be stimulated any more, and said placidly, "you should calm down. You can learn to love this kind of thing."

"Learning? I can't learn. I never need this kind of thing. " Ling Ge glared at Chang Xia and continued, "even if I really want to get love, I won't learn Qi Qian's way. It's a false lie to pay in silence or to be sincere. Real love, should be used to rob! I grew up in such an environment. If you want to be better than others, you need to rob them! "

If others listen to Ling Ge, they may not understand his meaning, but Chang Xia understands his words very well and what he means by "rob".

Ling Ge lives in Ling's family. The fierce competition environment casts his character of seizing.

Different from Qi Qian, Qi Qian is the best child in Qi's family. He just needs to find a way to become better. He doesn't need to compete with others. Ling Ge needs to rob because he has a brother, Ling junran.

Ling junran is particularly excellent. At the beginning, the elders of the four families even thought that Ling junran was even better than Qi Qian.

Ling Ge is so excellent brother pressure, so he had to climb up, had to rob! If he doesn't grab it, he won't be the successor of the Ling family in the future, and once he loses the position of successor, he will suffer miserable consequences.

The Ling family is different from the Qi family. The Ling family employs the strategy of "key cultivation". Once the successor is selected, the non successor will be allowed to develop and die on his own. If we are more serious, the non heirs will be oppressed and exploited by the heirs when they grow up in the future.

Ling Ge doesn't want to live under the eaves of others, and doesn't want to see his elder brother's face in the future, so he has been striving to become the successor since he was a child.

Of course, the last Ling Ge did not become the successor through his own efforts, but because of the "accidental killing of brother" incident. After the accident, Ling Ge was sad and happy.

Sad is that Ling Ge killed his brother, as long as human nature does not die, will feel sad.

Happily, he didn't have to fight because he got the real successor position. As soon as his brother died, he became the successor of the Ling family.

However, after getting the successor, Ling Ge didn't relax his vigilance. He still retains the nature of plundering powerful guns, just as he now competes with Qi Qian and wants to snatch Chang Xia from Qi Qian.

"You are mine." Now Ling GE's eyes are very firm. It's like a cheetah aiming at an antelope on the grassland. He will pursue it until he bites the prey!

Chang Xia can't help feeling cold in her heart. This kind of feeling is not good at all. Now she is very nervous and grabs the back of the chair with her hand, and carefully says: "Ling Ge, you should calm down first. This is a public place. If you do this again, I will leave."

Now Ling GE's mood is very unstable. Chang Xia doesn't know what will happen when she stays with him again, so she already wants to leave at the right time in her heart.

Ling Ge may know that he has gone too far. Now he forcibly suppresses his emotion, his face is tense, and his face instantly releases: "OK... I am too excited, but I still say that, you will be mine, and then I will use my means to get you."

"Really..." Chang Xia took a puff at the corner of her mouth. Anyway, when she heard that he wanted to play some tricks to get herself, Chang Xia felt afraid in her heart. She only hoped that the handsome half blood boy would not be too impulsive.

Fortunately, at this time, the atmosphere slowed down, and Chang Xia's long-awaited dishes finally arrived. The handsome waiter brought the dish up, lifted the lid, and a beautiful dish was displayed in front of us, which was delicious black truffle soup.

Among the French dishes, Chang Xia's favorite is black truffle soup. If you want to talk about the taste, she doesn't think it's much different from ordinary mushrooms, but in the process of eating it, she has a unique flavor and can't stop. So when the dish is served, Xia takes a spoon and drinks it. The opposite Ling GE has been staring, found his eyes, Chang Xia feel embarrassed: "look at what, now the dishes are up, you still don't eat?"“ I didn't expect you to like this dish so much, so I don't know if you like it or not? " As his voice dropped, the waiter came out from behind Chang Xia. This time, the waiter brought a big dish. When he opened the lid, he found that it was a brown and black thing. After a careful smell, it tasted like black pepper“ What is this“ Foie gras Ling Ge explained. But as soon as she heard about foie gras, Chang Xia was not very good. She had eaten it several times before. At first, she thought it tasted very good. The powder was tender and the cooking was very delicious. But later, when she heard that Qi Qian explained how to make foie gras, Chang Xia couldn't eat it any more. It is said that the reason why these foie gras are so large is that during the feeding process, the keeper took an iron tube and put it into the throat of the goose, and then poured a pile of food and feed into the stomach of the goose along the iron tube at intervals, so the liver of these geese is very large.