Chapter 285

In addition, why do you choose the double jump? Chang Xia thinks that her relationship with Qi Qian has further developed. Isn't it normal for them to embrace each other? In addition, Chang Xia's heart is a little scared, especially standing on the bungee platform, the feeling of falling from high altitude is not acceptable to anyone, so if someone hugs and jumps with Chang Xia, Chang Xia will feel more relieved.

Now Chang Xia and Qi Qian have tied up their safety devices. With the help of the staff, they jump down.


When he jumped down, Chang Xia couldn't help crying out, because he was really excited and scared, just like a drowning man. Suddenly, the water covered his head, which had a great impact.

In the process of falling from the bungee jumping platform, the heart is constantly accelerating, and the nervous feeling lingers all over the body and occupies the head. Almost at that time, the head is in a blank state, and even the heart can be felt to jump out of the throat, which is very exciting.

Secondly, in the process of falling, you can also see the fast-moving scenery, as well as the tingling feeling of the wind blowing from the air on your face.

My head was blank. At that time, I couldn't think of anything except fear.

Compared with Chang Xia's panic and fear, Qi Qian is very calm. There is no fear on his handsome face, even no expression. Is he not afraid? But it's too calm.

Just when Chang Xia wanted to ask Qi Qian what he felt, they had fallen to the lowest point, and the elastic rope pulled them up again.

Because the elastic rope is very tough, when it falls to the bottom, it has a rising force to pull them back. Therefore, the second round of screaming starts again, and suddenly it rises rapidly without any preparation.

In the process of playing up, Qi Qian, who had always been calm, also called out, "ah," with a look of fear on his face.

This is a very interesting thing. Chang Xia seldom sees the calm Millennium iceberg show fear. They are hugging each other now, and they are very close to each other, so they can see each other's expression very clearly.

The elastic rope continued to shake, back and forth several times, from top to bottom, from low to high, and finally stopped in several shaking. During this period, Qi Qian's expression changes can be recorded as a "expression pack". He was frightened, upset, happy and crazy. Chang Xia saw this millennium iceberg for the first time with such rich expression.

It lasted for three minutes. Now they were free from the elastic rope, but they would not fall into the lake. Originally, there was a lake under the bungee jumping platform, but some staff would hold a boat to pick them up. So after they were released from the elastic rope, they fell directly into the boat, and then took the boat back to the land area of the playground.

The time of the day has come to an end unconsciously. The tired and sweet journey will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

After leaving the playground, it was evening. The moon was bright and starry, and the moon was white. It was like a disc inlaid in the sky. Chang Xia and Chang Xia returned to Qi's old house in a car, which ended the next day.

In the evening of the next day, Qi Qian, who came back from work, had already agreed with Ye Caixin that he would come back for dinner. Normally, he stayed in the company to continue to work, but he said that he hadn't been home for a long time, so he found a special day to come back for dinner.

Ye Caixin is very happy to hear that. If it's not a holiday, it's hard for her to get together with her son. Now that her son comes back, he immediately prepares a table full of dishes. Maybe he's afraid that Qi Qian's taste is not right. The dishes Ye Caixin prepares include Chinese and Western styles, which can be regarded as a collection of delicious food from all over the world.

Chang Xia was also called down to have dinner. Qi Nanshan and Qi Hao were also at the same table. Today, the Qi family got together very neatly.

Seeing so many people eating together, Chang Xia seems a little nervous. She usually eats alone in her room. Occasionally she comes down to eat with Ye Caixin, but seldom eats with everyone. Everyone in the Qi family is very busy, so it's not easy to get together.

As soon as Qi Qian was seated, his father Qi Nanshan chatted with him. Most of their conversations were about business affairs, such as the company's operation, the company's decision-making, and the turmoil of the financial market. Chang Xia's family is engaged in real estate business, while Qi Nanshan and Qi Qian are both men standing on the golden Pagoda in the business world. Therefore, Chang Xia holds a learning attitude and listens to them all the way.

Seeing that Chang Xia seemed to be interested in the business, Qi Nanshan asked, "Xiao Xia, I heard that you also have an enterprise at home. How do you plan to develop your enterprise in the future?"

"Well, I don't dare to teach in front of my father. If I want to talk about how to develop, I'm afraid my idea will be canceled by my father."

In front of Qinan mountain, Chang Xia is very humble. In fact, she is not wrong. How can we say that Qinan mountain is also a person who has brought the Qi family into a prosperous era? I'm afraid that Chang Xia's business idea is nothing special with his status.

Qi Qian encouraged: "tell me your opinion. At present, the main business of Chang's enterprise is real estate projects. Our Qi family also makes a fortune by doing real estate. Maybe after you say your idea, Dad can give you advice."

Even Qi Qian was very supportive, and Chang Xia was not polite enough to say what he thought“ I think the market of a city is gradually full now. If we want to continue to develop the real estate industry, I'm afraid there won't be much profit margin. " This statement of Chang Xia makes Qi Nanshan open his eyes slightly. It seems that he is a little surprised at Chang Xia's statement. City a is a developed city, and all fields have entered a period of rapid growth, including real estate. Therefore, as long as people with a little vision know that the investment in real estate is stable, but Chang Xia says that the profit margin of real estate will not be very large. Isn't that a bit puzzling? Qi Nanshan said: "Xiaoxia, now all enterprises are focusing on real estate, including Lingshi enterprise, one of the four families. Everyone is very optimistic about the land in city A. why do you think there is no profit to make?"“ It is precisely because everyone has invested in real estate that the profits of real estate will be compressed in five years. " This truth has something to do with more wolves and less meat. Although city a is a fat piece of meat, if there are too many wolves, we can't get much meat. Chang Xia thinks that the real estate in a city is certainly developed, but if it continues, it will definitely stagnate. After all, the house price is a little too high.