Chapter 185

These problems are lingering in a Yin's heart. She feels that Mo Yang seems to be hiding something from her.

Mo Yang is also really hiding things, in fact, he is doing a test, want to try a yin for their own in the end is what kind of feeling.

Chang Xia once said something to Mo Yang before. She said that a Yin likes herself.

Mo Yang doesn't believe what Chang Xia says, but Chang Xia's words arouse his curiosity. He also wants to know whether ah Yin likes himself or not, so he pretends to be drunk in the bar and attracts some licentious women. And the result of tonight's test is out of Mo Yang's expectation. Unexpectedly, a Yin has to take herself out of the bar in order to protect herself.

More and more doubts, Mo Yang honestly said he pretended to be drunk for the test, after all finished, seriously asked: "a Yin, do you like me."

This sentence is like an ancient bell, the bell rings, deafening, a Yin whole people are frozen, do not know what to say, and the original delicate white face is red as a rose.

Mo Yang naturally finds a Yin's expression, which makes him more worried. He thinks, does a Yin really like himself? But it shouldn't be possible. I have been friends with her for so many years. If she likes me, I will definitely find out.

"Ah Yin, you tell me that it's fake. In fact, you don't like me." Mo Yang puts his hands on a Yin's shoulder, and he expects a different answer from the other side.

But a Yin has already made up her mind. She has been a turtle for 20 years, and she is not willing to continue to be a turtle. She encourages her courage. She says: "a Yang, I like you, just like you."

A word of love is like throwing a stone into a calm lake, splashing and rippling. Originally, Mo Yang, who was full of smiles, can't be dull any more. His smile becomes embarrassed, even with a kind of unwillingness to believe it.

"Is it true... Ah Yin, you can't lie to me. You must have lied to me, right?"

"I didn't cheat you, ah Yang. I really like you. I've loved you since a long time ago, but you haven't found out." With her head down, ah Yin seems very shy, and even now she is more and more careful in speaking. She has never said such a thing to Mo Yang. For the first time, she confessed that her nervous thoughts had already eaten away all her senses.

In the park at night, it seems very quiet. The cool wind blows and the leaves swing, but there is a sense of embarrassment in the air.

Mo Yang, who hasn't moved for a long time, can't help shaking his head: "why do you want to do this, a Yin, why do you want to like me? You know that you and I can only be friends, right?"


"No, you're not sorry." Mo Yang turned around and his soft face became very serious. "You're not sorry for me. Love is free. Everyone has the right to like someone. It's just me..."

In Moyang has not yet opened his mouth, a Yin helped him say that sentence: "you don't like me, do you?"

"Yes..." Mo Yang said with a hesitant tone. He didn't want to say it too absolutely. In fact, he had been wandering in his heart for a long time. After years of getting along, he and a Yinxiang were like friends and lovers. If you really want to ask whether you like it or not, Mo Yang can't give a positive answer.

But suddenly from a friend into a lover, this is Mo Yang can't accept, so he replied that he doesn't like a yin.

After listening to this, a Yin's heart has already been hurt, and he finally summoned up the courage to express himself, but he suffered such a response. Isn't this scene like a burning flame being put out by a basin of cold water?

However, the kind-hearted a Yin still covers up her heart's sadness. She doesn't want Mo Yang to see that she is sad. She thinks that if she is sad, Mo Yang will also be sad. She just shows a reluctant smile: "a Yang, it doesn't matter. You just said that love is free. Everyone has the right to like it. If you don't like me, I won't force you."

"Well..." Mo Yang nodded and answered. At this time, he quietly glanced back at a-yin and found that her pretty face revealed the taste of sadness. Even though she had a reluctant smile, she still looked full of sadness.

Mo Yang knew that he had really hurt her, so he immediately went and hugged her: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Yang, why do you say I'm sorry?"

"I want to apologize because I hurt you."

A Yin knows that Mo Yang is kind and thinks that he certainly doesn't want to see himself sad to say such words. Similarly, he doesn't want to see himself sad, so he hugs himself so intimately. But things always have to be clear, right? Since Mo Yang doesn't like herself, she doesn't need each other's pity, so she struggles to push him away: "a Yang, it's OK, really, I won't be sad, we are still friends, aren't we?"

"We are still friends, yes..."

Although it is said to be a friend, can it really be a friend? The membrane that protects each other has been pierced. Even if you pretend that nothing happened, you can't go back to that kind of laughing and relaxed relationship.

When he closed his eyes, Mo Yang suddenly took a deep breath. At the same time, many pictures flashed in his mind. It was the scene of getting along with a Yin in the past. The memories of skiing, surfing, making coffee together and going to the playground were all pleasant and happy memories.

Suddenly, as if to understand something, Mo Yang said, "ah Yin, can I answer your question again?" A Yin feels surprised and doesn't understand what Mo Yang wants to do. Why should he answer his question again? When she is ready to ask, Mo Yang has said: "I think we can become lovers, can not deny that you are a very important person in my life, I care about you, like you, the same you also care about me, like me, in that case we may have a try." Mo Yang took a Yin's hand, eyes glittering, you can see that he said this is very serious. But a Yin is afraid. She is afraid that Mo Yang says these words to comfort himself. In fact, he doesn't like himself. He just pretends to like him“ Yang, you don't need to do that. " Ah Yin shook off his hand and continued, "I like you, but I don't want to sacrifice your happiness and like me, do you understand?"“ I understand, and that's what I said. " Mo Yang wants to give himself a chance. He can't indulge all his thoughts in the past sad experience. He can't miss the beautiful woman around him just because of his predecessor. That's why he wants to be with a yin. Unfortunately, when Mo Yang was ready to make up his mind, a Yin changed his mind.