Chapter 175

A Yin lost consciousness, after a long time to make a response: "Xiao Xia, you misunderstood something, right, how can I like Yang."

"Ah Yin, do you still need to camouflage? If you camouflage, you won't be with Mo Yang all your life."

Chang Xia's words are like a big hammer, hitting a Yin's heart hard. Her eyes are flickering, like thinking about something.

Chang Xia continued: "I might as well tell you that Mo Yang has been on a blind date with my sister. Next, I plan to arrange their seven day love. You should know that Mo Yang can't refuse. He promised his cousin that he would accept the seven day love."

Chang Xia tells the story plainly. A Yin shows her expected reaction after listening to it. She bites her lips to show her anxious appearance. However, because she wants to disguise an expression that doesn't like Mo Yang, she suppresses her emotions.

Boil the water, even if it is hard to press with the lid, the water will still boil.

Love is the same, if it is already blooming flowers, even how dark can not cover up the shining of love flowers.

Chang Xia is expecting a yin to say something different, and her reaction doesn't disappoint her: "yes, I like him, I like Moyang."

"You finally admit it." Chang Xia smiles, but she finds that a Yin's head is low, like an ostrich drilling into the sand when she meets something. Although she has been frank with her feelings, she still can't admit it openly.

"Do you know how I found out that you like Moyang?" Chang Xia asked.

Ah Yin didn't speak, just shook his head. Seeing this, Chang Xia continued, "you once said that Mo Yang can't accept new love, otherwise he will collapse, but in fact it's not like this. He has recovered from his previous relationship, at least he can accept love again." After a pause, Chang Xia stressed, "so you lie. You say that because you don't want other women to approach him, because you like him."

Chang Xia is like a detective who dissects the case and unties the mystery. But when Chang Xia says everything, ah Yin seems to be relieved and relieved.

"Yes, Xiao Xia, as you said... I like him very much. I have loved him for six years, and I have known him for more than 20 years."

"But you're like a turtle with a shrunken head, and you haven't said it until now, have you?"

"Yes, I'm a shrinking turtle. I'm... Because I'm afraid that I won't even have to make friends after I declare myself. If I really don't get in touch again, I'd rather hide behind my back and like him silently." A Yin's voice is a bit like the sound of jade fragmentation, desolate and sad. I can hear that she has been suppressed for a long time.

In fact, this kind of feeling is imaginable, like a person, but there is no way to get, can only wait in silence, even watching the loved one and other people happy, that kind of feeling is how suffering, like in hell to accept the prison fire.

Chang Xia raised her hand and touched her head. Why did she do that? Chang Xia wants to comfort her, but she doesn't know what way to comfort her, so she uses the way of touching, thinking that this can ease a Yin's mood.

But a Yin claps Chang Xia's hand: "I don't need your sympathy!"

When she said this, she was very forceful, even a little angry. After reaction, she felt that her tone was too heavy and immediately apologized: "sorry, Xiao Xia, I shouldn't have said this to you."

"It doesn't matter."

Chang Xia can understand her feelings. Everything in her heart is exposed by others, just like a person without clothes. In addition, the worry that has been suppressed in her heart for many years is ignited by Chang Xia's words, which leads to extreme actions.

But things have to be solved, don't they? Chang Xia hopes that a Yin will face up to her feelings, so she asks, "do you want to be with Mo Yang? To be honest, I can help you. "

"Can you help me?"

"Yes, I can help you."

"But what about your sister..." a Yin knows that Chang Xia's main purpose before is to recommend Mo Yang to her sister, but now it's strange to say that she wants to help herself? If she helps herself, what about her sister?

Chang Xia is also contradictory at this point, but she needs to confirm one thing, that is, does a Yin like Moyang? Does Mo Yang like ah Yin again? If they like each other, Chang Xia thinks it's right to set them up.

At least Chang Xia can be sure that Mo Yang doesn't like his sister Ning Ke'er. If Mo Yang and Ning Ke'er are forced to be together, it may be a kind of harm.

"Ah Yin, you just need to tell me whether you want to be with Mo Yang or not, whether you want to express yourself."

Chang Xia asks, a Yin doesn't speak immediately, but is silent, lowers his head, like a sleeping lotus. Chang Xia didn't force her to answer immediately. After all, it's impossible for her to have an answer as soon as she asks. Ah Yin is suffering in her heart.

"Ah Yin, can you make me a cup of coffee?" Chang Xia asked suddenly.

A Yin is dumb. Chang Xia asked her to answer the question before. Now she suddenly says she wants to drink coffee, which makes a Yin at a loss. However, she still nods to say yes. When she left the table, Chang Xia suddenly added a request: "a Yin, the coffee I want is a kind of coffee that will become brave, bold and refreshing after drinking."

"This..." can't be deployed? If you can't deploy it, I won't force you. " Chang Xia said in a regretful tone, but a Yinke accepted Chang Xia's request without hesitation“ I can deploy it. Xiao Xia, you wait For a coffee maker, it's an ability to make a kind of coffee that suits the mood of the customers. A Yin has nearly ten years of professional experience in the field of coffee. She is confident that she can make a kind of coffee that is needed in summer. She is making it in the back office of the store. Chang Xia sits on the round chair with a smile on her face, because things are going smoothly and everything is going according to her plan. The purpose of Chang Xia's coming here this time is to wake up a Yin's inner feelings. No matter whether a Yin can walk with Mo Yang in the future, she has to face her real thoughts. People live all their lives. If they are afraid of this or that, they will live in vain. Ten minutes later, a Yin puts a cup of coffee in front of Chang Xia: "Yinxi coffee, Xiao Xia, try to taste it."“ Good Chang Xia took the cup and smelled it. The light coffee flavor mixed with rich milk flavor, which was added with milk and cream.