Chapter 154

Then Chang Xia walked a lot of roads. The road was rugged and covered with skeletons. Occasionally, there were spots of blood. It looked very bloody and terrible. Chang Xia can't help the nausea of tumbling in her abdomen. Under the escort of ox head and horse face, she finally meets Yama.

Yama is a big, middle-aged man with a thick black beard, a black hat and a red official uniform.

"Who is the ghost under the stage?" Yama patted a startling, which asked, Chang Xia honestly told him who he was and why he died. When Yama heard this, he pitied Chang Xia very much and said, "it turns out that you died to save your lover. It's really pitiful."

"No!" Chang Xia suddenly retorted, "I'm not saving my lover. Although Qi Qian is my husband, he's not my lover."

"It's not your lover, so you don't like him?" Yama asked in amazement. When he asked, his eyes were green and looked a little scary.

But Chang Xia was not afraid and answered honestly, "I don't know whether I like him or not, but he can't be called my lover."

"If it's not love, why did you save him?"

"Because I want to repay him, I owe him a favor, so I want to repay him."

"Bold, you lie!" Yama began to question. When he questioned, the green eyes of his eyes sent out beams of light, which shone on Chang Xia's heart, which was very strange.

Yama explained that the light from his eyes can see through people's hearts and tell lies. Just after his judgment, Chang Xia is obviously a liar. If Chang Xia doesn't want to be put into the animal way, he should be honest.

Then Chang Xiake was innocent. Blinking her eyes, she thought for a long time and didn't think of a reason.

"I really want to repay my kindness. Is it for love?"

"Bold ghost, can't you tell the difference between kindness and love? Originally, I pitied you for being devoted to my husband and wanted to put you into humanity to be a human again, but I can see that you are so confused that you can't even tell the true from the false. I think you should be a beast."

"Ah? Don't, don't... have something to say. " Chang Xia waved repeatedly, but Yama didn't listen at all. He picked up the plume card in front of the wooden platform and threw it on the ground. The ox heads and horses on both sides immediately took Chang Xia out.

Chang Xia was taken to the cave in the depths of hell. There are six caves, which clearly represent the six samsara.

There are six ways of reincarnation: humanity, heaven, hungry ghost, hell, beast and Asura. Isn't this the way of reincarnation!

Chang Xia hopes to enter heaven or humanity. At least she didn't do anything wrong in her last life. To be honest, she secretly took a skirt from her roommate when she was in college and forgot to wash it. In addition, Chang Xia is doing well in his life. Why should he put himself into the animal way? In case of bad luck, he may become a pig, which is to be eaten!

If you really become a pig, you might as well enter the evil ghost road. The prototype of evil ghosts is still human.

When niutoumamian and Changxia are trying to push her into the animal Road, Changxia struggles, and the other pushes her hard. She just grabs the arm of niutoumamian.

"You are not allowed to push me, I will not die down, let me be a pig, no way."

Niutoumamian can be provoked to anger, they are on the command of the king of hell to carry out the task, before the escort of those ghosts are very honest, who thought that this woman actually dare to resist.

Yama wants you to die in the third shift, so you don't want to stay until the sixth shift. They look at each other, suddenly lift a foot and directly kick Chang Xia into the animal path. But Chang Xia is very clever. When the other kicks herself, she immediately releases her hand, and takes the lead in jumping across the animal path and running to another reincarnation path. According to her idea, she has to be a human at least, So it's humane for her to jump to the hole.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to enter the humane society, the ox head suddenly took out an iron bar and beat Chang Xia. Chang Xia was directly photographed on the animal road.

"Plop" a loud noise, Chang Xia from the animal road out, become a pig!

The dream is broken, the smoke is gone, the false is true, the true is false, all of a sudden Chang Xia "ah" to cry up, eyes open, she found herself lying in bed, forehead sweat drops drop big drop, Chang Xia suddenly found that what she just saw is a dream.

Now she sat on the bed and touched her body with her hand. She found that she was still a person. She was not a pig.

"Great, great, I didn't become a pig." Chang Xia said happily, but when she said it, she suddenly realized that it was a little strange that she was not dead? In order to save Qi Qian and heart transplantation, the final injection of cyanide and euthanasia, according to the truth, she should die, how is still alive?

"Strange..." Chang Xia murmurs and raises her head. Suddenly, she finds a handsome man looking at her. It's Qi Qian!

"Why are you!" Chang Xia is puzzled and shouts. When she finds Qi Qian, Chang Xia immediately looks around. She doesn't know when she is sleeping on the operating table in the hospital. Instead, she goes back to Qi's old house, which is the main bedroom on the third floor.

What's the matter? Chang Xia has many questions in her head. Originally, Chang Xia should have died. Now she not only hasn't died, but also goes back to Qi's home. The most important thing is to see Qi Qian standing in front of her face“ Qi Qian, didn't you have an accident? You don't even have a heart transplant that fast Chang Xia jumps down from the bed and touches Qi Qian's arm with both hands. He finds that everything is in good condition and there is no damage at all. What's the matter with this? Chang Xia is so numb that he is completely stupid. Qi Qian made a wry smile and touched Chang Xia's head with his hand: "I'm sorry."“ I'm sorry? Why do you say I'm sorry? "“ Because I lied to you. In fact, the car accident is fake. Everything is fake. It's just a test. "“ Test Chang Xia exclaimed in surprise, what kind of test is this? Are all the things that happened in the hospital before acting? Is Qi Qian lying on the hospital bed with blood stains also an illusion? Chang Xia can't believe it. Qi Qian explained that he made a bet with a man on whether Chang Xia would come to save himself when his life was in danger. Fortunately, Chang Xia passed the test. In this test, Chang Xia was willing to sacrifice her heart to save Qi Qian. What Chang Xia had seen before was all fake, including doctors and nurses in the hospital, as well as those media reporters. As for Qi Qian's shocking injuries on the operating table before, they were created through special effects makeup.