But situ Yan was surprised that he was still alive.

At this time, old man Yi looked at situ Yan and asked, "do you remember who you are? Where did it come from? You have been in a coma for more than a year. We found you at the seaside a year ago. You were seriously injured at that time. "

what? more that a year? Situ Yan was a little surprised, and his eyes became low again.

This old man said he was in a coma for a year? So it's 2020?


But at this time, he suddenly found that the clothes of the three people in front of him were a little different. He wanted to wear some minority clothes, but he had never seen such minority clothes.

There used to be a lot of people from different areas in the army.

"Thank you for saving me. I will meet all your requirements unconditionally, as long as I can do it." Situ Yan said in a low and domineering voice.

The first time ivandi heard his name, it turned out that his name was situ Yan, which was very nice and in line with him.

Old man Yi, listen to what he said. Is his surname situ? This surname is rare. It seems that he is really an outsider.

"Now that I'm awake, please borrow your phone. I'll contact someone." Situ Yan said.

Now it's time for old man Yi and Ivan Yier to look sad.

Contact? Contact who? And what is a phone? They don't have any contact with the outside.

But situ Yan looked at their silence and narrowed his eyes. Yifan felt that he was angry.

Immediately explained: "well, brother situ, it's not that we don't help you. What's the phone you said? We haven't heard of it. "

Ivan doesn't know what to call him. It's not good to call him by his full name, and it seems that he is older than her, so call him big brother.

At this time, situ Yan turned his head and looked at the talking Yifan. For a while, he was looking at her, but the next second he moved his eyes.

Then he frowned. They didn't know what the phone was? Obviously, when they ask this question again, as long as it's what he wants, there won't be. Where is it?

This place is so backward that even people here don't know that there is a thing called telephone in the world.

Situ Yan's face became deep in an instant. He didn't annoy the people here, but himself, because he just wanted to contact the woman at the moment. After so long, would she... He didn't dare to think

And before he was so seriously injured, there is no equipment here, people here can actually cure him.

"How long will it take for my hands and feet to recover?" Situ Yan looks at old man Yi to ask a way.

"At least it will take more than two months. Now you can only recover slowly, and you can't be too anxious. Otherwise, your muscles will be damaged, and it will backfire." He explained.

More than two months. No, it's too long. He can't wait that long.

In the end, situ Yan didn't ask any more, because in the next few days, he had a clear understanding.

What he didn't expect was that he was in country a, because this is the boundary of country a.

He came out from what he heard them say. As the head of a country, these coordinate maps have been stored in his mind for a long time.

But now the only problem is that he has no way to contact people outside, and what surprised him here is that they have lived here since their grandparents and never left. This is the first time he has met such a primitive race.

And people in country a have never found such a place.

This day, situ Yan as usual began to do exercise, exercise muscles, he wants to leave here as soon as possible.

So the speed of his recovery is amazing.

Yi's family are very surprised, especially old man Yi, because he is the one who knows his injury best. People who have been lying for so long want to walk on the ground. If their physique is better, it will take about a month. If their physique is checked, it will take at least two to three months.

But it took situ Yan only a week to start moving.

How good is the man's physique, not to mention that he has been lying for a year, actually

In fact, at the beginning, he found that his bones were amazing. They were more special than ordinary people. They must have been trained for a long time, or they were born.

And Yi fan is more and more admire situ Yan, this man from wake up, gas field charm more powerful.

But what depressed her was that he had never talked to her since he woke up that day, let alone looked at her.

"What's the matter?" she asked, looking at her sister in a daze

Yi Fan didn't speak, but looked at somewhere in a daze. Yi Er followed her eyes and looked in the direction of situ Yan's room. At the moment, he was doing rehabilitation training inside, but no one was allowed to enter.

IL also understood why his sister was so sad. In fact, to be honest, he was not optimistic about it at the beginning, because they were not the same people, which was obvious.

"Ivan, listen to my brother. He's not for you." Il was serious.

But she didn't seem to listen.

"Why?" Ivan asked.

IL sighed.

"Because you are not the same people, and he will always leave here, he does not belong here."

In fact, situ Yan is training his muscles every day and night to recover as soon as possible. There is only one reason why he wants to shorten his recovery time and leave here as soon as possible.

"If you get into a corner, you'll get hurt."


G. China.

The summer treatment is coming to the final stage.

"Ma'am, the next moment is crucial, so we need his help." Night white looking at Leng Mushan said.

She also knew who he meant.


Leng Mushan had already found Xiang Yuhang before, and he agreed to help her.

Country a.

Jino is listening to Xiang Yuhang on the phone. The voice from the phone is female voice, and Xiang Yuhang's voice is very gentle at the moment.

Zino was a little upset.

She has been in Xiangyuan for more than half a year. She has never seen brother hang answer a woman's phone so gently. She wants to know who the woman is.

Xiang Hangyu hangs up Leng Mushan's phone, then takes Ji Nuo into his arms. He doesn't see the expression on Ji Nuo's face.

Then Gino heard the deep magnetic sound of the spacecraft overhead.

"I'm going to country g tomorrow."

Zino did not immediately respond, but he bowed his head in his mind to fill the picture.

Brother Hang is going to go to G country. Is it the woman who just called? Is she from G country? Suddenly she remembered that for several years, brother hang stayed in country g, so did he really go to see the woman on the phone when he went to country G?

And just because of a phone call, we are going to abandon her, G country

Xiang Yuhang didn't hear the girl's voice. He frowned. He heard that he was going out. Didn't he say anything?