Chapter 1076

Speaking of this, Su Yulian was silent: "in fact, Dad, I didn't expect that this time I would be like this. Maybe it's really the confidence you gave me!"

Mr. Su couldn't laugh or cry: "we gave you confidence in those years, but how could you always be bullied by her?"

Qi Zijin and Qi Yingchen can't stand it. Qi Zijin says, "grandfather, mom, can you tell us what happened before that? Why don't we know anything? "

Su Yulian sighed: "it was a long time ago. When I was in junior high school, I was with Meng meihui. She came up to me and said she wanted to be good friends with me. I didn't think so much about it. I thought it would be nice to have one more friend, so I agreed."

"But after I became good friends with her, what I didn't expect was that I often lost either this or that. At the beginning, it was just a small thing, but it gradually became a big thing. Although the conditions of our family were very good at that moment, I was always so uncomfortable losing it."

"Then one day, I found out that Meng meihui had taken all my things. At that time, I was very angry. I asked her why she did this. Do you know how she told me? She said, "we are good friends. What's wrong with her taking my things? Isn't that normal?"

Qi Zijin speechless: "how normal, as long as without permission, take the value of more than how much money things, belong to theft, is to be sentenced!"

"Yes, I know that, but she was very angry at that time and said to me, Su Yulian, you are so mean. I just took some useless things from you. In that case, I don't think we should be friends in the future!"

Qi Son Jin says angrily: "don't be a friend, don't be a friend, who would like to have a friend like her?"

"Yes, that's what I thought at that time, but I didn't think that this woman was still maligning me from other classmates after we broke up with each other. You don't know how angry I am. I really..."

In advance of the past, Su Yulian is still angry.

Qi Zijin also feels that such a woman is really too much.

"When your grandfather knew about it, he wanted to go to her, but I didn't agree. I always felt that if Dad went, it would be like bullying her. At that time, Meng meihui got here from the countryside, and there was nothing at home. As you know, my heart is soft, so... "

"Anyway, at that time your grandfather also told me that such a person can't be used to it, otherwise it will be even worse in the future. I didn't listen to him at that time and let it go. But what I didn't expect was that she was very capable of letting all the students in the class not talk to me or play with me. I was very lonely at that moment."

Qi Zijin also knows that in this world, there are so many such people, and he doesn't know what their heart is so bad for?

"Anyway, I didn't live a very good life in junior high school. I finally got to senior high school. I didn't expect to go to another school with her. It's not that I didn't want to transfer, but your grandfather didn't let me. Your grandfather said, "I just want to escape. I have to face this fact."