Chapter 1047

Kevin hears the sound of the helicopter and comes out of the house. As expected, he sees Qi Zijin.

Kevin looked at her with some worry: "is this really OK?"

"What can I do? I has the final say."

Kevin is still very moved, because Qi Zijin in order to help him, even this kind of running away from home things can do.

However, will this make Qinbei city more angry?

Qi Zi Jin said, "nothing is wrong. I has the final say."

Then, whether Kevin agreed or not, he went in first.

Kevin: --

I always feel that Qi Zijin and Qin Beicheng are angry because of his affairs. If so, does Qin Beicheng want to recognize himself more?

Most of all, he doesn't want to make them both angry about his business, OK?

Kevin thought about it and walked in.

Qi Zijin is the one who comes here to enjoy the decoration of his house.

Sure enough, they are artists, but they are different. Every decoration in the room is very exquisite.

Qi Zijin looked at it for a long time, then turned his head and asked: "before, I thought you just opened such a company. I didn't expect that uncle you have such talent in painting."

Kevin said with a smile: "at that time, the reason why my mother in North City liked me was because I was a talented person. She was conquered by my paintings and then by me."

Maybe Kevin's heart is still soft when he thinks about the past.

Qi Son Jin side walks to see at the same time, she pour is very interested in their two affairs.

Qi Zijin asked: "uncle, can you tell me something about you two?"

Kevin laughs: "of course, although it's been so many years, I still remember every detail when I was with her."

Then he began to talk.

"At that time, she was always a very beautiful and kind-hearted woman. Her profession was a doctor, and she was very talented in this aspect. But because of this, her kindness always made some women jealous, but it made men full of protection."

"Many men like her very much, but she is not the kind of woman who depends on her superior conditions to have any relationship with many men. She keeps a good distance from them every time. That's why more men like her. "

"I'm one of them. I often go to ask her out, or even do all kinds of things to pursue her, but I don't move her heart until one chance, she participated in my painting exhibition. Of course, my painting exhibition didn't tell her directly, but told her best friend that her best friend helped to bring her to my painting exhibition, She realized that I was such a talented person. "

"Since then, she has changed her view of me, and I have used my talent to get close to her. Of course, you know, many men will be jealous when they see this. We have gone through a lot of hardships and finally got together."

"But we haven't been together for a long time, and it's not very good. My father doesn't like our son. He often obstructs her, and even puts pressure on her work, so that she can't stay in the hospital."