Chapter 1028

Qi Zijin doesn't mind to let him know what happened during his absence. After all, the more he knows, he can feel guilty.

At the beginning, he could walk a hundred, but what about the people over there? Did he ever think about it?

"At that time, my grandfather had a good relationship with Mr. mo. when he was dying, he entrusted me to Mr. mo. moreover, since I was a child, I liked Mo Jinhan and always wanted to be his wife. Later, it happened that his kidney was compatible with mine, so I forced him to marry me."

"But before long, he didn't want me. He forced me to be pregnant with a child from Beicheng and then threw me into a mental hospital... If I hadn't escaped, met Beicheng and helped me deliver our child smoothly, maybe I would have died now."

Kevin can't believe looking at her: "Jin Han, Jin Han is actually a person who can do such things?"

Qi Zijin sniffed and said: "otherwise, what do you think? These things are just skin deep. He has done many poisonous things, and I can't tell you one by one. "

Kevin didn't seem to be able to believe it. He sat there and didn't know what to say.

Qi Zijin didn't care what he was thinking now. He continued: "however, the first one to leave is not Mo Jinhan, but Mo Laozi."

When Kevin heard this, he quickly asked, "do you think my father has gone, too?"

"Yes, Mo Jinhan left just a few days after master Mo left. However, when Mo Jinhan left, he helped to solve your two younger brothers, and they didn't come to a good end. As for their children, although they are not dead, they have left Mohism. "

"Now Mohism belongs to Beicheng."

Kevin can't believe how much has happened since he left home nearly 30 years ago.

"How could that be? How could that be? "

Qi Zijin continued: "many times, although Beicheng and Jinhan don't tell each other, they also hate you and resent you. Why can't you stay as the head of the family and have to leave? Do you know how much trouble your leaving will cause to many people?"

"If you were here, would you avoid some of these things today? Mr. Kevin, think for yourself, isn't it? "


Mr. Kevin suddenly didn't know what to say.

Qi Zijin continued to accuse: "I don't know how much pain it is. It can make you give up a home, give up your children, and just leave. Mr. Kevin, don't you think your writing is very irresponsible?"

Mr. Kevin has no way to refute. It's true that he's done something wrong. For so many years, he's living a good life outside. He never thought his children would encounter these things. He's really... Sorry for them.

But what's the use of saying "I'm sorry"? It's just that he's wrong, and can his children accept his apology?

Qi Zijin looked at him and shook his head helplessly: "Mr. Kevin, do you know? Most of the time, I hope to find you. At least there is a relative in Beicheng. But more often, I don't want to find you. I'm thinking that Beicheng has been reluctant to find you. In fact, he just doesn't want to see you! "