Qin Beicheng spoke to him very gently, "we don't blame her. Besides, Jiang Yao has a good relationship with us. This matter is over in the past, and you don't have to think too much."

Qi Yingchen nodded.

After a while, he seemed to think of something and asked, "before they said I had a cousin, what's the matter?"

Qin Beicheng really should tell him about it, "it's still from your sister's brain tumor..."

Some things can't let him know completely. After all, it's not the right time to talk about them. What if something goes wrong when he gets emotional?

However, just heard that Qi Zijin has brain tumor, Qi Yingchen has been very nervous.

"How can my sister have a brain tumor?"

"In fact, when you find out about leukemia, she's already found out about brain tumors."

Qi Yingchen's vision slowly falls on Qi Zijin's side. Maybe he was too tired before, and he hasn't woken up yet.

"But don't worry, she's all right now."

Qinbei city next Qi Zijin how to meet Su family, and after what happened to say.

Qi Yingchen said incredulously: "my mother is the daughter of the Su family in Yuncheng, and my father... Doesn't know anything?"

Qin Beicheng nodded.

Qi Yingchen mocked: "it's ironic that he hopes to get more money all his life, but he never knows that if he has to take good care of the people around him, he will have more money. He will come to the end now, and he deserves it."

Although Qi Yingchen is young, he has a clear idea of some things.

"Yes, in the past three years when you didn't come back, a lot of things have really happened here, but they are all preparing for a better future. Otherwise, you see, after clearing up those things, how can you come back so soon? "

Obviously, Qinbei city welcomes his return.

Qi Yingchen didn't know why. Although he didn't spend a long time with him, he liked him very much.

"Brother in law, thank you for taking care of my sister for such a long time."

"Don't say that. There have been some things between us, but anyway, it's all over. The future of your sister and I, and your future, will be good."

"My future?" Qi Yingchen's blank face: "it's a miracle that I can live till now. I don't expect to have a future at all."

Qin Beicheng knew that although he was young, many things had happened in the underground organization after so long, which forced him to grow up.


"Yingchen, I want to tell you something. I hope you won't be surprised."

Qi Yingchen looks at him puzzled.

"This time you are in a bad situation. You may leave us at any time, but someone has saved you."

Qi Yingchen didn't understand him.

"It's Yao Yao, my son!"

Qi Yingchen looks at him strangely. He remembers that the child was born when he just left. Isn't there something wrong with what he said? Now it's just a three-year-old child. How can he save people?

"Maybe it's mysterious to you, but the fact is that it exists. The last time your sister had an accident, he had an operation to save people. Yao Yao is a genius in this field."